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1、20152015年湖南省教师招聘考试英语语法复习提纲:年湖南省教师招聘考试英语语法复习提纲:非谓语动词非谓语动词( (一一) )1.概念和功能:做非谓语成分(主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、宾补)的动词形式,包括-ing 分词,不定式和-ed 分词。2.非谓语动词使用条件:一个简单句里只能有一个谓语动词,是主要动作;如果还需要用动词,则只能用非谓语动词作其它成分,表示次要动作 (如果一个句子里面有两个或两个以上的谓语动词,必定各自有自己的主语,每一套主谓结构实际就是一个小简单句,每两个小简单句之间应该有连词来表达它们之间的逻辑关系,这样的大句子就不是简单句,而是复杂句了)。3.各种非谓语动词的形

2、式和意义(时间含义和时态):1)不定式:(1)to do:A.意义:多表后时,后于主要动作(一般为谓语动作)发生;少数动词表示和主要动作相比是一个常态或者经常发生或者是一个泛指动作;多表示主动关系,少数表示和相关名词或代词有动宾关系B.句法功能:可作除谓语之外的任何成分(主,宾,表,定,状,宾补)C.例句:To be a teacher is my dream. (主)I dont want to drink.(宾)Her intention is to advocate foreign language study.(表)I am advertising for a young woman

3、to look after my baby.(定,主动关系)She has nobody to talk with.(定,动宾关系)She worked day and night to work out a solution.(状)Parents expect their children to succeed.(宾补)(2)to be done:A.意义:时间关系同 to do;表示被动关系B.句法功能:同 to do.C.例句: Its nothing funny to be called a liar.(主,泛指动作)I dont want to be made to eat dog

4、food.(宾)My dream is to be accepted by Oxford University.(表)The meeting to be held is about environmental protection. (定)To be protected by the police, she has to report to them about her situation. (状) The children wanted their efforts to be appreciated.(宾补 ) (3)to be doing / to have done / to have

5、been done / to have been doing:A.意义:与主要动作完全同时(正在进行);主动关系/先于主要动作发生;主动关系/先于主要动作发生;被动关系/在主要动作之前开始一直延续到主要动作或者在主要动作之前某一点时刻正在发生;主动关系B.句法功能:这四种形式的不定式一般只和固定搭配中使用,如:seem/appear/pretend/be likely/be said/bethought/be considered/ be reported/be believed /be supposed / turn out /mean/intend 等+不定式C.例句:They prete

6、nded to be fighting when the police passed by. = They pretended that they were fightingThey are said to have cloned animals before. = Its said that they have clonedShe is likely to have been trained as a zoo keeper. = Its likely that she was trained as a zoo keeper.She is reported to have been worki

7、ng on the plan these days. = Its reported that she has been working on2)ing 分词(1)doingA.意义:与主要动作相比是同时关系,有时候表示是一个泛指动作;主动关系(表示泛指动作时是动作发出者是泛指的任何人)B.句法功能:可作除谓语之外的任何成分(主,宾,表,定,状,宾补)C.例句:Praising children can work better than criticizing them.(主/宾,泛指动作) Teachers enjoy pointing out their students mistakes.

8、 (宾) Seeing is believing.(主/表,泛指动作) scientists pushing ahead with the research(定) Using up the Earths coal and oil reserves, the human race has to find alternative energy.(状) Keep the ball rolling(宾补)(2)being doneA.意义:时间关系同 doing。被动关系。B.句法功能:主,宾,表,定,状,宾补C.Being built, the bridge suddenly collapsed.(

9、状) Being interfered with while studying can be the worst thing.(主) the boy being beaten (定) I cant stand being blamed for nothing wrong.(宾) What I really enjoy is being amused by stand-ups. (表) Seeing the front door being painted, I got in through the back door.(3)having doneA.意义:先于主要动作发生;主动关系B.句法功能

10、:多做状语,有时做主,宾,表(不做定语和宾补)C.例句:I am sorry for having been / being late for the assembly yesterday.(宾)Having done a similar job before gives him an advantage over me.(主)The only thing you can tell him is your having worked as a teacher.(表) Having worked as a primary school teacher, he soon adapted to be

11、ing with children.(状)(4)having been doneA.意义:先于主要动作发生;被动关系。做状语时,如果不需要特别强调此一动作发生在先, having been 可省略。但如果强调已发生多少次或多久, 最好不省略。B.句法功能:同 having doneC.例句:Having been criticized for making a small mistake really upsets me.(主)I admit having been / being fired by the company.(宾) What I told her is my having be

12、en employed by the company. (表) (Having been) Educated in Scotland, he knows British table manners well.(状)Having been humiliated several times, he didnt want to attend these parties any more.3)doneA.意义:多表示先于主要动作发生(但持续性动词一般没有这个含义,而是表示是一个常态);被动关系B.句法功能:定,状,表,宾补(做状语时有时可以和 having been done 互换。见上解释。C.例句

13、:the subject discussed at the meeting (定) (Having been)Completed, the building looks very beautiful.(状) The lake is heavily polluted.(表) They left the houses destroyed.(宾补)4.非谓语动词短语的否定构成:not 或其它否定词+非谓语动词短语5.非谓语动词短语的逻辑主语:就是非谓语动词的动作或状态的拥有者。1)通常来说:(1)非谓语动词短语作状语时,逻辑主语是句子的主语。如:Having a rich father, he ha

14、d no problem paying for college.(2)作定语时,逻辑主语是被修饰的名词。如:The librarian helping me find a book。(3)作宾语时,逻辑主语是句子主语。如:I cant help laughing.(4)作主语时,逻辑主语泛指任何人或语境中的某人某物。如:Building a road up a mountain takes years.(5)作宾补时,逻辑主语是宾语。如:They forced me to accept that.(6)作表语时,逻辑主语是句子主语。如:The lion is frightening.2)自带逻

15、辑主语,其中:(1)在不定式前加 for sb / sth 表示逻辑主语,如:For my son to get more exercise, I made him walk to school.(2)直接在ing 分词的加上名词表示逻辑主语;-ing 分词作主语和宾语时也可以用名词所有格或形容词性物主限定词作逻辑主语,-ing 分词作宾语时还可以用宾格人称代词作逻辑主语。如:My father / My fathers / His being ill worries me.I dont mind Tom / Toms / his / him using my car.My father be

16、ing ill, I cant concentrate on my work.(3)在-ed 分词前直接加名词,不能用人称代词或物主限定词。如:His work not finished, Frank felt relaxed.Tom caught cheating in the exam, I decided to stop doing that.6.非谓语动词的习惯搭配:非谓语动词的用法除了上表中的一般规律外,还有很多习惯搭配,需要大家平时积累记忆。如:只能接-ing 作宾语的动词、只能接不定式作宾语的动词、两者都可以接意义无差别的动词和两者都可以接但有区别的动词。略。更多湖南省教师招聘考试信息及备考资料见:湖南教师招聘网(http:/


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