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1、七年级江鑫 外语屋教育爱心 用心 专心1武汉二中广雅中学七年级(上)英语月考(一)武汉二中广雅中学七年级(上)英语月考(一)二单项选择二单项选择 21 答案:B。根据前面的问句得知是复数,因此回答也用复数。 Are they dancing? Yes,they are. Yes,they are. Can I pick one? Are these elephants? Yes,they are. 22 答案:D。根据句意应该是我的老师,因此用 my,她的名字是 Wang Fang,前面说到她 是个女人,因此用 her。 Her house is like cat heaven. Every

2、man has his weak side. Please come to my office now. 23 答案:C。词语辨析,“oranges“橙子;后面的回答应该用小写,因此排除 A、B。 Snow is cold and white. Black is the color of night. Take away five oranges. 24 答案:D。固定搭配,其他选项不符合题目问题要求,句意是要拼写出来。 A golden key can open any door. How do you spell that, please? These children can not s

3、pell . 25 答案:A。根据句意这是你的房间吗,lucy,不是的,是 lily 的房间。 Is it your first time there? Sure. What can I do for you? I hope it fits on her finger. 26 答案:C。根据逻辑排除 A、B,句意这是你的卷笔刀,不是的,这是她的卷笔刀。 Her opinion is all my eye. Is this book yours or hers? Please come to my office now. 27 答案:A。名词的第一个字母是元音就用 an。 Is it an or

4、ange, Is it a pear. It was, however, an exception. He has a book about world records. 28 答案:C。固定搭配,“thats all right“不要紧;“thats right“就是那样;“all right“好的。 All right, Ill be back soon. Sometimes thats right. Thats all right. Now can I pay by travelers check? 29 答案:A。固定搭配,句意这是什么,是 B。 What is this clothe

5、s made of? Whats this in English, Ben? Whats this? Is this a pear? 30 答案:C。固定搭配, “learn all by herself“全是自己学会的。 She cant walk by herself. Yes, shes now able to walk all by herself Jane gave me her last pea七年级江鑫 外语屋教育爱心 用心 专心231 答案:D。根据句意这些都是我的书,把它们放在桌子上面,“mine“我的,指代有我 的东西。 You may use mine, if you l

6、ike. Please come to my office now. All you know is how they respond. 32 答案:C。固定搭配,“whats this in English“这个用英语怎么说。 Look! Whats this in English? Whats this in English, Ben? Jim, Whats this in English? 33 答案:B。交际用语,根据句意 john 这是你的足球,给你,回答应该是谢谢。 Thank you, glad to know you. Thank you for the postcard. T

7、hank you for this food. 34 答案:D。根据句子得知是男孩,并且是他的朋友,因此用 his。 Every man has his weak side. But he is doing his homework. Well, hes only a student. 35 答案:A。根据句子前面得知 it 是指代 car,后面说到这是英国的车,因此用 its。 Well, its a very hard work. Of course, space has its allure as well Every people has its own ideas. 3找出一个划线部

8、分发音不同的单词找出一个划线部分发音不同的单词 36 答案:D。A、B、C 选项 ea 都是/i/而 bread 的 ea 是/e/。 We usually have bread and milk. But what do people mean by mean? Leave my company, for good. 37 答案:B。A、C、D 选项 i 都是/i/而 quite 的 i 是/I/。 I quite agree with you. Dont sleep in class, Pig. Nobody but the king can see her. 38 答案:C。A、B、D

9、选项 a 都是/而 make 的 a 是/ei/。 You can also make a puppet mother. His dad looked at his back This shows man can work wonders. 39 答案:B。A、C、D 选项 ea 都是/e/而 teacher 的 ea 是/i:/。 Ready for the next customer. A cop was at the head of them See that man? Hes my teacher. 40 答案:D。A、B、C 选项 e 都是/e/而 she 的 e 是/i:/。 Sh

10、e loves her children dearly. Right. Thanks for your help. This letter discloses a secret. 41 答案:D。A、B、C 选项 o 都是/u/而 soft 的 o 是/:/。 This chair is too soft.七年级江鑫 外语屋教育爱心 用心 专心3I live alone with my five cats Can you show me those eggs? 42 答案:C。A、B、D 选项 u 都是/而 ruler 的 u 是/u:/。 A ruler is all that I need

11、. I just need some more money. Summer, do you like swimming? 43 答案:B。A、C、D 选项 i 都是/ai/而 little 的 i 是/i/。 You can have a little rest now. Then I began to like doing it But you have a great smile. 44 答案:B。A、C、D 选项 a 都是/:/而 has 的 a 是/。 He has no permanent employment The past is our definition It must b

12、e fast while executing. 45 答案:C。A、B、D 选项 a 都是/ei/而 have 的 a 是/。 Have you been to both places? Do you have a web page? Oh! I want cake and ice cream. 四完形填空四完形填空 46 答案:A。根据前文“I am Helen Brown“得知 Helen 是她的第一个名字。 47 答案:D。根据对前文的理解和外国的习俗得知 Brown 是她家庭的名字。 48 答案:B。“Its“它的;“Its“它是;“It“它,因为是句首因此用大写。 49 答案:A。根

13、据句意“This is my teacher“这是我的老师。 50 答案:A。根据前文“This is my teacher,Mr.Green“得知老师是男的。 51 答案:C。根据前文“some English books“得知应该是英语老师。 52 答案:A。“It is“它是,it 指代书包。 53 答案:A。根据前文“It is yellow and“得知后面的单词应该也是颜色。 54 答案:A。根据前文“some English books“得知应该是复数,因此用 are。 55 答案:B。根据对前文的理解和固定搭配 on the backpack。 56 答案:B。Either 是

14、也,根据前文“It is a nice bag“得知后文的 pencil 也很好看。 57 答案:A。Eraser 单词的第一个字母是元音因此要用 an。 58 答案:C。根据原文“a pen and a pencil sharpener“是复数,因此要用 are。 59 答案:A。词语辨析,pencil-case 文具盒;backpack 书包;pencil 铅笔;box 盒子。 60 答案:A。词语辨析,look at 看;look to 注意;look into 浏览;look for 寻找。 5阅读理解阅读理解 61 答案:C。根据题目找答案,原文“The man is Mr John

15、 Smith“得知照片是 Mr Smiths。 62 答案:C。根据全文的理解得知 lucy 是 Mr Smith 的女儿,他们的父母都是老师。 63 答案:D。根据题目找答案,原文“all the family are in the USA“。 64 答案:A。根据题目找答案,原文“Hes forty-five,Shes thirty-nine“得知他们相差 6 岁。65 答案:B。根据题目找答案,原文“These children are middle school student“得知。 66 答案:C。根据题目找答案,原文“Mr Black has two cats,one is big and one is small“得知。67 答案:A。根据题目找答案,原文“one day,his good friend Mr Green comes to see him“得七年级江鑫 外语屋教育爱心 用心 专心4知。 68 答案:D。根据对全文的理解得知有两个洞一个大的一个小得,肯定是两只猫咪的。 69 答案:B。根据题目找答案,原文“How can the big cat go through the small hole“得知。 70 答案:B。根据对全文的理解得知只需要一个大洞就可以了,小猫大猫都可以通过。 6句型转换句型转换 71 答案:Whats y


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