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1、 中 華 民 國 師師 資資 培培 育育 統統 計計 年年 報報 Yearbook of Teacher Education Statistics Republic of China 民國九十六年版 2007 教育部 Ministry of Education 序序 專業師資是奠定優質教育體系最重要之礎石,尤其現今各級學校教育正面社會急遽變遷,各界殷要求提升教育品質之際,需高效能師資的努與投入;是以,確保師資素質的卓越性與供需的穩定性,已為當前本部施政之重點項目。惟目前台灣正面對自由化、民主化、本土化、國際化、資訊化和多元化的衝擊,師資素質與教育成效備受社會大眾關,師資培育過程能否即時有效因應

2、,值得加以檢視與探討。 師資培育涵蓋廣博、程長遠,從職前教育、教育實習、教師資格檢定、甄選聘任,乃至於在職進修與專業成長,均需相互合,宏觀擘劃,方能培育優師資,進而提升教師專業地位,達成百樹人志業。爰此,對於師資培育之各項層面,應從統整觀點持續進系統性研析,以為進師資培育之基礎。有鑑於此,本部在多專家學者與教育界先進的通合作之下,於 94 起正式付梓發師資培育統計報,並每新編印,希冀建長期教育位管考指標系統,瞭解師資培育之供需趨勢發展,以提供相關教育政策規劃必要且關鍵之資訊。 本(96)統計報內容,除沿續 95 之編輯架構外,增加師資培育大學之學校總經費與師資培育相關經費資,並於附中增師資培育

3、國際指標比較,以進一步解師資生單位培育成本與國際發展趨勢接軌。 師資培育統計報包括範圍甚廣,所需核對資繁多,承各相關單位熱心協助,以及全體審查委員的指導與投入,尤其感謝高雄師範大學戴校長嘉南之學校編輯教授團隊鑽研覃思,乃能編印完成,適時付梓,謹此特申謝忱。由於本報綜括師資培育之各項層面,資涵蓋範圍至廣,蒐集檢核過程繁瑣,疏之處恐所難免,尚祈各界教育先進,指教,以為後續報修正、補充之依據。 部長 謹誌 中華民國九十七三月 i目 次目 次 Contents 序序 Preface 編輯說明 編輯說明 Prefatory Notes. ix 總述總述 Summary.1 壹 、 在職教師基本現況壹 、

4、 在職教師基本現況 Profile of the in-service teacher.35 一、年齡與教育階段之情況In-service teachers by age and school level . 35 二、年齡與性別之情況In-service teachers by age and gender . 38 三、性別與校別之情況In-service teachers by gender and school type . 40 四、年齡層與校別之情況In-service teachers by age group and school type . 40 五、年齡層與教育階段之情況

5、In-service teachers by age group and school level . 41 六、教育階段與校別之情況In-service teachers by school level and school type . 41 七、任職學校所屬縣市與校別之情況In-service teachers by school location and school type. 42 八、任職學校所屬縣市與教育階段之情況In-service teachers by school location and school level . 43 九、任職學校所屬縣市、校別與教育階段之情況I

6、n-service teachers by school location, school type, and school level . 44 十、任職學校所屬縣市、年齡層與性別之情況In-service teachers by school location, age group, and gender . 47 十一、學歷、校別與性別之情況In-service teachers by educational background, school type, and gender . 50 十二、學歷、校別與教育階段之情況In-service teachers by educationa

7、l background, school type, and school level . 50 十三、學歷、教育階段與性別之情況In-service teachers by educational background, school level, and gender . 51 貳、在貳、在職教師首登專長與校別現況職教師首登專長與校別現況 In-service teachers first registered specialty and school type . 53 一、首登專長在校別之情況In-service teachers first registered specialty

8、by school type . 53 二、幼教首登專長在校別之情況In-service teachers with first registered specialty in kindergarten education by school type . 54 三、國小首登專長在校別之情況In-service teachers with first registered specialty in elementary education by school type . 54 四、中等普通學科首登專長在校別之情況In-service teachers with first registere

9、d specialty in secondary education by school type . 55 五、中等職業學科首登專長在校別之情況In-service teachers with first registered specialty in vocational education by school type . 57 六、特教首登專長在校別之情況In-service teachers with first registered specialty in special education by school type . 63 參、在職教師任職學校所屬縣市與首登專長現況參、在

10、職教師任職學校所屬縣市與首登專長現況 In-service teachers first registered specialty and school location . 65 一、任職學校所屬縣市與首登專長之情況In-service teachers by school location and first registered specialty . 65 二、任職學校所屬縣市與幼教首登專長之情況In-service teachers with first registered specialty in kindergarten education by school location . 66 三、任職學校所屬縣市與國小首登專長之情況In-service teachers with first


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