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1、智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料1月GMAT阅读机经:肌肉疲劳相信很多同学都翘首期盼着每个月的GMAT机经,GMAT机经对于 各位考生们备考非常重要。在考试之前,对GMAT真题的复习,是最直 接最有利于考生们的复习材料。智课教育在这里将最新的GMAT机经分 享给大家,希望帮助考生们认真备考。下面是1月最近阅读机经:肌肉疲 劳,小编就只能帮大家到这里了。 本月原始 “P1 muscle exertion传统观点(muscle-centeredmodel)认为肌肉 酸痛是因为肌肉里的某种acid增加,到达一个critical point。 P2 某些Canadians做了实验,好像是测试cy

2、clists肌肉中的acid, 累的时候acid level反而低。然后又有第二个人X也做了实验,测试肌肉 中的fiber。实验结果也和传统观点相反。 P3 X认为fatigue更是一种emotional的状态,而不是physical的状 态。其实是大脑发出累了的信号,肌肉才到达疲劳状态。“ 考古“V1(770) 关于肌肉疲劳, 说是一开始科学家认为是产生一种lattice acid导致, 下一段讲好像不是这样, 因为加拿大的研究人员发现在海拔高的地方运动员感觉疲劳, 但那个acid并不多。 然后好像是南非的生理学家又发现了一个什么。 最后一段就提出来好像是大脑的什么信号,其他机制让人疲劳,

3、而且这个解释可以解释老的理论和新的发现其实并不矛盾云云。 V2(740) 还有个讲肌肉fatigue的。说190还是哪年研究出来肌肉 一种酸的含量到一定程度会引发肌肉fatigue. 但是198年研究人员发现blablabla. 第三段得出结论说,肌肉fatigue 不一定是acid的原因,有可能是 大脑控制各种resource发现你要不行了 然后就给你个信号说你不行了,但是其实你还是行的。fatigue很可 能只是主观因素造成的 V3(720) 2. 肌肉劳累跟acid 神马到底啥关系那篇。以前寂静考古的 非常正确。我记得月度寂静附录了一篇全英的文章吧,跟那个几乎一模一样。参考那个没错的。

4、P1:什么有个诺贝尔奖得主提出神马观点, P2:做了个试验 P3:总结这个实验的内容说明了什么。 V4第三篇是那个muscle fatigue.寂静里头基本上也讲得挺清楚的 了,记得有一题是问第二段作者提cannada那个研究有什么作用之类 我忘了选什么了 V5(V39) 4.肌肉疲劳什么的。一开始一个noble prize的人说the function of muscle will brake when muscle detects high level of lactic acid。但是后来有几个Canadian scientist做了个实验发现the muscle acts so eve

5、n when the level of lactic acid is low,然后又有 个什么实验(不记得了)。最后一段说其实第一段的那个theory不是完全 的错,但是真正决定什么时候stop the muscle function的是neural sy stem。所以这个过程是subjective而不是Objective(有道题问了这个)。 V6(V33)第三篇是肌肉疲劳,一定好好看highlight的类似物,几乎 就是原文重现。 考古人的肌肉(KG)(【类似原文】)V1: 考了一篇第一段说传统观点说人的肌肉劳累是因为肌肉的什么酸aci d增加了第二段说但是现在加拿大的一票科学家说运动员劳

6、累的时候这个酸 没有增加啊,还有一个地方的科学家(好象是北非的,很神奇)也举出了反例 . 最后一段说什么传统的观点说的酸增加确实对了但是地方不对.然后 用计算机证明再解释了一通. 问题考了一个是最后一段的作用,这是我的最后一篇了没大有时间看 了. V2:(710) Theory 1: muscles go into automated brake when lactic acid builds up after exhausting exercise, leading to fatigue. Theory Two: psychologists argue central nervous sys

7、tem controls the sense of extreme fatigue to keep body from collapse; psychologists say that theory 1 is right about lacticbuild up, however wrong in the “location“.( location=Central nervous system) V3:(V 40) 第一段:1922年有个诺贝尔的理论,人劳累,是因为肌肉释放的酸 达到极限,从而让肌肉休息。 第二段:加拿大的科学家有异议。而南非的科学家取出反例,在一 种特定的情况下(这种情况可以

8、导致肌肉释放的酸不会大幅增加),对运 动员研究发现他们疲劳的时候酸的含量很低,30%的肌肉已经休息了。 虽然这些运动员说他们已经很累,达到极限了。 第三段:科学家们就提出假设来解决这个问题,指出1922年有个诺 贝尔的理论是部分正确的。但是人的劳累其实不是客观事实,而是人的 主观情绪。然后这个理论还能够解释部分现象。 类似原文:By pipilovelail 注意highlight的部分Interestingly or unnervingly, depending on how you look at it some researchers are uncovering evidence th

9、at Stanovniks rule of thumb might be right. A spate of recent studies has contributed to growing support for the notion that the origins and controls of fatigue lie partly, if not mostly, within the brain and the central nervous system. The new research puts fresh weight to the hoary coaching clich:

10、 you only think youre tired.From the time of Hippocrates, the limits of human exertion were thought to reside in the muscles themselves, a hypothesis that was established in 1922 with the Nobel Prize-winning work of Dr. A.V. Hill. The theory went like this: working muscles, pushed to their limit, ac

11、cumulated lactic acid.When concentrations of lactic acid reached a certain level, so the argument went, the muscles could no longer function. Muscles contained an automatic brake, Hill wrote,carefully adjusted by nature.Researchers, however, have long noted a link between neurological disorders and

12、athletic potential. In the late 1800s, the pioneering French doctor Philippe Tissiobserved that phobias and epilepsy could be beneficial for athletic training. A few decades later, the German surgeon August Bier measured the spontaneous long jump of a mentally disturbed patient, noting that it compa

13、red favorably to the existing world record. These types of exertions seemed to defy the notion of built-in muscular limits and, Bier noted, were made possible bypowerful mental stimuli and the simultaneous elimination of inhibitions.Questions about the muscle-centered model came up again in 1989 whe

14、n Canadian researchers published the results of an experiment called Operation Everest II, in which athletes did heavy exercise in altitude chambers. The athletes reached exhaustion despite the fact that their lactic-acid concentrations remained comfortably low. Fatigue, it seemed, might be caused b

15、y something else.In 1999, three physiologists from the University of Cape Town Medical School in South Africa took the next step. They worked a group of cyclists to exhaustion during a 62-mile laboratory ride and measured, via electrodes, the percentage of leg muscles they were using at the fatigue

16、limit. If standard theories were true, they reasoned, the body should recruit more muscle fibers as it approached exhaustion a natural compensation for tired, weakening muscles.Instead, the researchers observed the opposite result. As the riders approached complete fatigue, the percentage of active muscle fibers decreased, until they were using only about 30 percent. Even as the athletes felt they were giving their all, the reality was that more of their muscles w


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