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1、DW 99503Regulations and operations of pig production in the EU 欧盟养猪生产相关的法律法规与应用Knud Buhl, Director, Department for International Trade Danish Bacon and Meat Council 丹麦肉类协会理事长 Knud Buhl2009 Global Pig Forum, 14- 15 May 2009 2009全球猪业论坛PDF created with pdfFactory trial version DW 99503Agenda 目录EU pigme

2、ats position in the world欧盟猪肉在世界上的地位Forecast 2009对2009年的展望Specific EU regulations剖析欧盟法规Conclusions结论PDF created with pdfFactory trial version DW 995033World meat production 世界肉类生产状况 in mio. Tonnes百万吨Total: 155 Mio. Tonnes 1992 总计总计:1992年年1.55亿吨亿吨 Total: 230 Mio. Tonnes 2008 总计总计:2008年年2.30亿吨亿吨 Total

3、: 231.7 Mio Tonnes 2009 (est.) ) 总计:总计:2009年年2.317亿吨(预计)亿吨(预计)Sheep and lamb 羊肉羊肉Poultry 禽肉禽肉Pigmeat 猪肉猪肉Beef 牛肉牛肉1992: 5% 2008: 4.6%1992: 25% 2008: 32.5%1992: 40% 2008: 40.1%1992: 30% 2008: 22.8%Source: GIRAPDF created with pdfFactory trial version DW 995034Development in World Meat production 世界肉类

4、生产的发展01020304050607080901001101991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720081000 tonnespoultry禽肉pork猪肉beef牛肉lamb羊肉Source: GIRAPDF created with pdfFactory trial version DW 995035World Trade in Meat ( 1000 t cwe ) 全球肉类贸易Source: GIRA200220072008GP sharePigmeat 猪肉4.2025.4606.49

5、26.95 %Poultry 禽肉6.8238.6619.73712,6 %Beef 牛肉7.3078.2107.87114,7 %Sheep and Lamb 羊肉8689971.14110,4 %PDF created with pdfFactory trial version DW 995036World pigmeat production (millions tonnes) 世界猪肉产量(百万吨)Total: 83.6 mill. tonnes 1999 Total: 93,8 mill. tonnes in 2009(est.)ChinaUSA 10,1 Mill. t 10.8%

6、EU- 27 22 Mill. t 23.5% 46 Mill. t 49%Others: Canada 2.0 Mill. t 2,1% 加拿大加拿大200万吨万吨2,1% Brazil 3,0 Mill. t 3,2% 巴西巴西300万吨万吨 3,2% Russia 2,1 mil. t 2,2% 俄罗斯俄罗斯210吨吨2.2% Japan1,2 Mill. t 1,3% 日本日本120万吨万吨 1,3% Others7.4 Mill. t 7.9% 其他地区:其他地区:740万吨万吨 7.9%Source: GIRAPDF created with pdfFactory trial ve

7、rsion DW 995037Development in world pigmeat production 世界猪肉生产的发展Source: GIRA1000 t Slaugtherweight19982009 (est.)2012(DS)98/12China EU- 27 USA Brazil Canada Russia Japan Others38,8 22,1 8,6 1,7 1,3 1,5 1,3 5,646,0 22,0 10,1 3,0 2,0 2,1 1,2 7,455,1 22,1 10,5 3,8 1,9 2,3 1,2 7,9+16,3(+42%) 0,0(0%) +1,

8、9(+22%) +2,1(+123%) +0,6(+46%) +0,8(+53%) - 0,1(- 7,7%) +2,3(+41%)Total80,993,8104,8+23,9(+30%)PDF created with pdfFactory trial version DW 99503Source: DG AGRI 846 13559 72071 93751 64163 80055 91856 07754 49972 27622 61221 73032 36843 21759 7244 459881 011943 4051 083 2301 238 1381 556 9611 545 90

9、71 331 8081 526 5631 509 3021 780 5681 938 4552 089 3631 910 6952 550 904176 4500250 000500 000750 0001 000 0001 250 0001 500 0001 750 0002 000 0002 250 0002 500 0002 750 0003 000 00019951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008Jan- Jan 09Tonnes product weightIMPORTSEXPORTSEU net trade of

10、 pigmeat 欧盟猪肉贸易欧盟猪肉贸易PDF created with pdfFactory trial version DW 995039Comparedtonnes%tonnes%tonnes%tonnes%tonnes%to 07Russia485 437 25.0%687 402 32.9%647 057 33.9%764 117 30.0%46 563 26.4%+ 4%Hong Kong139 5787.2%138 5546.6%243 203 12.7%454 242 17.8%43 642 24.7%+ 35%Japan305 731 15.8%249 380 11.9%2

11、32 951 12.2%236 1209.3%13 1017.4%- 17%Ukraine47 8142.5%9 7890.5%2 7570.1%188 0067.4%9 4555.4%+China70 7883.7%53 7852.6%86 2914.5%146 1385.7%13 2267.5%+ 12%South Korea117 6716.1%142 5996.8%137 4437.2%115 6934.5%7 5774.3%- 32%Croatia59 9643.1%56 7852.7%56 1712.9%63 7062.5%5 0892.9%- 6%USA72 8433.8%67

12、0483.2%66 5273.5%61 2882.4%4 5772.6%- 27%Belarus48 5062.5%59 5862.9%10 5290.6%55 0902.2%2 8071.6%- 9%Angola34 3561.8%40 7572.0%48 6372.5%48 9221.9%4 1062.3%+ 8%Australia28 1261.5%29 5791.4%34 5831.8%45 6041.8%3 7712.1%+ 4%Philippines20 8961.1%23 3211.1%34 2171.8%40 9111.6%1 0960.6%- 65%EXTRA EU15-25

13、-271 938 4552 089 3631 910 6952 550 904176 450% change+ 8%- 9%+ 34%+ 5.9%200520062007Jan- Jan 092008EU exports of selected PIG products: Trade figures (COMEXT tonnes product weight)DestinationsPDF created with pdfFactory trial version DW 99503Source: DG AGRI10Pig slaughter in the EU - 15 and EU - en

14、largedin 1000 Tonn21 96622 53822 85821 40021 10021 19721 30921 23217 53317 56405 00010 00015 00020 0002000200120022003200420052006200720082009EU - 15New Member States EU 27 as from 2007欧盟15国及扩大后的猪肉屠宰量欧盟15国欧盟27国PDF created with pdfFactory trial version DW 99503Pig Herds EU 2008 2008年欧盟生猪 (selected EU

15、- countries representing app. 80% of EU- prod.) 所选国家代表欧盟80%的产量Country 国家Census 统计时间Total 1000 head 总量Total %- change 增长率Sows in pig %- change 母猪的变化Germany德国 Spain西班牙 France法国 Poland波兰 Denmark丹麦 Netherlands 荷兰 Italy意大利 Romania罗马尼亚 Belgium (est.) 比利时 UK英国 EU- 10欧盟欧盟10国国Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan09 Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec26,719 26,290 14.796 14,242 12,195 11,735 9,252 6,149 6,129 4.550 132.057- 1.5 +0.9 +1.0 - 19.2 - 7.4 +0.2 - 0.2 - 6.3 - 1.2 - 2.6 - 3.6- 4,6 - 4,7 - 0,1 - 17,6 - 2.7 0.0 +3.9 - 10.1 - 2.5 - 1.1 - 4Source: EU- Comm



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