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1、52中国外语教育(季刊)Foreign Language Education in China (Quarterly)2009 年 2 月February 2009第 2 卷 第 1 期Vol. 2 No. 11. 引言Hartwell it achieved its current size only in the mid-20th century. (2) America was the first of the European colonies to separate successfully from its mother-land, and it was the first nat

2、ion to be established on the premise that sovereignty rests with its citizens and not with the government. (3) In its first century and a half the country was mainly preoccupied with its own territorial expansion and economic growth and with social debates that ultimately led to civil war and a heal

3、ing period that is still not complete. (4) In the 20th century the United States emerged as a world power, and since World War II it has been one of the preeminent powers. It has not accepted this mantle easily nor always carried it willingly; the principles and ideas of its founders have been teste

4、d by the pressures and exigencies of its dominant status. (5) Although the United States still offers its residents opportunities for unparalleled advancement 英语 “主题例证型” 语篇模式探析54and wealth, the depletion of resources, contamina-tion of its environment, and continuing social and economic inequality t

5、hat perpetuates areas of pov-erty and blight all threaten the fabric of the country.(引自吴鼎民 2003:33-34)这一段落中的(1)是主题句, (2) 、 (3) 、(4)是例证句, (5)是结论句。结论句采用部分重复前面内容、部分推进的表达方式。段落结构表现为主题例证结论三部分。所以可以这样说,理想的主题例证型段落是一篇论文的三部分结构(引言正文结尾)的微缩形式。2.2 主题例证型段落的最简结构Reinking Equivalent Words: as well as, equally impor-ta

6、nt, similarly, at the same time, likewise; Order Words: finally, last, second, first, next, then;Time Words: afterwards, meanwhile, subse-quently, at the same time, next, then, before, now, ul-英语 “主题例证型” 语篇模式探析56timately, formerly, presently, until, later, previously, while.这类词汇很多(详见 Pauk 1989:353-3

7、55) ,这里不一一列举。根据 Sotiriou(1984)和 Messenger the screenwriter is no exception. (3) The screenplay dialect is individual and capable of infinite variety.(Hartwell & Bentley 1982: 139)该段落中的(1)是段落主题句, (2)是支撑句,对主题句进行证明, (3)对(2)做进吴敏之57一步说明,其层级展开形式是(1)(2)(3) 。句子的语意呈概括具体更具体的逻辑关系。段落中的每一个句子都与其前面的句子有紧密的语意关系,或者说每

8、一个句子都是从前面的句子产生出来的。 (2)中的 producers, direc-tors, technicians 回指(1)中的 the user。 (3)中的 screenplay 与(2)中的 screenwriter 有紧密联系。具有更多句子的简单从属型段落的展开形式应该是(1)(2)(3)(4) N。以简单从属型展开的段落表现出了典型的线性段落的特征。5.2 并立型段落并立型段落(simple coordinate frameworks)一般含有两个以上的并立的支撑句,在同一语意层级对主题句进行展开。支撑句的数量按需要确定。Reinking & Hart(1986:159-60)

9、认为并立型段落中的支撑句具有同样的分量(weight) ,它们构成从不同平面对主要思想进行展开的“清单” 。例如:(1) As he opens the door to the crowded gym-nasium, Dave is blasted by the familiar noises of the junior varsity basketball game. (2) Hundreds of voices blend together to form one huge roar, which reaches a peak whenever the home team makes a

10、basket. (2) Suddenly, a shrill whistle silences the crowd, and then a stabbing buzzer signals a time out. (2) With a break in the action, the pep band strikes up the school fight song.(Reinking & Hart 1986: 160)在这个并立型段落中, (2) 、 (2) 、 (2)三个句子之间不存在下一句对上一句进行说明的关系,语意没有向更具体化的方向发展,语篇展开时并未表现出语意层级性和语意向更具体明确

11、方向发展的倾向。三个句子都在同一水平上对主题句中的“top noises”进行展开。语篇所表现出的不是 Coe & 胡曙中(1989)所说的那种“向深入和高峰的方向发展的”的“纵向的” 线性,而是在同一水平上的更多平面上展开的“横向的”线性。5.3 复合型段落复合型段落(mixed paragraph frameworks)兼具并立型与从属型展开模式的特征,语篇在纵、横两个方向都得到一定的发展。例如:(1) The crucial point I wish to make here is that language is the basic instrument of the social r

12、eality. (2) Created in the human environment, adaptable and subject to change, it is a tool that man manipulates to a desired end. (2) It is power. (3) Black language, though often superciliously termed “nonstandard English,” contains as much power, complexity and usefulness as other varieties of En

13、glish, including the so-called “Standard” idioms. (4) A quick glance at the screen environment of Black America reveals an oral culture where ones social survival is exactly proportionate to his ability to rap and cap. (5) Rap-ping is language facility directed toward making a point in a powerful ma

14、nner. (6) The skillful rap-per wins the adulation of his peers and becomes a culture hero. (7) (Unknown to many, Rap Browns given name is not “Rap” but Hubert. He was dubbed “Rap” because of his ability to deliver a message, that is, his ability to rap. (5) Capping is language facility directed towa

15、rd conquest of ones opponent through verbal attack. (6) In the ghetto jungle of Claude Browns “promised land,” even physical survival may depend on capping ability: many a black cat has capped his way out of a rumble, i.e., averted a fight by employing his verbal repartee and linguistic wit to shame

16、 an op-ponent into leaving the scene. (C) As Ralph Elli-son has said, “One uses the language which helps to preserve ones life, which helps to make one feel at peace in the world, and which screens out the greatest amount of chaos.”(Hartwell & Bentley 1982: 150-52)该语篇展开的语篇层级是: (1) (主题句)(2)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(5)(6)(C) (结论句) 。这一语篇较为复杂,它在第二层级上稍作停留,接着继英语 “主题例证型” 语篇模式探析58续向纵深发展,到了第七层级后又反过来对(5) 、(6)两个层级作平行展开,最后才是结论句。这样的语篇的线性具有纵、横两种线性特征,也可以说其单向线性不明显。理想的复合型段落应该是这样的层级发展模式:


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