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1、Interpersonal Relationships No pains,no gains 单词拼写 回顾短语 重点句子 短文填空 错题集锦 美文佳句 .单词拼写单词拼写 1I t_ a page from my notebook. 2We are r_ money for charity. 3We just need a small a_of fuel. 4He is _(喜怒无常的喜怒无常的) in personality because of his rough experience when young. 5I always confuse the sistersthey look s

2、o a_. 6The scholarship offered by the government aims to help the students in poverty f_. 7If you dont do it now, youll only r_ it. 8The professor m_several useful books in his lecture. 9It is a p_to have him as my friend. 10. The teacher was _(数数) the students as they got on the bus. ore aising mou

3、nt moody like inancially egret entioned rivilege counting 短语回顾短语回顾 1突然发生,突然起来 _ 2开始认识、了解 _ 3(开车)撞伤,撞死 _ 4.偶尔,有时 _ 5检查,查找;经历;遭受 _ 6转过身来 _ 7少量的(不可数名词) _ 8筹款 _ 9和好,和解 _ 10保持联系 _ 11对感到惭愧或羞耻 _ 12享有的福气 _ 13因为责骂某人 _ 14与某人关系很好 _ 15聚会 _ 16突然,忽然 _ burst out get to know knockover from time to time go through t

4、urn round small amounts of/a small amount of raise money make up keep in touch be ashamed of be blessed with scold sb for be on good terms with sb get together all at once 重点句子:重点句子: 1由于我把东西落在了衣帽间里,我就进去取,却发现罗伊正在翻别人的大衣口袋。由于我把东西落在了衣帽间里,我就进去取,却发现罗伊正在翻别人的大衣口袋。 _in the cloakroom,I went inside to get it a

5、nd found Roy _the pockets of peoples coats. 2对这个情况考虑了一会儿,我决定就偷窃的事向对这个情况考虑了一会儿,我决定就偷窃的事向Roy问个明白。问个明白。 _the situation for a while I decided to ask Roy about the theft. 3我很幸运拥有一个幸福的童年,一段大多数人都想拥有的时光。我很幸运拥有一个幸福的童年,一段大多数人都想拥有的时光。 I _a happy childhood,_ that most people would want to have. 4我很遗憾地说,我已经跟一些朋友

6、失去了联系。我很遗憾地说,我已经跟一些朋友失去了联系。 I _ that I _some of my friends. 5.就是在这里就是在这里,我发现我对一种很小的苍蝇过敏。这种苍蝇一咬我我发现我对一种很小的苍蝇过敏。这种苍蝇一咬我,我的脸就会肿。我的脸就会肿。 _I _discovered that I was allergic to the tiny flies which_me and made my face swell. Having left something going through Having thought about was blessed with one reg

7、ret to say have lost touch with It was here that discovered bit 6.我们在松树林中度过漫长的夏日黄昏我们在松树林中度过漫长的夏日黄昏,要么是挖钓鱼用的蚯蚓要么是挖钓鱼用的蚯蚓,要么是捡鸟儿掉要么是捡鸟儿掉的羽毛的羽毛,那些鸟儿曾经被关养在笼子里那些鸟儿曾经被关养在笼子里,以供打猎之用。以供打猎之用。 We _long summer evenings in the pine forests, _ up worms for fishing, and _ feathers_ by the birds in the cages_ they

8、 had been_ for the hunters. 7. 如果没有朋友重聚网站的帮助,我就不可能找到我女儿。如果没有朋友重聚网站的帮助,我就不可能找到我女儿。 It_impossible to find my daughter_the help of Friends Reunited. 8.我记得第一次见到罗伊时的情景。我记得第一次见到罗伊时的情景。 I remember_I met Roy. 9.我为我的感受感到羞愧,我不想再重拾以前的生活,唤起我曾经的失落和痛苦。我为我的感受感到羞愧,我不想再重拾以前的生活,唤起我曾经的失落和痛苦。 I_my feelings,and I dont w

9、ant to rewind the recording of my life and remember my_and my_. spent digging collecting left where kept would have been without the first time am ashamed of loss pain At twelve, I attended another school. Having lost all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely in my new school. Luckily, I got to know

10、 Roy and we became good friends. The first time I met him, Roy was standing in the centre of a group of boys, telling a joke. When he reached the final line, everyone burst out laughing. Roy gave a loud happy laugh too. Roy was one of the few people who were kind to me. We trusted each other and we

11、could talk about personal matters. However, Roy changed completely after his father was knocked over by a car, for he had been very close to his father. He became silent and moody and lost all interest in his work. Though we see each other from time to time, we are no longer close. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

12、 10 11 12 One day, I found Roy going through the pockets of peoples coats. Seeing this, my mouth fell open and I just looked at him. Roy went bright red. Since when he started avoiding me, small amounts of money in students lockers have been disappearing/ stolen. Last week our school had a big fair

13、to raise money for a charity. We successfully made about 500 pounds. Our head teacher put away the money in a box he held up for us to see. Then he left the box in a classroom for a few minutes. But to our surprise, the money was stolen then. Having thought about the situation for a while, I went to ask Roy about the theft. I found a lot of paper notes in his pockets. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 【易错警示易错警示】 raiseraise是及物动词;而是及物动词;而riserise是不及物动词,表示“上升,增长,是不及物动词,表示“上升,增长,起立,起身”等意。起立,起身”等意。 【活学活用活学活用】 用用raiseraise或或riserise的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 (1)_


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