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1、 http:/http:/2017 年成人高考英语备考技巧年成人高考英语备考技巧匈牙利有一位叫卡莫洛姆布的人,学习了 16 种语言,10 种达到能说的程度,另外6 种达到能翻译专业书刊、阅读和欣赏文艺作品的程度。她把自己漫游外语天地所获得的心得体会总结为十条:1、学习外语一天也不能中断。倘若确实没有时间,哪怕每天挤出 10 分钟也行;早晨是学习外语的大好时光。2、要是学厌了,不必过于勉强,但也不要扔下不学。这时可以改变一下学习方式;比如把书放到一边去听听广播,或暂时搁下课本的练习去翻翻词典等。3、 绝不要脱离上下文孤立地去死背硬记。4、 应该随时地记下并背熟那些平日用得最多的“句套子” 。5、

2、 尽可能心译你接触到的东西,如一闪而过的广告,偶而听到的话语,这也是一种休息的方式。6、 只有经过教师修改的东西才值得牢记。不要反复去看那些做了而未经别人修改的练习,看多了就会不自觉地连同错误的东西一起记在脑子里。假如你纯属自学而无旁人相助,那你就去记那些肯定是正确无误的东西。7、 抄录和记忆句子和惯用语时要用单数第一人称如“I am only pulling your leg”(我只是要戏弄你)。8、 外语好比碉堡,必须同时从四面八方向它围攻:读报纸,听广播,看原文电影,听外语讲演,攻读课本,和外国朋友通讯、来往、交谈等等。9、 要敢于说话,不要怕出错误,要请别人纠正错误。尤为重要的是,当别

3、人确实为你纠正错误时,不要难为情,不要泄气。10、要坚信你一定能达到目的,要坚信自己有坚强不屈的毅力和语言方面的非凡才能。犹太人积极学外语的信念是:“会说几门外语,你就具有几个人的价值。 ”You cannot improve the past but you can improve the future! When time is wasted, life is wasted!你不能改变过去,但你可让未来变得更好!浪费了时间,就浪费了生命!脱口而出下面的方法,创造伟大奇迹!成为众人仰慕的英语学习专家!http:/http:/1、Tapes are the best teachers and

4、learning companions.They will never get bored, never get tired, and never charge you more! Love your English tapes. Make the most of this wonderful learning tool!录音带是最好的老师,也是最好的学习伙伴。录音带从不会厌倦,从不会疲倦,也绝不会伸手向你要更多的钱!热爱你的英语录音带,最大程度地发挥这一极好的学习工具的作用吧!2、Try to pronounce everything just like the speaker on the

5、 tape.Imitation is the first and most important step. Its much easier to imitate another speaker than it is to sound out each word according to phonetics in a dictionary!尽力像录音带上说话的人一样发音。模仿是第一步,也是最重要的一步。比起根据字典上的注意读出每个单词,模仿另一个人的说话要容易得多!3、Listen to Crazy English professional tapes as much as possible.

6、Many tapes dont have standard pronunciation. Dont waste your time following and practicing poor pronunciation!一定要尽可能多地听专业的疯狂英语录音带。很多录音带上的发音不标准。别浪费时间跟着练习糟糕的发音!4、Listening and imitating should always go together.Use the LIP method! Listen, Imitate, Practice!听和模仿一定要同时做。使用“LIP”方法:听、模仿、操练!5、Language spea

7、king is like singing. Try to learn English the same way you learn a song. Speaking with emotion, tone and rhythm will make your English perfect and fluent.说语言就像唱歌一样。你怎么学唱歌,就怎么学英语。带着感情、注意声调和节奏说英语,这会让你的英语完美而流畅。http:/http:/6、The best way to learn new words is to learn the correct pronunciation.Try your

8、 best to pronounce every word as accurately as possible.记住生词最好的办法就是把单词读准!尽最大努力把每个单词都发到位。7、Repeat the words in useful sentences as many times as possible.That is the only way to“own” a word and make it yours forever! Repetition is the mother of learning!尽量把单词放在有用的句子中反复操练。这是“拥有”一个单词并把它变成你永远的财富的惟一途径!重复

9、是学习之母!8、Try to find as many good English sentences as possible and yell them as loudly and quickly as possible using correct pronunciation.There are three Ps to mastering a sentence! First Pronounce each word in the sentence accurately and with exaggeration. Next, Practice each sentence as many time

10、s as possible with the Three-ly and One ?Cbreath methods! Last, Perform each sentence by saying it naturally and acting it out with emotion!大量搜集好句子,并用正确的发音最大声、最快速地操练!要掌握一个句子有三大要决:首先,准确而夸张地发出句子中的每个单词。其次,用“三最法”和“一口气法”尽可能多地操练每个句子!最后,把每个句子表演出来,自然地说,充满感情地演!9、The number of sentences is more important than

11、 the number of words.Your English level will depend on the number of sentences you can speak. You can communicate much more with ten sentences than you can with one hundred isolated words!句子量比单词量更重要。你的英语水平取决于你能说出的句子量。十个句子比一百个孤立的单词更能让你与他人沟通!10、Set specific goals that you know you can achieve.Success

12、breeds success! Set more challenging goals as you make progress. Even if you http:/http:/only start with three sentences a day, you will know twenty-one new sentences by the end of the week!定下明确的,你知道可以达成的目标。成功造就成功!一有进步,就定下更有挑战性的目标。就算开始时你一天只能脱口而出三句话,一个星期之后你就会 21 个新句子了!11、Try to use what youve learned

13、 in everyday life.Dare to show off your English, especially to people who dont speak English! The more you use English, the more fluent your English will become.要在每天的生活中使用你学过的东西。大胆卖弄你的英语,尤其是对着那些不懂英语的人!你用得越多,你的英语就会越流利。12、Try to create your own English environment.Practice with your friends, family an

14、d people you see every day. If you dont have anyone to practice with, talk to yourself in a mirror! It sounds crazy but it will work!创造自己的语言环境。每天和你的朋友、家人和见到的人操练。如果你找不到人操练,就对着镜子自言自语!这听起来疯狂,但却很有效!13、Pretend you dont speak Chinese when you are traveling on an airplane, staying in a hotel, or even order

15、ing at McDonalds.The employees in these places dont know you and most speak some English! Forget about your face! You really will only be losing face for overseas Chinese who dont know how to speak their mother tongue!坐飞机旅行时,住酒店时,甚至是在麦当劳点餐时,都可以假装你不懂中文。这些地方的雇员不认识你,而且大部分都会说点英语!忘记你的面子吧!就算是丢脸,你丢的也只是个不懂说母语的海外华人的脸!14、Make your own English study cards and carry them wherever you go.You will make the best use of spare time every day and reinforce your memory. This http:/http:/small action will produce a great result.自己制作英语学习卡片并随身携带。你可以最大程度地利用每天的空闲时光,还可以强化你的记忆力。这个小小的行动将会产生巨大的效果。15、To remem


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