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1、1PEP 五年级上册 Unit 4 What Can You Do? A、Read and Write广东省梅州市大埔县三河镇中心小学 范春连Analysis of theTeachingMaterial本课取材于义务教育课程标准实验教科书的第五册。本套教材的总思路是以话题为纲,以交际功能为主线,兼顾语言结构,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际目的的语言任务。本课时是第四单元的第三课时阅读教学。我把词汇、会话、阅读三者有机结合,在教学听说读写四会句型 What can you do? I can及对新句子:Mother goat is ill. We can help her. 的三会要求的基础上

2、,教会学生如何对语言点进行整合和拓展。Analysis of student学生从三年级开始学习 PEP 英语,至今已积累了一定的词汇,具有一定的英语表达能力,而且有了一定的英语思维能力。学生在学习本节课内容之前已经学习了 Part A 中词汇教学和会话教学,学过了一些动词短语和句型“I can”。本节课的主要任务是让学生如何运用已知的语言知识和已具备的技能,在真实或接近真实的语言中运用英语。Teaching aimsKnowledge aim 1、能够听懂、会说、会读:What can.do?I/ She/He can.Mother goat is ill. We can help her.

3、 2、能够听、说、读、写句型 What can you do ? I can sweep the floor. I can cook the meals. I 2can water the flowers. Ability aim 能够运用所学知识填写“Finish the sentences” ,并在情境中综合运用本课所学知识。 Emotion aim 1、增强学生学英语的自信心,使学生从英语学 习中得到快乐。 2、培养学生养成互相帮助的良好习惯。 Important teaching points:掌握四会句型:Wh at can you do ? I can sweep the floo

4、r. I can co ok the meals. I can water the flowers.Difficult and Important teaching pointsDifficult teaching points:在接近真实的语言环境中灵活运用四会句型。Teaching and Learning methods采用热身活动新知呈现语言操练综合运用小结并布置作业的教学模式。用 TPR活动、情境教学法、任务型教学法进行教学。把肢体语言贯穿教学始终,从句型教学到对话教学都运用丰富的肢体动作,起到化难为易的作用;把重点句型编成朗朗上口的 chant,优化课堂教学;用“小小魔术师”的教学

5、活动提供有效的信息沟,为后面的阅读教学打下基础;从“魔镜”里认识课文人物,自然过渡到课文的学习;学生带着问题去看动画课件、给动画配音、创设情境整理凌乱的房间、调查同学们在校园里的活动情况,都是让学生带着任务去学习和巩固新知;课上出示难易程度不同的两篇课外短文,是为了加强学生的阅读能力,拓宽他们3的知识面,让学生自由选择适合自己阅读的短文,这样使得每个学生都有参与阅读的机会,照顾了全体学生的学习需求;用印有“helpful”的奖章奖励学生,充分激发学生学习的积极性,把评价机制与课堂内容紧密结合在一起。Teaching stepsDetail stepsDesign intentionWarmin

6、g-upListen and doT: do homework / read books /clean the desk /water the flowers /empty the trash / sweep the floor用 TPR 复习与新课有关的信息,既活跃了课堂气氛,又为呈现新知做好了铺垫。Lead-inT: Look, I can, I can, I can wash the windows. (Teacher read the sentences with gesture and guide students to act it.)S: I can, I can, I can

7、wash the windows. 用拍手唱歌谣的形式把 I can的句型自然导入,直接切入主题。Presentation and Drill1. Teach the sentences.(1)T: Oh, you can cook the meals. You can water the flowers. You can You are helpful ! 在 chant 中不露痕迹地过渡到句型的教学,并教会学4(2)Ss:You are helpful !(3)a,a,a, /,/,/ can .What can you do? I can cook the meals.I can swe

8、ep the floor. I can water the flowers.(板书重点句型)生用 You are helpful !来称赞别人。用朗朗上口的音标教学吸引学生的注意力。Presentation and Drill2. Be a little magian.T(Holding a magic stick came up to S1 and use it to click S1):I am a magian. I have a magic stick. You can sweep the floor.S1: Wow, I can sweep the floor.T: S1,S1, W

