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1、五英 12012 年秋季学期期中检测 五年级英语试卷听力部分(40 分)一、听录音,请选出你所听到的单词。 (10 分)( )1、A、funny B、sunny C、fine D、fun( )2、A、Thursdy B、Tuesday C、Monday D、Sunday( )3、A、Chinese B、China C、Canada D、cabbage( )4、A、tell B、tall C、talk D、fall( )5、A、tasty B、salty C、sweet D、sour二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。 (10 分)( )1、A、My math teacher is smart an

2、d old.B、My music teacher is strong and old.C、My music teacher is smart and young.( )2、A、Sue and Amy always paly ping-pong.B、Sue always plays ping-pong.C、Sue often plays ping-pong.( )3、A、I often read story-books and do sports on Sundays.B、I often read English books and do sports on Sundays.C、I often

3、read books and do sports on Saturdays.( )4、A、I have mutton and beef for lunch.B、I like mutton and beef for lunch.C、Id like some fresh fish for breakfast.( )5、A、We have Chinese,English and math.B、We have Chinese,P.E and math.C、We have Chinese,science and math.三、听录音,根据你所听到的问句选出合适的答语。 (10 分)( )1、A、She

4、is our English teacher.B、He is our English teacher.C、She is pretty but strict.( )2、A、Its Friday.B、I like Friday.C、We have English,science and computer.五英 2( )3、A、I can play computer games.B、I often read books.C、Yes,I do.( )4、A、We have Chinese,math and English.B、I like mutton.C、We have mutton,cabbage

5、s and fish.( )5、A、I like apples.B、I dont like grapes.C、I like fish.四、听录音,给下面句子重新排序。 (10 分)( )I have eggplant and tomatoes.( )Im hungry.( )I have onions and green beans.( )What about you?( )What do you have for lunch today? 笔试部分(60 分)一、抄写句子,请将句子抄到四线三格内。 (5 分)I often go to school by bike.Sometimes,I w

6、ould like to take a bus.二、找出不同类别的单词。 (5 分)( )1、A、young B、like C、old D、kind( )2、A、fish B、beef C、pork D、apple( )3、A、Saturday B、Monday C、Chinese D、Tuesday( )4、A、computer B、science C、P.E D、Canada( )5、A、bus B、car C、strict D、bike三、英汉互译。 (5 分)( )1、from ( )2、校长 ( )3、wait ( )4、fun ( )5、明天A、principal B、有趣 C、来

7、自 D、tomorrow E、等待四、根据句意,将字母重新组合成正确的单词,写在横线上。 (5 分)1、My P.E teacher is _(ogsrnt).2、My favourite _(yad) is Monday.3、I often _(ahwtc) TV on Saturday.五英 34、We have _(ihfs) and _(otuf) for lunch.五、选择。 (5 分)( )1、My _ food is cabbage.A、like B、would like C、favourite( )2、My English teacher is strict, but she

8、 is very _.A、kind B、smart C、old( )3、That _ good.A、sound B、sounds C、listen( )4、What do you have _ Mondays?A、in B、on C、at( )5、What _ is it today?A、colour B、time C、day六、连词成句。 (10 分)1、is what your mother like ?_2、on Mondays what we do have ?_3、often read I on books Sundays ._4、fruit what your is favouri

9、te ?_5、English on we ald math have Thursdays ._七、补全对话。 (5 分)A:_B:My name is Zhang Jian.A:Nice to meet you.B:_A:_B:Its Sunday.A:_B:My P.E teacher.A:_五英 4B:Yes,Lets go.A、Do you like pleying football?B、Whats your name?C、Nice to meet you,too.D、Who is that young man?E、What day is it goday?八、阅读理解,根据短文内容判断

10、正误,正确写“T” ,错误写“F” 。 (10 分)I have lunch at school from Monday to Friday.I like school lunch.On Mondays we have tofu and beans.On Tuesdays and Fridays we have cabbage and beef.I like Wednesdays.Because we usually have mutton on Wednesdays.On Thursdays we often have noodles.We usually have some fruits for each lunch.( )1、I dont have lunch at school.( )2、I dont like the fruits of my school lunch.( )3、On Thursdays we have noodles.( )4、We have tofu and beans only on Mondays.( )5、I have mutton on Wednesdays.九、作文。以“My friend”为题写一篇小短文,介绍一下你的朋友,不少于五句话。(10 分)


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