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1、Reading: Text 41. Match the words with their definitions. 1c 2e 3a 4i 5g 6b 7d 8f 9j 10h2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary. 1 analogy 2compatible 3 Distribute 4 implement 5ac

2、tivated 6 static 7 aggregated 8 clone 9 innovative 10replacement 11 crashed 12 compromised 13 mine 14 substantial 15asset 16 centralize 17 facilities 18 loose 19 monitor 20integrate 21derived 22 update 23download 24 upgrade 25licensed 26differential 27 install 28 minimum 29 in-house 30crucial 3. Rea

3、d the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold. Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may referto the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above. remains wide open(有很大的前景) is derived from the way in which(来自这样一个方法) becomes crucial(非常重要) will b

4、e substantially reduced(会大大降低)4.Translate the following sentences from Text 4 into Chinese. 1 这个术语来自于因特网往往呈现为网络图的方法。 2 目前云计算技术涉及一个数据中心的存在,这个中心能够为全世界用户提供服务。 3 这就减少了由于没有硬件,如手提电脑带来的影响。 4 虚拟化可以使一个损坏的云端服务器迅速找到替代品而不造成大的损失或破坏。 5 云技术还处于起步阶段,更多新的优点会不断被发现。 Reading: Text 8 1 Match the words with their definiti

5、ons. 1 d 2 f 3 a 4 b 5 g 6 h 7 c 8 i 9 j 10 e 2 Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary. 1 aspects 2 replicate 3 simultaneously 4 expectancy 5 Journal 6 mechanic 7 practically 8 auto

6、matically 9 precise 10 specific 11 erratically 12 exclusive 13 conventional 14 elements 15 semiconductor 16 molecular 17 vast 18 appearance 19 potential 20 property 21 manipulate 22 fabricate 23 foresee 24 substance 25 individual 26 reverse 27 theoretical 3 Read the sentences in the box. Pay attenti

7、on to the parts in bold. Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the sentences patterns listed above. has played an ever-important role in(起着非常重要的作用) is impacting the medical industry(对医学界正在产生很大影响) smaller than a pill(比药丸还小) This could

8、vastly reduce the pain(这可极大的减轻疼痛) It is not until we experience such benefits(知道我们体验到这种好处) 4 Translate the following sentences from Text 8 into Chinese. 1 一纳米是一米的十亿分之一,比可见光的波长还要短,其宽度是人类头发的十万分之一。2 诺贝尔奖获得者霍斯特 施特默说纳米尺度比原子尺度更有趣,因为纳米尺度是我们 可以将东西安装在一起的起始点,我们只有将原子拼凑在一起这个东西才有使用价值。 3 只有在那时,他说,我们才能有效地教授纳米科学,因为

9、没有牢固的多学科背景就无法 理 解纳米科技。 4 物质是绝缘体,就意味着他们不能带电荷,然而,在分散形式下缩微到纳米尺度时物质 可 以变为半导体。 5 有些人担心纳米科技最终会成为虚拟的现实换句话说,在纳米领域的局限性众所周 知 之前有关纳米科技的炒作仍会继续,但之后兴趣(和资金)会很快消失。 Reading: Text 10 1 Match the words with their definitions. 1 d 2 c 3 j 4 a 5 i 6 f 7 h 8 e 9 g 10 b 2 Complete the following expressions or sentences by

10、 using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary. 1 undergo 2 massive 3 unprecedented 4 runaway 5 consensus 6 hinder 7 output 8 concentration span 9 bleak 10 make a dent 11 constantly 12 outcome 13 play down 14 variation 15 absolutely 16 den

11、igrate 17 mess with 18 herald 19 overwhelming 20 savage 21 resolve 22 gigantic 23 output 24 dramatically 25 sex-selective 3 Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold. Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the s

12、entences patterns listed above. The dispute lies in whether or not (争论的焦点在于是否) the overwhelming consensus is(压倒性的一致看法是) there is absolutely no question(这绝对是没有问题的) may arise from(或许是来自于) has never been anything other than a polluting effect on our environment(除了给我们环境带来破坏作用,没有带来其他任何东西) 4 Translate the

13、 following sentences from Text 10 into Chinese. 1 这一争论的焦点在于:我们正在经历的变暖仅仅反映了最近全球气温变化趋势的自然转 变,还是工业革命开始以来人类活动造成污染影响的结果。 2 一种反对人为变暖的观点是,这世界曾在 1946 到 1975 年间经历过一次明显的降温,证 明了温室气体排放水平升高势必会导致全球变暖这一想法是错误的。 3 试图对全球气温在过去一千多年中真正的变化下定论是很难办到的,尤其近几百年前的 记录并不可靠。 4 反对减轻全球变暖提案的既得利益集团已经确定,虽然京都议定书现已正式生效, 但 它远未实现其到 2008 年

14、12 月全球温室气体排放减少 5.2%(低于 1990 年水平)的目标。 5 如果真的要在日益攀升的大气温室气体浓度中按要求减少 60%的温室气体排放,前景的 确堪忧。 Reading: Text 11 1 Match the words with their definitions. 1 i 2 f 3 g 4 c 5 h 6 a 7 b 8 e 9 d 10 j 2 Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chine

15、se in brackets. Change the form if necessary. 1 breach 2 shallow 3 implement 4 survivor(s) 5 hypothetical 6 initiate 7 potential 8 despite 9 neutralize 10 contact 11 transport 12 volume 13 penetrate 14 confirm 15 strategy 16 estimate 17 noticeable 18 generation 19 avert 20 medical 21 disperse 22 integrity 23 compensate 3 Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to


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