全程笔记 (1)

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《全程笔记 (1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《全程笔记 (1)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、阅读中的十类小词阅读中的十类小词一,强转折 A But B But, yet, however, still In fact, virtually, actually, practically, indeed, 二,让步 A although B Though, although, despite, in spite of, while 三,强对比 Until, unlike 时间强对比;数字强对比 四,绝对化小词 Only, unique, all , never, none, chiefly, primary, major, the most, top, peak, No1. core W

2、hat is the most important is that The problem/question/trouble/surprise is that My point/topic/idea is thatSome, may, possible, part, not all, sometimes 五,比较结构 A is more than B B is less than A -B is not as as A 六,指代 It, they, this, these, such, so, this, that, 定冠词+名词 Although., it 七,因果关系 Because, r

3、eason, why, and, due to A make/cause/lead to B A suggest/show/indicate/denote/ B Attribute A to B owe A to B Consequence, thus, as a result, so, hence, therefore, according to A is in accordance with B, A is based on B 八,同义复述 This means, in other words, this presents, that is to say, namely, similar

4、ly, same 九,副词 virtually, actually, practically, most importantly, surprisingly, amazingly, 副词 (specifically, typically) 十,比喻 A is the same true of B; the same as; just as; sound like; sound as if; seem like; seem; A is like B; A is compared to B因果关系题的做法:1. 返回原文定位,看有无明显的表因果关系的连接词;2. 如果没有,重内在逻辑轻词汇;3.往

5、前往后再看一句;4.重合选项,得出答案, 注意因果颠倒。Not until midnight, did it stop raining. It could have been much worse.作业:P197/P1 P114/P4 (白)P45/P1论证结构论证结构一,抽象具体结构 (一)例证: 有标志性词汇 For example, for instance, cases that 时间和数字强对比 大写字母(人名,地名) (二)标点符号 A:B (三)比喻 本体 喻体 P150/Q29 A is the same true of B; the same as; just as; sou

6、nd like; sound as if; seem like; seem; A is like B; A is compared to B补充:分号的作用 1,结构并列;2,语义并列 二,分类列举 (白)P45/P1 Alter; vary; many; differ; change; Firstsecondthirdlast Above all; after all; the most important of all Onethe other someothers 名词复数 三,对比结构 时间/数字对比 大众/作者观点对比 四,现象/原因结构 因果关系段落主旨句和全文主旨句的位置段落主旨

7、句和全文主旨句的位置阅读考察的要求:阅读考察的要求:主题+定位 Skimming and scanning story-telling快速把握全文主题的原则快速把握全文主题的原则 一, 首段原则 二,各段首句原则(首句不含否定,S2 不表转折)全文主题句常出现的几个位置全文主题句常出现的几个位置 一,全文首句 (一)下定义 define, definition, concept, refer to (二)结论 conclude, conclusion 二,首段末句三,第二段首句段落主题句常出现的位置段落主题句常出现的位置: S1-50%, S2-20%(尤其是转折句,和接在含有否定含 义之后的

8、句子), LS-20%段首句成为主题句的表现形式段首句成为主题句的表现形式 一,分类列举结构:vary, many, a series of, a number of 二,判断语气 is, become, grow 三,自问自答 问题不是主旨,答案才是四,Show, suggest, conclude, contend, argue段落主题的另类表现形式段落主题的另类表现形式 一,词汇复现 二,标符:引号 三,黑体字高频考点:全文末句;重复出现的核心词汇标点符号标点符号 一,冒号 A:B 抽象:具体 二,分号 语义并列;结构并列 三,引号 1)引用观点加以论证/反驳2)强调3)反语 (白)P5

9、1/P6/P3 四,破折号 1)单破号 解释说明 AC2)双破号 插入语 ACB常见的路标词常见的路标词 一,前后意思一致 This means, in other words, this presents, that is to say, namely, similarly, same 二,并列平行 And, or, as well, as well as, also, besides, another (A,B,C and D=D,C,B and A) 三,递进 In addition, adding to, furthermore, moreover, ultimately, final

