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1、2011 春季中高级口译考试真题、解析、答案汇总春季中高级口译考试真题、解析、答案汇总2011 年年 3 月高级口译汉译英月高级口译汉译英合营企业设董事会,其人数组成由合营各方协商,在合同、章程中确定,并由合营各方委派。董事会是合营企业的最高权力机构,决定合营企业的一切重大问题。董事长由合营各方协商确定或由董事会选举产生。董事长是合营企业法定代表人。董事长不能履行职责时,应授权其他董事代表合营企业。An equity joint venture shall have a board of directors; the number of the directors thereof from e

2、ach party and the composition of the board shall be stipulated in the contract and articles of association after consultation among the parties to the venture; such directors shall be appointed by the relevant parties. The highest authority of the joint venture shall be its board of directors, which

3、 shall decide all major issues concerning the joint venture. The chairman shall be determined through consultation by the parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors. The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture. Should the chairman be unable to perform

4、his duties, he shall authorize another director to represent the joint venture.董事会会议由董事长负责召集并主持。董事会会议应当有 2/3 以上董事出席方能举行。董事不能出席的,可以出具委托书委托他人代表其出席和表决。董事会会议应用中文和英文作详细记录,并在会议结束后 14 日内送交每位董事,由出席董事会会议的各位董事签字确认。The board meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board. A board meetin

5、g requires a quorum of over two-thirds of the directors. Should a director be unable to attend, he may make a proxy authorizing someone else to represent him and vote in his stead. Detailed minutes of the board meeting shall be prepared in Chinese and English and shall be delivered to each director

6、within fourteen days of the conclusion of the meeting to be signed and confirmed by each of the directors who attended the board meeting.【解析】本文选自中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法实施条例。从条例的第五章:董事会与经营管理机构中选取 n 个句子拼凑而成的文章。英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编(1991 年 7 月版)。并声明:当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准。本文属于正式法律条

7、文式翻译,因此,在语言的选择上,要注意文体性,不可过于口语化。从英译文版本中可以看出,在表达“应当”“要”等词的时候,多用 shall 一词;在表达“如果”的意思时,用的不是“if”,而是“should”;又如 thereof 的使用,文体正式程度可见一斑。此其一。其二,考生要注意专有名词的翻译。诸如 contract 合同 articles 章程 appoint委派 Detailed minutes of the board meeting 详细记录 perform ones duty 履行职责 the legal representative 法定代表人 authorize 授权等等。其三

8、,个别句子的翻译处理。如“董事会会议应当有 2/3 以上董事出席方能举行。”译文 A board meeting requires a quorum of over two-thirds of the directors. 其中 quorum 的用法极为精辟,简练,地道。这需要考生十年磨砺,凡能一招成名。总之,法律条文等正式问题翻译,对语言的得体性要求较高,语法要求相对松一些。考生只能平时多积累,多练习,注重专有名词的归纳总结,才能从容面对此类考题。2011 年年 3 月中级口译英译汉月中级口译英译汉When President Obama took the stage here Wednes

9、day to address a community and a nation traumatized by Saturdays shootings rampage in Tucson, Arizona, it invited comparisons to President George W. Bushs speech to the nation after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the memorial service President Bill Clinton led after the bombing of a federal offi

10、ce building killed 168 people in Oklahoma City in 1995.本周三,奥巴马总统登台演讲,就上周六亚利桑那州图森市所发生的枪击惨案向饱受心灵创伤的公众及全国发表演讲,人们不禁联想到,布什总统在 2001 年 911 袭击之后的演讲、以及 1995 年克林顿总统为俄克拉荷马州联邦政府大楼爆炸中的 168 名遇害者举行的追悼会。But Osamas appearance presented a deeper challenge, reflecting the tenor of his times. Unlike those tragedies-whi

11、ch, at least initially, united a mournful country and quieted partisan divisions-this one has, in the days since the killings, had the opposite effect, inflaming the divide.然而,奥巴马的公开露面展现了一个更大的挑战,也映射出他所处时代的要旨。以往那些惨案使整个国家在哀悼中团结一致,党派分歧也销声匿迹至少惨案发生初期是这样的。而本次的枪击惨案却恰恰相反,激化了党派间的分歧。It was a political reality

12、 Mr. Obama seemed to recognize the moment he took the stage. He directly confronted the political debate that erupted after the rampage, asking people of all beliefs not to use the tragedy to turn on one another. He called for an end to partisan recriminations, and for a unity that has seemed increa

13、singly elusive as each day has brought more harsh condemnations from the left and the right. It was one of the most powerful addresses that Mr. Obama has delivered as president, harnessing the emotion generated by the shock and loss from Saturdays shootings to urge Americans “to remind ourselves of

14、all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together”.奥巴马登台不久,便意识到了这一政治现实。他直接针对枪击惨案发生后引发的政治辩论,呼吁所有持不同宗教信仰的人们不要借机针锋相对。他呼吁各党派停止相互指责,同时呼吁各党派团结起来。因各党派之间的指责日益严厉且锋芒毕露,团结已经渐行渐远。本次演说是奥巴马担任总统以来发表的最具号召力的一次,他在演讲中巧妙利用了美国人因枪杀事件而产生的震惊与悲痛,敦促美国人“时刻提醒自己,我们因希望和梦想而团结在一起”。【解析】本次笔译题直接以西方报刊文章为素材,考查长句难句翻译,有一定的难度。美国民主

15、党女议员布里埃尔吉福兹 1 月 8 日在亚利桑那州图森市出席活动时遭遇枪手袭击,本文围绕此事,并结合美国政治做出评论。试题设置也比较老套,相信定期关注国际时事的同学,或者提前看过沪江双语新闻的童鞋肯定已经在偷着乐了。第一段“traumatized”引导的后置定语,较难处理,也是试题设置的采分点。另外,第二段的“at least initially”这是英文特有的结构,也值得大家注意,备考时应特别准备。第三段,call 所带的两个并列宾语,也是很难处理的结构。此外,翻 harness 这个词时也需要倍加小心。2011 年年 3 月高级口译英译汉的八大难词分析月高级口译英译汉的八大难词分析2011

16、 年春季高级口译考试英译汉原文:When president Obama took the stage here Wednesday to address a community-and a nation- -traumatized by Saturdays shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, it invited comparisons to President George W.R Bushs speech to the nation after the attacks of Sept.11, 2001, and the memorial service President Bill Clinton led after the bombing of a federal office building killed 168 people in Oklahoma City in 1995.But Obamas appearance presented a deeper challenge


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