人教版PEP英语六年级下册-PEP8 Unit1 Part B 练习

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1、PEP8 Unit 1 Part B 综合练习镇海区骆驼实验学校 顾寅一、单词辩音,选出画线部分读音不同的一个(5%) ( )1. A. bike B. dive C. big ( )2. A. books B. bags C. cakes ( )3. A. tail B. day C. hat ( )4. A. pine B. baby C. pain ( )5. A. whales B. sharks C. sperm 二、写出下列单词的比较级(5%)1. many 2. new _ 3. fast 4. easy 5. big. 6. weak 7. large 8. happy 9.

2、good 10.little 三、选出下列每组单词中不同的一个(5%)( )1. A. feet B. finger C. teeth( )2. A. long B. age C. weight( )3. A. foot B. centimeter C. gram( )4. A. seal B. whale C. fish( )5. A. heavier B. long C. thinner四、选择题(10%) ( )1. _ tail is longer.A. He B. She C. His ( )2. Im _ than you.A. heavier and taller B. heav

3、y and taller C. heavier and tall ( )3. My arms are longer than _.A. you B. yours C. your ( )4. -How _ are your feet? -I wear size 17.A. old B. size C. big ( )5. My legs are longer than _.A. Mike B. Mikes C. Mikes ( )6. Im 3 _ taller than you.A. cm B. m C. km ( )7. Zhang Peng is five _ tall.A. foots

4、B. feets C. feet ( )8. His legs are 85 cm _.A. length B. long C. longer ( )9. The baby has only 6 _.A. tooths B. teeth C. tooth ( )10. -How _ are you? -Im 35 kgA. heavier B. heavyer C. heavy五、选用下面的单词,并用单词的适当形式填空。每个词只能用一次(5%) young long tall old thin (1) Monkeys tail is _ than the rabbits tail. (2)My

5、 brother is _than me. (3) Mike is 11 years old .John is 12 years old. Mike is _ than John. (4) The giraffe is 440 cm _. (5) Tom is 40 kg . Jim is 42 kg . Tom is _ than Jim. 六、选用适当的标点符号连词成句, 注意大小写(10%)1 you, heavy, are, how2 thinner, than, Im, shorter, and, you3 fish, big, is, how, your4 38, tail, ab

6、out, its, cm, is, long5 do, like, which, you, monkey七、仔细阅读下列表格,根据表格中的内容补全句子(10%)Wu YifanMikeHeight (cm)160163Weight (kg)5149Feet (size)38401.Wu Yifan wears _. Mike wears _. Wu Yifans feet are _ than Mikes. 2.Wu Yifan is _ heavy. He is _ _ Mike. 3.Wu Yifan is _ tall. He is _ _ Mike. 4.Mike is _ cm ta

7、ller than Wu Yifan. 八、阅读理解(15%) (1) Hello! Im Lucy. Im an American girl. Im 12 years old. Im 155 cm and 41kg. I like singing and dancing. Every morning I go to school with my good friend Amy. We go to school on foot. Amy is 11 years old. Shes 2 kg heavier than me. But Im 3 cm taller than her. We stu

8、dy in Xiang Yan Primary School. Lily is my sister. Shes one year older than me. She likes sports. She is taller and stronger than me. 根据短文的内容, 判断下列各句话的正误,正确的写 T, 错误的写 F(5%) 1. Lucy is older than Amy. ( ) 2. Amy is 158 cm tall. ( ) 3. Lily is 2 years older than Lucy. ( ) 4. Amy is 3 kg heavier than L

9、ucy. ( ) 5. Lily is stronger and taller than Lucy. . ( ) (2)NameYao MingLiu XiangHeight (cm)226188Weight (kg)13474Age2724SportPlaying basketballRunning 仔细阅读上面的表格,选择正确的答案(10%) ( )1. Liu Xiang is _ than Yao Ming.A. tall B. taller C. shorter D. short ( )2. Yao Ming is _ than Liu Xiang.A. smaller B. big

10、ger C. heavier D. thinner ( )3. Liu Xiang is _ years _ than Yao Ming.A. 5 ;older B. 3 ; younger C. 5 ;younger D. 3 ;older ( )4. Yao Ming is _ cm than Liu Xiang.A.38 ; taller B. 38; shorter C. 60; taller D. 60; shorter ( )5. Yao Ming plays basketball _ than Liu Xiang, but Liu Xiang runs _ than Yao Ming.A. better, fast B. good, fasterC. good, fast D. better, faster 九、写作(5%)比较你和你好朋友的年龄、身高、体重、爱好等,用英文写一段话(不少 于五句) 。


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