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1、狂欢是一群人的寂寞,寂寞是一个人的狂欢。阳光下没有新鲜事。 何凯文 QQ:576728297。每天一句话,强壮考研一代人。12013 考研何凯文写作基础班笔记考研何凯文写作基础班笔记未来之星收集整理 小作文:10 分,目标得分 8 分; 大作文:20 分,目标得分 14-16 分。 大作文 20 分: 奖励分 3 分 基准分 17 分 奖励分:正确正规可读。 (1)书法笔记:a 笔的选择 b 大写&小写 c 正确的标记 (2)标点的使用:a 随意点 b 逗号的问题 c 句号的问题 d 省略号() e 顿号(英文中没有) f 书名号(?) g 惊叹号和问好(最好不用)(3)修改的问题:a 尽量别

2、修改(三处以上修改扣一分) b 反对对于内容的修改 c 正确的修改 d 修改液 基准分的考察范围 内容:相关即可,自圆其说,内容趋同,避免跑题。 形式:分三段。 语言 十二个万能理由: 经济、效率、交流、他人; 安全、方便、环境、健康; 情感、性格、经济、空间。 语言最重要: 谚语和典故 修辞 准确和地道 复杂的句式 多变的用词 一谚语和典故Just as an old Chinese/English proverb says, 编谚语: (1)将具体的问题抽象化 Ends justify means.不管白猫黑猫,抓住老鼠就是好猫。 (2)抽象的问题具体化 All work and no p

3、lay makes Jack a dull boy.劳逸结合。 Each Jack has his Jill.男大当婚,女大当嫁。 总结:不要直白的表达自己的目的Jack 和 Jill 在谚语中经常出现否定常出现 二修辞 (1)比喻:找到形容词常修辞的名词,把它们放到 asas之间 (2)反复:(113 页) (3)押头尾韵:Aspire to inspire until I expire.生命不息,奋斗不止。“To survive and thrive in our society”狂欢是一群人的寂寞,寂寞是一个人的狂欢。阳光下没有新鲜事。 何凯文 QQ:576728297。每天一句话,强壮

4、考研一代人。2“for the health and wealth of people” (4)平行:Few people are immune to vanity, jealousy and pretension.(虚荣、猜忌、嫉妒) Large shopping centers provide not only pleasant environment, abundant goods but also excellent services. Such belief is unfortunately wrong and possibly dangerous. 三语言的准确和地道:互译法 四复

5、杂的句式 (1)形容词和副词:见到名词想形容词;见到动词想副词。 (2)同位语做插入语:见到名词想插入语。 (3)介词结构作修饰 (4)非限定性定语从句修饰整个句子(,which is left us a deep impression)(5)非谓语动词和独立主格:将两个句子写为一个句子的方法。两个句子主语相同时,将 一个句子的主语去掉,动词作相应变化。 备注:当另据话的时态一致的时候,was/were 也可以直接变为 being. 两个句子主语不同,保留主语,将动词作非谓语变化,可以再非谓语动词前加 with,being 也可省略。 5 大经典句型 倒装 虚拟语气as 引导的状语从句 状语从

6、句的省略问题rather than 和 other than a.倒装 完全倒装:主系表倒装为表系主 否定副词提前,部分倒装 省略语气,省略倒装 If 被省略,were 或者 had 提前 b.虚拟语气 It is high time +that+主语+did(是做某件事情非常紧急和迫切的时刻) The situation being so serious, it is high time that we took effective measures to(必背必背) It is important /necessary/urgent + that + (should)+do importa

7、nt=imperative; introduce and enforce 制定和实施;curb and harness=solve 控制,解 决 It is imperative that corresponding laws and regulations (should) be introduced and enforced to curb and harness this urgent problem.(必背)(必背) 条件从句引导的虚拟语气 Reform and opening policy 改革开放; KFC ; McDonalds 麦当劳 Were there no reform

8、and opening policy, never would we taste the KFC or McDonald s.(必背)(必背)强调某件事情很重要的句型。 Were there no sth, never would sb do sth. c.as 引导的状语从句 让步状语从句 Simple as the picture is, the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean.(必背必背) d.状语从句的省略问题狂欢是一群人的寂寞,寂寞是一个人的狂欢。阳光下没有新鲜事。 何凯文 QQ:576728297。每天一句话,强壮考研一代人。3(1)当从

9、句和主句的主语相同 (2)从句中的动词为系动词的时候,从句中的主语和系动词可以被省略。 e. rather than VS other than rather than:而不是(万能插入语) other than:除了 In no country other than China, it has been said, is the problem of environment more serious.(必背)(必背) 五词汇多样性 将简单词变为复杂此的方法(115 页) (1) of +n.=adj. (2) the poor, the beautiful, the old (3) n.+a

10、nd the like a.和他的同类作为从一个到多个的推广方法,议论文常用。 b.表达陌生词汇 (4)so called +n.所谓 (5)形容词转折、取非 有效的词汇转换 (1)very=将形容词的同义词变为副词 (2)one 的使用 the problems,the following one. (3)上下义词 A of B 考研写作深度分析各段内容 1.Describe the picture 描述图画 2.Interpret its symbolic meaning 阐述寓意 3.Give your comment/examples 给出评论或例子 第一段的写作 第一句(万能开头句)

11、: 报纸上有张图引起人们的广泛关注 There has been a heated discussion about a picture in the newpaper. Newspaper, artoon, photograph, drawing, magazine, journal. The past decade has witnessed a huge development in economy, owning to the reform and opening at the same time, with the following one being the foremost.

12、第二句:描述图画 As is shown in the picture ,.(后接完整单独句子描述图画) Shown,depicted, drawn Clearly,vividly,ridiculously,interestingly KK 三步描述法: 第一步:描述中心事物的位置,用完全倒装句型; 第二步:描述中心事物的动作与状态(用非谓语动词结构) 第三步:描述中心事物周围的动作与状态(用独立主格结构)没有周围事物,创造一个主语不同的句子,创造独立主格结构。 PS:有时也可使用非限定性定语从句。 第三句:总结评价图画句。 (51 页)狂欢是一群人的寂寞,寂寞是一个人的狂欢。阳光下没有新鲜事

13、。 何凯文 QQ:576728297。每天一句话,强壮考研一代人。41、 The situation being so serious , it is high time(该做某事的时候) that we took effectivemeasures(有效措施)to 2、 It is imperative(紧要的) that corresponding(相应的) laws and regulations(规程) be introduced(采用, 提出) and enforced(强制的) to harness(利用) and curb(抑制) this urgent (紧急的)problem

14、.3、 Simple(简单的) as the picture is , the meaning behind it is as deep as ocean .(由 as 引导的让步状语从句的倒装)4、 In no country other than China, it has been said, is the problem of environment more serious.5、 There has been a heated discussion(激烈的讨论) about a picture in the newspaper. 6、 The past decade has witn

15、essed(见证,证明) a huge(巨大的) development in economy owing(未付的, 归因于的) to the reform and opening-up policy(改革开放政策) being carried out(实施, 贯彻) , bringing some problems at the same time , with the following one being the foremost(最重要的) .7、 The authors real purpose is not the fact itself , but to lead us to f

16、ind what hides behind the ice burg .(作者的真实目的不是图画本身,而是要引导我们去探求在图画背后究竟隐藏着什么。)8、 According to one of the latest survey(调查) conducted by a certain(确定的) international organization(机构, 组织), money spent on pets in the city of Beijing is as much as $1,000,000,000 , which can feed all the Japanese in the world for a whole year . 9、 Our human history has been filled with a


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