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1、河北海兴中学高三英语河北海兴中学高三英语 Units1-16重点单词及词组教案重点单词及词组教案Unit 1 That must be a record!一、本单元重难点单词及词组一、本单元重难点单词及词组1conclude 推断(结论),缔结达成(协定); 结束;终止(1)What can you conclude from the facts?从这些事实中你能得出什么结论呢? (concludefrom)(2)He concluded that the theory was right at last.他最后得出结论这个理论是正确的。 (conclude that)相当于:It was c

2、oncluded that the theory was right at last. 结论是(3)He concluded by wishing everybody a happy new year.他讲话结束时,祝大家新年愉快。 (conclude by)(4)The programme conclude with the national song.节目以国歌结尾。(ended with)派生词:conclusion n. 结论相关搭配:2比较:hire/employ/rent(1)hire:租用(pay money to borrow sth)e.g. 主要搭配:hire sth ou

3、t to sb. 把租 给hire sth from sb. 从租 用雇佣,相当于 employ, 后接 sb,反义词 为 fire (解雇)The company hired 200 workers last year.这家公司去年雇佣了 200 个工人。(2)employ:雇佣The factory employs 2,000 people worldwide.这家工厂在全世界雇佣了 2,000 名员工。使用,运用They employed this teaching method in the classroom.他们在课常上运用了这一教学方法。 (used)be employed in

4、 doing sth. 忙于做某事Her days are employed in gardening.她的时间全花在搞园艺上。(3)rent:租用(常指土地,房屋,机器等)常用搭配:rent sth out to sb. 把租 给rent sth from sb. 从租来例如:The landlady rent her rooms out to the students.女房东把她的房子租给学生。相当于:The students rent the rooms from the landlady.3fade 的用法使褪色(vt. be similar toA resemble B in sth

5、. A 与 B 在某方面相似resemblance n. 相似;类似the resemblance between and 在 与 之间的相似处例如:She closely resembles her sister.她和她姐姐很像。(sb. resemble. sb.)So many hotels resemble each other here.这里的许多酒店看上去差不多。(sth. resemble sth.)The plant resembles grass in appearance.这种植物的外形像草。(A resemble B in sth.)Can you tell the re

6、semblance between Susan and her sister?你能说出苏姗与她妹妹的共同之处吗?2differ vi. 相异;有区别;不同于主要用法:different adj. 不同的,有区别的;有差异的difference n. 差别;差异;不同之处A differ from B. A 不同于 B 相当于:A be different from B.A and B differ from each other.例 如:French differs from English in this aspect.在这方面法语和英语不同。也可说:French and English d

7、iffer ( from each other) in this aspect.French is different from English in this aspect.differ with sb. about /on /over sth. 与某人意见 不同,持不同看法;不同意相当于:disagree with sb.例 如:I have to differ with you on that.在这一点上我不同意你的看法。Medical opinion differs about /on how to treat the disease.关于如何治疗这种疾病医学上有不同的看法。拓展:te

8、ll the difference between A and B 说出 A 和 B 的不同之处I can never tell the difference between the twins.我从来都分不清这对双胞胎。make a /no /some, etc. difference (to /in /sb. /sth.).对某人/某物有(或没有,有些等)作用,关 系,影响例 如:The rain didnt make much difference to the game.这场雨对比赛没多大影响。Your age shouldnt make any difference to wheth

9、er you get the job or not.你能不能得到这工作与你的年龄无关。Changing jobs made a big difference to my life.转学对我的一生有重大影响。3round up主要用法:将聚拢起来;使聚集 (to find and gather together people, animals or things)结构:round up sb. /sth.或 round sb. /sth. up.例如:I round up a few friends for a party.我找了几个朋友聚了聚。The cattle are rounded up

10、 in the evenings. 到了晚上牛都要圈起来。围捕 (to find and arrest /capture sb.)The suspect was rounded up and questioned.嫌疑犯被捕并受到审问。4strengthen vt. to make sb. /sth. stronger)例如:Her position in the party has strengthened in recent weeks.最近几个星期以来她在党内的地位有所加强。 (vi.)The wind had strengthened overnight.夜里,风更大了。(vi.)Re

11、pairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge. 这座桥需要加固。(vt.)We should strengthen our national defence.我们应该巩固我们的国防建设。(vt.)拓展:strength n. 体力;力气;力量 with strength 用力气strong adj. 强壮的;强健的 主要强调人体的 力量He is strong. =He is a person of great strength.He pushed against the rock with all his strength.他用全力推那块石头。5d

12、iverse adj. 不同的;相异的;多种多样的; 形形色色的主要用法:diverse adj. 相当于 variousdiversity n. 相当于 varietya diversify of 相当于 a variety of diversify v. (使多样化,变化;不同)相当 于 vary v.例如:Guests are absent for diverse reasons. 客人们由于各种不同的原因缺席。(various)相当于:Guests are absent for a diversity of reasons.(a variety of)The reasons for g

13、uestsabsence diversify. (vary)6break out 突然发生(多指火灾;战争;疾 病等)begin suddenly主要用法:没有被动语态,例如:The Second World War broke out in 1939.第二次世界大战爆发于 1939 年。A fire broke out in a factory yesterday.昨天一家工厂发生了火灾。联想“发生”的相关词组及单词(它们都没有被 动语态)happen, occur, take place, come about拓展:break up /break down /break inbreak u

14、p:使碎开;打碎The stricken tanker began to break up on the rocks.被击中的油船触礁后开始断裂了。把分成几部分I want to plant more bushes to break up the garden a bit.我想多种些矮树丛把花园稍微分隔成几部分。使停止,制止Three policemen were needed to break up the fights.需要三名警察制止这场斗争。破裂,瓦解If a parent dies, the family may break up.如果父母中有一人去世,这个家可能就散了。break

15、down(机器等)停止运转;出故障The elevators in the building are always breaking down.这幢楼里的电梯总出故障。失败(讨论,谈判等)Peace talks have broken down over the question of reparations.和谈因战后赔款问题而中止。弄坏,打破Tom broke down the door of our classroom last week.汤姆上周把我们教室的门弄坏了。改变固有想法Itll be difficult to break down their prejudices about

16、 lesbians.很难改变他们对女同性恋者的固有偏见。化学变化Bacteria break down the animal waste to form methane gas.细菌使动物粪便分解成沼气。精神崩溃,身体垮掉If Tim carries on working like this, hell break down sooner or later.如果蒂姆继续这样工作,身体迟早会垮掉。break in闯入(行窃)Someone broke in and took several computers.有人闯入屋内,偷走了几台电脑。打断,插嘴Dad would occasionally break in with a suggestion.爸爸偶尔会插话,提出建议。二、本单元重、难点句子二、本单元重、难点句子1These peoples came to t


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