9、hat can you do?S1: I can, I can, I can sweep the floor.T: Great ! You are helpful ! Give me five !(T walk to S2): S2, S2, What can S1 do?S2: He/She can, He/She can, He /She can sweep the floor.用“小小魔术师”的教学活动,锻炼学生灵活运用四会句型的能力,为更有效地去阅读短文打下基础。教师在活动中的示范作用也尤为重要。学生在玩中把新旧知识有机结合,魔术棒在学生之5T: Do you want to be a

10、 little magian?S2: Yes, I do.(T pass it to S2)S2 walk to S3:You can clean the bedroom.S3: I can clean the bedroom.S2: S3, S3, What can you do?S3: I can, I can, I can clean the bedroom.S2: Cool ! You are helpful ! Give me five. ! S4, S4, What can S3 do?S4: He/She can, He/She can, He /She can clean th

11、e bedroom.(连锁问答)间自由传动,让学生给自己的小伙伴提供有效的信息沟,体现了生生互动。用师生击掌、生生击掌的奖励手段,以增强学生学习英语的自信;奖给学生印有“helpful”的徽章,使课堂评价与教学内容有机结合。Presentation and Drill3. Read and write.(1)课件出示魔术师活动结束后,通过课件出示魔镜,从魔镜里认识课文人物的方法新颖独6Presentation and DrillT:“I have a magic mirror. Look, who is in it? She is Mother Goat. What is the matter

12、 with her? Oh, she is ill.(Teach the new word“ill”) i,i,i, /,/,/ ill. (Teach the new sentence“Mother Goat is ill.” )Let us go and help her. OK? Ss:OK ! (Teach the new sentence“We can help her.”And then ask the students to look at the pictures in the PPT and lead to the lesson)T: What can you do? S1:

13、 I can clean the chair. S2: I can wash the window. S3: T: OK, just do it. u,u,u,/, just . Teach the new phrase“Just do it.” (2)T: Boys and girls, look, Mother Goats friends are coming, too. They are Zip, Zoom, monkey and rabbit. What are they talking about? What can they do? Do you 特,从重点句型教学自然过渡到阅读教

14、学中来。从学生自身如何帮助Mother Goat 入手,为学生创设情境,使他们觉得自己也在为 Mother Goat 做一些力所能及的家务事,而不是单纯枯燥地去学习课文。初读课文时,让学生带着任务去看动画课件播放的课文内容,目的是用生动有7Presentation and Drillwant to know?Ss: Yes.(T 放课文动画课件)(3) Open the book and turn to page48. Listen and repeat.(4)Answer the questions. (Discuss in the group)a. What can the monkey

15、do?b. What can the rabbit do?c. What can Zip do?d. What can Zoom do?(5)Finish the sentences.The monkey can_.The rabbit can_. 趣的动画去吸引学生的有意注意,让他们在轻松的学习氛围中又不忘留心听重点。精读课文时,小组活动大大提高了学习的有效性,使学生在互帮互助中快速找到学习方法,从而顺利地去解决问题。再读课文后出示填空练习,读写结合,在先前学习拼读四会句子的基础上进行书写练习。8Zip can_.Zoom can_.(6)给课文配音。给动画课件配音的方法新颖有趣,加深学生对

16、课文内容的记忆。Practice课件出示凌乱的房间图T: My mother is not at home. My room is dirty. I want to clean my room. Can you help me,S1?S1: Yes, I can help you. I can empty the trash.T: What about you,S2 ?S2: I can water the flowers. What can you do,S3?S3: I can cook the meals. Can you wash the windows? S4: Yes, I can. I can clean the desk, 改变原文的地点和人物,课件出示凌乱的房间图,引导学生用所学的知识去描述自己会做的事情,以巩固新知。奖励“helpful”奖章给回答得好的学生,充分运用激励机制激9too



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