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1、小学五年级英语小学五年级英语(下册下册)单元检测题单元检测题(Unit 1)亲爱的同学们,经过一段时间的学习,我们来比拼一下,看谁最棒。Ready?Go!听力部分听力部分(40 分分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词、短语或句子。每个读两遍。(8 分) ( ) 1A glassB gladC grass ( ) 2A playB planeC plant ( ) 3A go hikingB go shoppingC go swimming ( ) 4A eat dinnerB eat breakfastC eat lunch ( ) 5A I often go shopping on Sund

2、ay B I often go hiking on Sunday ( ) 6A He climbs mountains with his friends B He climbs mountains with his family ( ) 7A I can do the dishes at home B I often do the dishes at home ( ) 8A I sometimes get up at 6:00 B I often get up at 6:00 二、听问句,选答句。(10 分) ( ) 1 A I go to work at 8:00am B I usually

3、 go to work C I can go to work ( ) 2 A I often eat dinner at 7:00pm B Usually I climb moutains C Sure ( ) 3 A Im a doctor B I go shopping C Im 11 ( ) 4 A I have noodles B I have Chinese and math C I watch TV ( ) 5 A Yes, Im a teacherB Yes, I canC Sure 三、听录音,记录下他们的活动时间。每个句子读两遍。(10 分)四、听对话,在表格中勾出 Mike

4、 和 Alice 的周末活动。对话读三遍。(12 分)笔试部分笔试部分(60 分分) 五、判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同的写“S” ,不同写的“D” 。(5 分)六、单项选择。(5 分) ( ) 1 -When do you go to school?-I go to school 7:30 the morning A at ,at B in ,at Cat ,in ( ) 2 I cant eat meat. I cant eat cake, . I am too fat. A eitherBtooC / ( ) 3 I often go hiking the weekend A onB i

5、n C at ( ) 4 -Lets go hiking together next Sunday- A ThanksB Youre rightC Great ( ) 5 -Do you often go shopping on Sunday?- I often go fishing A Yes, I doB No, I dontC No, I cant 七、交际用语配对。(10 分) ( ) 1 When do you go to school?A At 9:00 pm ( ) 2 Do you often go hiking on Saturdays?B Sure ( ) 3 What d

6、o you do on the weekend?C Usually I watch TV ( ) 4 Can I ask you some questions? D No, but sometimes ( ) 5 When do you go to bed?E At 7:00 am 八、从右边方框中选择恰当用语补全对话。(10 分) A: Excuse me 1 T: Sure A: 2 T: I am an English teacher A: 3 T: I go to school at 7:30 in the morning A: 4 T: I eat lunch at school A

7、: 5 T: I go home at 8:30 every evening A: Thank you 九、阅读理解(10 分) Hello, I am Zoom I get up at 6:00 every day in the morning I eat breakfast at 6:30 Then I go to school at 7:00We do morning exercises at 8:00 We have three classes in the morning and three in the afternoon I go home at 5:00 pm I play b

8、asketball at 5:30 I eat supper at 7:30 Then I do my homework I go to bed at 9:00 This is my day What about yours? ( ) 1 How many classes does Zoom have in a day? A FiveB Six ( ) 2 When does Zoom play sports in the afternoon? A At fourB At five ( ) 3 Where does Zoom eat breakfast? A At schoolB At hom

9、e ( ) 4 When does Zoom do his homework? A At nine in the morning B At nine in the evening ( ) 5 When does Zoom go to bed? A At 9:00 amB At 9:00 pm 十、看图填词完成句子。(10 分)1 When do you morning ? 2 I usually at 7:00 pm 3 We an English in the classroom 4 They after school 5 -Do you eat at home? -Yes, I 十一、连词

10、成句。(10 分) 1 do, weekend, do, on, you, what, the ( ? )2 usually, have, I, math, 9:00, at, class ( )3 Sunday, together, lets, hiking, next, go ( )4 you, lunch, when, do, usually, have ( ?)5 Thank, you, for, me, about, telling, day, your( )小学五年级英语小学五年级英语(下册下册)单元检测题单元检测题(Unit 2)亲爱的同学们,经过一段时间的学习,我们来比拼一下,

11、看谁最棒。Ready?Go!听力部分听力部分(40 分分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或句子。每小题读两遍。(8 分) ( ) 1 A farmerB summerC some ( ) 2 A snowB knowC now ( ) 3 A cool B goodC cold ( ) 4 A ballB fallC wall ( ) 5 A My favourite season is springB I like summer bestC My favourite season is winter ( ) 6 A Why do you like spring?B Which season

12、do you like best? C Whats the weather like in winter? ( ) 7 A I dont like winter Its very coldB I dont like spring Its usually rainy C I dont like summer Its too hot ( ) 8 A We usually make a snowman in winterB We often plant trees in springC We often fly kites in autumn 二、听句子,判断图片或句子正(T)误(F)。每小题读两遍

13、。(10 分)1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) 5 ( ) ( ) 6 They often mountains in fall ( ) 7 I wear my T-shirt in summer ( ) 8 Its windy and cool in winter ( ) 9 There are twelve seasons in a year ( ) 10 In Beijing , its spring from January to March 三、听问句,选答句。每小题读两遍。(10 分) ( ) 1 A At sevenB At seven thirty C At eleven ( ) 2 A Plant treesB Go home C Do homework ( ) 3 A Winter B Summer C Because she likes to play with snow ( ) 4 A Summer B Swim



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