
上传人:艾力 文档编号:36714521 上传时间:2018-04-01 格式:PDF 页数:20 大小:1.16MB
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1、信息学部“青年教师学术论坛” 之主题“通用目的GPU计算技术” 量子光学与电磁介质中的计算量子光学与电磁介质中的计算 浙江大学 光及电磁波研究中心 沈建其 2010-05-12,浙江大学 我在平时工作中的计算问题我在平时工作中的计算问题 i)四能级(及多能级)原子系统中的量子相干问题,譬如: Double- control quantum interferences in a tripod-configuration four-level system ,要研究原子气体的瞬态和稳态光学特性,在光子开关 (photonic switching)、光子逻辑门(logic gates)、光子晶体管

2、 (transistor)及光信息存储中有应用价值; ii) 其它四能级原子气体,如Y-型,N-型原子系统中的瞬态和稳态光学 特性; iii) 多层球(含负折射率材料)散射和电磁波场强分布问题; iv) 引力透镜光学和数值相对论( Gravitational Lens Optics due to quantum coherence in levels |b and |c (i.e. |b and |c form a dark state, which does not interact with level |a, i.e., the driving contribution is zero

3、(see below for the dark-state interpretation). |c |b |a p c probe lasercontrol laser 用原子气体(Li, Na, K, Rb)的量子相干特性来存储光信息(未来技术) Coherent information storage The probe light (and hence information) is stored in the three-level system when turning off the control field (and will be read out when turning

4、on the control field). This can be used to realize light storage technique and some devices (optical switches). i)Double-control quantum interferences in a tripod-configuration four-level system A four-level tripod-type atomic system (found in alkali metallic atoms, such as Rb, Cs and Na) 密度矩阵的运动方程密

5、度矩阵的运动方程 这套方程难以精确求解,我平时是在实验条件许可的情况下求近似解:这套方程难以精确求解,我平时是在实验条件许可的情况下求近似解: The steady optical property: the typical dispersive behavior of the four-level tripod-configuration system (two transparency windows, and large dispersion between two transparency windows) 瞬态演化动力学(光信息存储动力学、开关动力学) Transient dynam

6、ics (turn-on or turn-off dynamics) For photonic logic gates and functional devices. Once the control fields are turned on or off, the atomic state (as well as the phase relationship with the applied optical field) will evolve from one steady state to another steady state. This causes the transient e

7、volutional behavior, which can show how fast the optical behavior of the medium responds to the switching on (and off) of the control fields. The transient behavior of the real and imaginary parts of the relative refractive index of the atomic vapor in the case of quantum constructive interference T

8、he refractive index tends to the steady value after the relaxation process. The transient behavior of the relative refractive index 024681010.500.511.52t(s)n rIm( n r)Re( n r)ii) Y-configuration double-control atomic system The schematic diagram Y-type Hamiltonian The equation of density matrix 整套密度

9、矩阵方程难以求解,但可以在一定的实验允许条件下简化方程,得到解析解 The steady optical property of the Y-type atomic vapor The microscopic electric polarizability of a four-level Y-type atom: The general dispersive behavior of the permittivity of the Y-type medium Quantum coherence of the Y-type system The off-diagonal density matri

10、x elements can represent the quantum coherence. iii) Scattering problem of double-layered (or multi-layered) sphere containing left-handed medium 双层和多层球(含负折射率介质)的电磁散射问题 iv) 引力透镜光学和数值相对论 (Gravitational Lens Optics & Numerical Relativity) 引力透镜:暗物质(dark matter)代替光学材料,引力代替电磁力。宇 宙内遍布引力透镜,是研究天体物理和宇宙学的重要工具。 数值相对论:爱因斯坦(广义相对论)方程包含16个分量方程,且是高 度非线性的,非常难以求解,因此形成了一门学科数值相对论 (数值相对论 ( Numerical Relativity ),需要用超级计算机。韩国有一个“引力和数值 相对论学会”(在Korea Institute for Advanced Study)。数值相对论对 高效率的软硬件计算手段和技术有渴求。 我没有接触过GPU计算技术,不知是否我的课题需要该 计算工具,是否对我有重要帮助。请多指教。 THANKS A LOT! THANKS A LOT!



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