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1、 APPLICATION FORM FOR GENERAL STUDENT AFFAIRS 一般事項申請表格一般事項申請表格 TO: The Secretariat The Hong Kong Management Association 16/F, Tower B, Southmark, 11 Yip Hing Street, Wong Chuk Hanng, Hong Kong 致: 香港黃竹坑業興街 11 號 南匯廣場 B 座 16 樓 香港管理專業協會 課程秘書處 I am a student of _ (programme “Except overseas Diploma and D

2、egree programmes”) and would like to apply for: 本人是 _ _ (課程名稱 “不適用於海外文 憑及學位課程”)之學員,現向貴會作下列申請(請) APPEAL of the module(s) _ with a crossed cheque HK$350.00 (NON-REFUNDABLE) per module payable to “THE HONG KONG MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION”, I understand and accept that in requesting on APPEAL the original m

3、ark may be varied upwards or downwards. 成績上訴之學科名稱 _ 上訴費用為每科港幣 350 元。 ( ) copy(ies) of RECORD OF ATTENDANCE with crossed cheque of HK$40.00 (NON-REFUNDABLE) per copy payable to “THE HONG KONG MANAGEMENT ASSOCITION” 出席證明書( )份,費用為每份港幣 40 元。 STUDENT CARD with a crossed cheque for HK$35.00 payable to “TH

4、E HONG KONG MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION” and provide two (1” x 1.5” size) photos. 補領學生證,費用為每張港幣 35 元,請附上(1 吋 x 1 吋半)近照兩張。 ( ) copy(ies) of TRANSCRIPT with crossed cheque for HK$80.00 (NON-REFUNDABLE) per copy payable to “THE HONG KONG MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION” 修讀證明書( )份,費用為每份港幣 80 元。 有關費用請以劃線支票(抬頭為香港管理專業協會

5、)繳付,所繳費用概不退還。 Acknowledgement of the above request(s) will be sent to your postal address within ten working days 協會將於十個工作天內將閣下以上申請之事項以郵寄方式寄出。 Student Name: _ 學生姓名 HKID Card / Student Card No.: _ 身份證 / 學生證編號 Tel No.: _ Mobile No.: _ 電話號碼 手提電話號碼 Postal Address: _ 郵寄地址 _ Cheque No.: _ Date: _ 支票號碼 日期


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