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1、1小学五年级英语第六单元班级 姓名 成绩 一、听音,选择(共 10 题,每小题 1 分)( )1、A. twelve B. twenty C. twentieth ( )2、A. first B. third C. fifty ( )3、A. spy B. try C. fly ( )4、A. queen B. quiet C. quite ( )5、A. class B. grass C. glass( )6、A. 10:15 B.12:10 C .10:50 ( )7、A. 5093763 B.5324343 C.5094764 ( )8、A. reading a book B. read

2、ing a letter C.reading a report( )9、A. play B.say C.day( )10、A. swimming B.swinging C. sleeping二、听音,判断对错(共 10 题,每小题 1 分) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10.( )三、听问题,选答句(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分)( )1、A. Yes,Im. B.Yes, I am. C.Yes,we are.( )2、A. Yes, she is. B. Shes swimming. C.Hes swim

3、ming.2( )3、A. No,it isnt. B. Yes,they are. C. Yes,we are.( )4、A. Its in the park. B. Hes in the classroom. C.Shes in the school.( )5、A.My mother is cooking. B. Hes cooking. C. No, she isnt.四、听音,填词(共 5 题 10 空,每空 1 分)1、Are _ cooking? No, _ not.2、_she insects? Yes, she is.3、Where is Zhang Peng? Hes _th

4、e woods. 4、_are they_? Theyre _.5、Look! Shes _ _us. 五、听一段对话, 判断下列五个句子的对错。 (10 分)( )1、Today is Teachers Day.( )2、Today is fine.( )3、We are having a picnic in the forest.( )4、Amy and Miss White are catching butterflies.( ) 5、Mike is taking pictures for us.笔试部分六、选择合适的句子,补全对话(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分)What can you

5、 see? Do you like them, too ? What is the monkey doing? What is it? What are the animals doing? Can you see any animals?A: Hello.B: _.A: Im cooking, _?B: Im reading a book.3A: _?B: No, my sister isnt reading. Shes playing.A: _ ?B: My father is working.A: _?B: Hes in the study. Hold on ,please.A: Tha

6、nk you.七、阅读理解(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分)Welcome to the Childrens Centre. Happy Childrens Day! You can do many things here. Look at these people. Theyre very active. This is Chen jie. Shes drawing picrures. Mike is watching insects. Amy is reading a story book. Wu Yifan is playing chess with a man. Whos the man

7、? Hes Mr Black, Wu Yifans math teacher. Hes a smart man. John and Sarah are taking pictures. Wheres Bai Ling? Look! Shes over there, shes writing a report on the Childrens Day. Her sister is singing and playing the piano.( )1、Is Bai Ling singing?A.Yes, she is . B.No, she isnt. ( )2、Whats Mike doing?

8、A. Hes watching TV. B. Hes watching insects. ( )3、Whats the date?A.Its June 2nd .B. Its June 1st .( )4、What is Wu Yifan doing?A.Hes playing chess. B. Hes playing sports.( )5、What is Bai Ling doing in the Childrens Centre?4A.Shes singing and playing the piano. B.Shes writing a report.八、短文选词填空(共 10 空,

9、每空 1 分)having playing student reading Saturday under fruits near happy students writing beautiful Its _today. The_ and their teacher are _a picnic. They are sitting_ a river. Some are _ games. Some are eating _. Some are singing and dancing. Whos _ books _the trees? Oh, thats John. And the teacher is _ a report. How_ they are!九、根据答句写问题(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分)1、A: ?B:Chen jie is playing the piano.2、A: ?B:Theyre playing sports.3、A: ?B:Im climbing mountains.4、A: ?B:My sisters are catching butterflies.5、A: ?B:No, shes dancing.十、看图作文(10 分)仔细观察图中的人物正在干什么?请发挥你的想象,写一篇小短文.要求:条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,不少于 5 句话.5



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