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1、承认错误需要勇气无论是在工作中还是在生活上,改正错误已经成为人们成长的一大动力。有时候,所 谓的成功并不是看谁的能力更强,而是看谁犯错误后能及时改正。从这个意义上来讲,工 作本身实际上是一个不断犯错、不断改正,以求少犯错的地方。所以:我们就需要勇于承 认错误,并能尽快改正错误。 工作中,一个人犯了错误,必定是他的行为或行为的结果偏离了公司的规章制度,或 者是他的做法偏离了自己的目标。如果你认为自己错了,那就要勇于承认错误。其实犯错 是常事,在工作中犯个错误并不可怕,可怕的是犯错了却死不承认。有些人知道自己错了, 但碍于面子、自尊,他们总是顾左右而言他,要么说同事不协作,要么说时间不够,要么 说

2、指令不清,最后耍无赖地来一句“我不太清楚、我没经验等” 。嘴硬是因为心虚,如果自 己的心够坚强,承认一个错误又有何难呢?对于一些本不涉及原则的小错误,承认它们也 并不会有损你的形象和地位,如果你一再拒绝认错、推诿塞责,无疑告诉别人你缺乏责任 感。当然,勇于承认错误也是有技巧的。不要真的以为承认错误就是要把责任全部揽到自 己身上,犯错后,你有必要做简单扼要的澄清,注意是澄清,不是推卸或者把其他人也拖 下水。犯错不要紧,关键是改的快。在认识到错误、承认错误的时候,你就应该想好用怎 样的措施改正错误,这样也可以体现你的快速应变能力以及解决问题的能力。有些人因为职位高,对于自己所犯的过错没有勇气承认,

3、尽管他可能已经反思了自己, 但是这样拒绝承认错误,无法体现他的坦荡与大度,也无法体现他改正错误的信心及能力, 更无法为下属营造一种良好的氛围。既然你是领导,你自然有过人之处,但这并不表示你 是完美无缺的,也不表示所有的工作你都可以游刃有余的完成。你所在的部门的工作并不 可能由你一个人来完成,而需要你的下属和你一起来完成。你需要做的是充分调动他们的 积极性,充分发挥他们的长处,而不是总想在各个方面都比下属强,因而不敢承认自己的 不足。对于你的下属来说,一个勇于承认自己错误的上司,要比时时处处都表现的超人一 等的上司好的多。The courage to admit mistakes ( work

4、Capriccio )Whether in life or at work, it has been growing a great power for peoole to correct errors timely .Sometimes, success is not to see who is the ability ,but rather than who make mistakes corrected faster. In this sense, the work itself is a mistake, constantly correct, in order to make few

5、er mistakes. So: we need the courage to admit its mistakes, and correct mistakes as soon as possible.At work, a person made a mistake, must be his behavior or behavioral results deviate from the rules of the company, or his practice deviated from his own goal. If you think you are wrong, you should

6、admit errors. In fact, mistakes are common, at work to make a mistake is not terrible, terrible is wrong but he would not admit it. Some people know their own fault, but because of the face, self-esteem, they always look the other way, or that colleagues cooperation, or that the lack of time, or tha

7、t the instruction is not clear, the rogue a sentence“ I dont know, I have no experience“. Hard is because of a guilty conscience, if your heart is strong enough to admit a mistake, what is difficult? For some this is not related to the principle of small mistakes, admit they are and not detrimental

8、to your image and status, if you repeatedly refused to apologize, shuffle Saize, undoubtedly tell others your lack of sense of responsibility.Of course, there are skills to the courage to admit mistakes. Dont really think that admitting the mistake is to put the responsibilities of all money into hi

9、s body, make mistakes, it is necessary for you to do simple clarification, attention is clarified, not shirk or take other people down. Doesnt matter if you make mistakes, the key is to change quickly. In recognition of the mistakes, admit mistakes, you should think how to measure correct errors, it

10、 can also reflect your rapid response capabilities and the ability to solve problems.Some people because of high position, for his own mistakes do not have the courage to admit that, although he may have to rethink their, but it refused to acknowledge the mistake, unable to reflect his magnanimous a

11、nd tolerant, also cannot show his confidence and ability to correct the error, to create a good atmosphere of subordinate. Since you are a leader, your natural attractions, but it does not mean that you are be the pink of perfection, is not to say that all the work you can do a job with skill and ea

12、se of completion. Your work is not possible by you alone to complete, but need your subordinates and you work together to finish. You need to do is to fully arouse their enthusiasm, give full play to their strengths, rather than always wanted in all respects than subordinates, and therefore did not dare to admit their own shortcomings. For your subordinates, a brave enough to admit his error boss, than to always have the performance of the Superman as a boss is much better.2012 Baidu 使用百度前必读|翻译协议|建议与反馈|帮助


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