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1、1高考英语短文写作必背句式高考英语短文写作必背句式1. 我很荣幸在这儿介绍我最好的朋友李华。她是一个乐于助人的人,一个我想要说谢谢的人。2. 越来越多的人关注贫富差距日益增大的问题。3. 如图表所示,2006 年到 2012 年中国人的饮食已有所改变。4. 现在,越来越多的高中学生选择出国留学,引发了人们热烈讨论。5. 随着经济和科技发展,手机越来越普及。6. 事实上,已经采取了很多措施帮助那些天资聪慧却又经济困难的学生完成学业。7. 造成这些变化的主要有两个原因。8. 理由存在于以下三个方面。其一,.其二,最后,9. 众所周知,自信对于成功生活是很重要的。10.正如古语所言, “诚信是最好的

2、政策。 ”11.然而,还是有些人想通过不诚实的方式来获得利益。比如,.12.就我而言,虽然游戏很有趣,但作为高中生,我们应该把精力集中在学习上。13.对这个问题的看法因人而异。有一些学生认为 而其他的则坚持认为14.正如谚语所言,凡事都有正反面。除了上面提到的优势外,还有一些我们无法忽视的不利因素。15.最重要的是,我们要有环保意识。16.首先,水是生命之源。如果没有水,地球上就没有生命。17.综上所述/总之,只有这样我们才能解决浪费水的问题。18.正如谚语所言,众人拾柴火焰高。只有当我们齐心协力我们才能有个和谐的社会。19.众所周知,熟能生巧。所以我们要尽力地来操练口语。20.毫无疑问,人无

3、完人。21.有一天,我正在街上走着,突然听到有人在喊救命。22.它不但能增加我们的社会阅历还能帮助我们发展能力。23.如果你能考虑一下我的建议,我将会很感激。24.他是这么伟大的一个人因此我们能从他身上学到很多东西。25.我们必须始终记住:真正的美来自一个人的行为举止而不是外表。26.过去的三十年见证了的巨大变化。27.我们到了该做决定的时候了。28.我强烈建议我们应该1. Its my great honor to be here to say something about Li Hua, my best friend, who is always ready to help others

4、 and who Id like to say “Thank you” to.2. There is an increasing concern over the widening gap between the rich and the poor./ There is a widespread concern about the issue that the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider and wider. 3. As is shown in the graph/chart/picture, there have b

5、een some changes in peoples diet from 2006 to 2012 in China. The graph/chart/picture well shows the changes in peoples diet from 2006 to 2012 in China./ From the graph/chart/picture, we can see the changes in peoples diet from 2006 to 2012 in China. / Great changes have taken place in.4. Nowadays, m

6、ore and more high school students choose to study abroad, which arouses/leads to a heated discussion.5. With the development of economy and technology, cell phones are becoming more and more popular.26. In fact, many measures have been taken to help talented students with financial difficulty to fin

7、ish their college education.7. These changes are mainly based on two reasons./ There are two reasons accounting for these changes. /The reasons leading to these changes are as follows.8. The reason, I believe, lies in three aspects. Firstly, Secondly, . Last but not least, .9. It is widely recognize

8、d that confidence plays an important part in a successful life.As we all know/As is known to us all/ What is known to us all is that confidence plays an important part in a successful life.10.As the old saying goes, “honesty is the best policy.”11.However, there are people who try to get benefits by

9、 dishonest means. For example, 12.As far as I am concerned/ From where I stand/ As for me, though the game is really great fun, as senior students, we are supposed to focus on our studies.13.My classmates take/hold different attitudes towards the issue./Attitudes towards the issue vary from person t

10、o person. There are some students holding the view that. While the others insist / argue that14.As the old saying goes, every coin has two sides. Apart from the above advantages, there are still some disadvantages that we can not ignore.15.What is the most important thing is that we should have the

11、awareness of environmental protection./ What really matters/counts is that we should be aware of environmental protection./It is we having the awareness of environmental protection that matters/counts.16.To begin with, water is the source of life, without which there could be no life on the earth.17

12、.From what is discussed above/ In conclusion/ In short/ In a word, only in this way/only by doing so can we solve the problem of water wasting.18.As the old saying goes, together, individuals can make a difference. Only when we work together can we make a harmonious society.19.As is known to all, pr

13、actice makes perfect. So we should make every effort /spare no effort to practice our spoken English.20.It goes without saying that each person has got his own fault./ There is no denying the fact that every person can make a mistake.21.One day, I was walking on the street when suddenly I heard some

14、one calling for help.22.Not only can it add to our social experiences but also help to develop our abilities, which is really of great value.23.I would appreciate it if you can take my advice into consideration/ account.24.He is such a great person that we can learn a lot from him.25.We should alway

15、s keep in mind that true beauty comes from ones actions but not ones appearance.26. The past 30 years have witnessed/seen the great changes taking place in 27. We have reached a stage/point where we should make a decision to ./Its high time that we made a decision to./Its necessary/essential/of great importance that we should.28. I strongly recommend/suggest that we should .


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