10、ly, eventually 四,转折 But, yet, however, still 五,强对比 Until, unlike 六,让步 Though, although, despite, in spite of, while小结转折,强对比,让步的侧重点A is unlike B A but B A although B分类题型分类题型 因果关系题 1. 返回原文定位,看有无明显的表因果关系的连接词; 2. 如果没有,重内在逻辑轻词汇; 3.往前往后再看一句; 4.重合选项,得出答案,注意因果颠倒。态度题 (一)标示 attitude tone (二)做法 1.可以参考文中带有作者强烈感

11、情色彩的名词,动词,形容词或副词来判断 comparatively little contribution, too many hospitals, thanks to, luckily 2. 褒贬色彩不一的同义词 cob police; acknowledge confess 3.段首句,转折句 4.春秋笔法:专家学者观点 (三)态度种类 正态度:positive; optimistic; agree; approve; approval; supportive;sympathy complementary 负态度:negative; pessimistic; disagree; disap

12、prove; disapproval;critical; doubtful Scornful; questioning; skeptical; suspicious 中立: objective; neutral 永赔:indifferent; compromising; arbitrary; exaggerated; prejudiced; biased; confusing; puzzling例证题做法 1.识别:the (case/example) illustrate/demonstrate/show that 2.返回原文,找出该例子 3.90%向上,10%向下,找出该例所支持的观点陈

13、述 4.在 4 个选项中,找出与文中观点最为对应的陈述作为答案 5.含有例子本身内容的选项一定错(细节服从主题)比喻题 喻体消失,保留本体。含有喻体内容的选项一定错。含有喻体的句子跳开不读。推理题 (一)识别:which of the following is true? What can be inferred from the passage? What can be learnt form the passage/ (二)做法每个选项都返回原文,找到出处,同义替换,得出答案 (三)同义替换的方式 1.原命题的逆否命题 (新中国的建设必须在共产党的领导下进行没有共产党,就没有新中国) 2.

14、正话反说:(1) 引号(authentic” ones) (2)should 引导的虚拟语气 (四)符合常识的不一定是正确选项,但不符合常识的,一定是错误选项。主旨题 (一)识别 Mainly about/best title/purpose (二)做法 1.确定全文主旨:全文主旨句所在的位置:(1)全文首句;(2)首段末句; (3)2 段首句 2.叠加法:把每段主旨相叠加,就是本文主旨 (三)一出现二不出现的三大原则 1. 全文主题词或其同义词必须出现,即核心概念必须有 2. 文中的任何细节不能出现 (1)时间,数字,地点,大写字母 (2)例子本身 (3)冒号之后 (4)喻体本身 (5)转折

15、词之前:but, yet, however 3.无中生有的信息不能出现词义题 (一)回上下文找与其同词性的词或词组,一般同义或反义 (二)通过连接词判断上下文的逻辑关系 A and B; A but B; A more than B (三)标点符号 A:B AB A;B (四)代入法 (五)熟词僻意,生词熟义选项规律:细节服从主题原则选项规律:细节服从主题原则细节的类别 (一)时间,数字,地点,大写字母 (二)例子本身 (三)冒号之后 (四)喻体本身 (五)转折词之前:but, yet, however语篇分析语篇分析第一篇(P107/Q31-35)大众、专家、作者间观点的关系:作者观点与大众

16、想法;作者观点与专家保持 一致。吃生西红柿致癌;生吃西红柿有益健康第二篇(白)P45/P1Do to sb. vs. Do for sb. Impartially=im+part+ial+ly The+adj=一类人 Q2:词义宽泛优先 If not:不是不能做,真要做又. It would be very expensive if not unaffordable. Decades if not centuries.第三篇(P114/P4)Executives:专家观点 Diverse; few, despite, in accordance with, anticipate, hope, Nike第四篇(P197/P1)Nowadays; few; argue; Confucius; Mencius; Laos; conservative; radical; subordinate to; domestic (home: at home; at home in) ; sub; ado


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