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1、20122012年年6 6月四级真题完整参考答案月四级真题完整参考答案( (大家网大家网) )http:/www.china- 来源:中国四六级考试网 发布时间:2012-06-16 16:31:482天记住4000单词的秘密. 点击进入!Part I Writing On Excessive PackagingNowadays, the phenomenon of excessive packaging of goods is prevalent in our society. Wandering in the supermarkets, one might be dazzled by th

2、e fancy packaging of goods on the shelves. Although the government has concerned with the issue, the phenomenon still flourishes。The reasons can be listed as follows. First, manufactures believe that they can attract customers attention and stimulate their purchasing desire by means of over-packagin

3、g their goods, thus gaining more profits. Second, quite a number of consumers mistakenly hold the opinion that the more exquisite the package is, the better the quality will be, which encourages excessive packaging. In addition, most of this kind of goods are brought and sent as gifts to their relat

4、ives or leaders。To my mind, excessive packaging can do harm to our society, for instance, it can result in the loss of precious resources and the shortage of energy. In the light of the disastrous consequences mentioned above, every citizen should be aware of the problem, and laws or regulations mus

5、t be made to restrict the behavior of excessive packaging of manufactures。Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1. D) providing good education for baby boomers。2. B) Students performance declined。3. D) They are mostly small in size。4. A) Some large schools have split up into smaller o

6、nes。5. D) their college-level test participation。6. D) Their school performance was getting worse。7. C) maintain closer relationships with their teachers。8. Simplicity9. different measures10. tough subjectsPart III Listening Comprehension2012年6月16日四级听力音频下载 Section A短对话:11. D. Discussing a house plan

7、。12. D. She is tired of the food in the canteen。13. C. Listening to some loud music。14. C. The man can dress casually for the occasion。15. A. Grey pants made from pure cotton。16. C. Its location。17. C. Travel overseas。18. A. It is a good bargain。长对话:19. D Hosting an evening TV program20. A He worked

8、 as a salesman21. B He wanted to be his own boss22. A They are all the mans friends23. B It remains a major of industrial activity24. C Transport problem25. D Measures to create job opportunities.Section BPassage one26 B. They had known each other since childhood27 B. At Joes house28 A. Social divis

9、ions will break down if people get to know each other。Passage two29 A. In his buildings parking lot30 A. It had been stolen by someone31 B. In the city garagePassage three32 D. The mysteriousness of creativity33 A. It is the source of all artistic work34 D. Creative imagination35 A. It is part of ev

10、eryday lifeSection C36. calculators37. handle38. items39. Responding40. emergencies41. rarely42. occur43. murders44. there have been hundreds of thefts and cases of deliberate damaging of public property45. Things get stolen when it is easy to steal them because they are left lying around unwatched4

11、6. A better way to solve this problem might be for all of us to be more careful with our thingsPart IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section A47.E domestic48.M communities49.O survive50.H gather51.M serves52.N surrounding53.J recession54.E reported55.G households56.F financiallySection B57

12、 C.bring about a drop in the divorce rate。58 D.living separately would be too costly。59 D.Falling housing prices。60 D.It will irreparably damage their relationship。61 A.The economic recovery will see a higherdivorce rate。62 C.It profits by selling its users personal data。63 B.They dont know their pe

13、rsonal data enrichesFacebook。64 A.To render better service to its users。65 C.Formulating regulations for social-networkingsites。66 C.He doesnt want his personal data abused。Part V Cloze67. D avoid68. D However69. C failing70. C stages71. A on72. D predicts73. D through74. D and75. A sensitive76. B e

14、xperience77. C as well as78. B emotions79. D to80. B inevitable81. C receive82. B with83. A quality84. B positive85. C memories86. D increasedPart VI Translation87. Those flowers looked as if they hadnt been watered for a long time(好长时间没有浇水了)。【点评】look as if 虚拟语气后接过去完成时。they 即 flowers 做主语,用被动语态。water

15、 做动词时,有“给植物浇水” “流泪”之意。88. Fred bought a car last week. It is 1,000 pounds cheaper than mine(比我的车便宜一千英镑).【点评】简单的比较级,cheaper than。不需要重复 car,直接用 mine 代替 my car。89. This TV program is quite boring. We might as well listen to the music (不妨听听音乐)。【点评】固定搭配:might(may) as well“还是的好、不妨” 。listen to the music,听音乐。90. He left his office in a hurry, with the lights on and the door open(灯亮着,门开着)。【点评】with 短语做伴随状语。91.The famous novel is said to have been translated into multiple / several languages(已经被译成多种语言)。【点评】be said to 后面跟动词原型, “已经被译” ,用完成时被动语态 have



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