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1、1120082008 年上半年新托福口语真题答案集年上半年新托福口语真题答案集特点:1. 真。2. 权威。3. 恒久耐用。4.复现率高。5. 绝对高分之必备。优势:1. 将历年考过的真题一二题的答案样本呈现给备战托友。2. 提供了一个 8 句无敌模板标准,利于控制时间。 3. 结构明晰,套句和亮点词汇有明显标注,节省备考时间。 4. 长短句分配有致。5. 表达地道,原汁原味。6. 提供了一种思维模式。7. 提供了更加现场化的音频。适合人群: 1. 即将或正在备战新托福的同学。2. 对口语感到迷茫的同学。3. 想获得高分的同学。4. 想进入理想大学的同学。 5. 想说文化英语的朋友。使用方法:

2、1. 随时关注此版块,进度跟上。2. 每次看到题目后,不要直接看答案。自己先审题,写出个人备案3.对照样本答案进行修缮小马过河 6 3 d, r- A; m they are people who have learned from their mistakes and get up and try again, being a non-quitter(永不放弃的人).Being in leadership roles, a person should be able to see the big picture and take risks, doing things right and a

3、t the right time. Thus he can correctly assess(估计,评定) a situation and knows how to take the next step. In summary, honesty, endurance, and having a big vision are the good qualities of / for effective leadership. 共 8 句 我的时间记录:41你的时间记录为:_T2. Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the

4、 truth?I dont think its a good idea for people to always speak the truth. Truth can enhance but sometimes can destroy a relationship, depending upon the intent.There are times when telling “truth“ is unloving. For example, you might not be wild about what 22your friend is wearing, but if your friend

5、 is giving an important presentation and asks you how s/he looks, it would not be in anyones highest good (有最大好处)to give your opinion.There are also times when many of us have much difficulty speaking our truth especially to important others such as parents, siblings, close friends, and beloved ones

6、. We are afraid the other person will be angry or hurt by our truth, even when we state it without judgment or blame. Therefore, telling the truth is not always helpful. The important thing in telling the truth is to be honest with yourself about your own intent in telling your truth. T3. Reading:【学

7、校通知】:关于关闭艺术展览馆的 statement,对话:同学们并不同意,关闭展览馆的原因是empty,而 empty 是有原因的,比如只有艺术科系的才可以展览,其他科系在艺术方面很棒的学生都不可以,而且宣传力度也不够,校报上面都没有的。展览作品看的人也不多,只有一半不到Listening: 【学生议论】:男生不同意。原因有二:1)大学艺术系学生需要多点机会展示作品 2)学校 communication 做得不好,经常展览结束后才介绍作品。In the reading material, the university is considering the closure of art gall

8、ery. In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man doesnt like the idea.One reason he gives is that students from art department need to be given more opportunities to display their works of art. Another reason is that the university doesnt have good communication. They often give an intr

9、oduction of the works after the exhibition. Therefore, he disagrees with that opinion.T4. Reading: 【课文要点】心理学有一概念:人们对其他人有期待就会按照这种期待对待别人,其他人可以感受到并使其成真。Listening:【教授举例】一个实验,一组随机挑选的学生被告知是老师精挑细选的优生。老师努力教学并且经常鼓励他们,于是学生的成绩在短期内得到提高。 In this set of materials, the reading passage explains a phenomenon - self-

10、fulfilling prophecy in psychology. It states that people firmly believe in an expectation, act on that belief and eventually make it true. In the listening passage, the professor gives a talk to illustrate how self-fulfilling prophecies could make a change to peoples lives. He gives an example that

11、a group of normal kids randomly selected from many different schools were sent to receive academic education in a training camp. The educators were told that these kids were all top students from all over the country and thus educated them as geniuses with praise and encouragement. Surprisingly, the

12、se kids had a higer IQ than normal kids five years later. By these means, the professor proves that self-fulfilling prophecy could make a change to peoples lives. T5.【学生困难】:男生参加校 team of emergency response ,需要大量训练来达到标准,因没有时间做 literature reading而烦恼。【解决方案】:女生给他两个建议:1)辞队后下一年再加入。2)和队指挥谈一谈要求两学期来完成训练量以保证有

13、足够时间来应付 literature reading。Sample answer: The discussion is between two students. The male student is telling his female friend about his busy schedule. He is torn between his training program in the team of emergency response and literature reading. He has to get 10 hours of training every day to m

14、eet the physical standard required in the team and thus have little time to read literature. His friend suggests he quit and rejoin the next year to have more time for the requirement. She also suggests he talk to the coach to give an extension. I think the second idea serves his purpose because it

15、would be better for both his choices. And if I were him, I would also take the second solution. I would try to persuade the coach. I would explain to him about my situation so that he could understand. T6. 【讲课要点】:讲述了供求和物价之间的关系。1. 供大于求,物价下跌;2. 供小于求,物价上涨。33不过也有一些例外,例如某时代的英国面包,那个时候物价都很高,所以相对面包比较便宜,所以面包

16、价即使上涨,因为他们无法购买 meat,只能够购买更多的面包来替代肉类。The lecture is about the relationship between demands for certain products and their prices in the market. Generally the proportion relationship beween them is inverse, that is, when the price goes up, the demand immediately drops down. The higher the price is, the less willingly the consumers pay for. Instead, some former consumers may shift to other alternative products. However, there are also exceptions to this rule. That is,


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