牛津高中英语必修一unit 2基础知识

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1、1牛津高中英语必修一牛津高中英语必修一 Unit 2 单词讲解单词讲解1act c 1) (戏剧的)一幕 2) 行动,行为 3)法案 a play in five acts 一出五幕剧 Act III Scene II 第五幕第二场 a foolish act 愚蠢的举动 Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.(法案) He acted quickly and put out the fire.(行动) He acted his part well. (扮演) act as 担任职务 action

2、 (U/C) 动作, 作用 take action 采取行动 2 vacation n. 假期, 休假, (房屋等的)腾出 v. 度假, 休假 the summer vacation 暑假 on vacation take a vacation 休假 3 surprise n. u惊讶 c 惊人的事物,意外的事 vt. 使惊讶,使感到意外 Dont tell him about the present - its a surprise。 His anger surprised me - I had thought he was a calm person. She was surprised

3、by the boys intelligence. to ones surprise = to the surprise of sb. 使某人惊奇的是;使感到惊 To my surprise, the plan succeeded. in surprise 惊讶地,吃惊地,在惊慌中 I looked at him in surprise - I didnt expect to see him again. surprised adj. 感到惊讶的 be surprised by /at /to do sth. surprising adj. 惊人的,意外的 4 suppose vt. 推想,

4、假设, 猜想, 应该;准;允许 vi. 料想 What do you suppose you will do after school? I suppose it will rain. be supposed to 应该,被期望 Youre not supposed to play football in the class-room. 5bend (bent, bent) n. c 转弯;弯曲 v. (使)弯曲 The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. The branches bent in the wind. 树枝被风吹弯了。 The nur

5、se bent down and kissed the child.。护士弯下身子吻了孩子一下 6 touch n. 触摸,接触;触觉 vt/vi 触摸;接触, 感动(某人) ,使(某人)动心 It will break at a touch.那东西一碰就破。 Dont touch the exhibit. His sad story touched our heart。 I was touched by her gentleness. in touch (with) 有联系;对某事熟悉 out of touch (with) )无联系;生疏 get in touch (with) 取得联系

6、keep in touch 保持联系 lose touch (with)失去联系;停止联系 7 do with 处理,处置(常与 what 连用) What are we going to do with the problem? He knows well how to deal with this difficulty. 8 explain vt/vi 解释, 说明 explain sth to sb/ explain to sb sth That explains why she is not here.那就说明了她不在这里的原因。He explained to me how the m

7、achine was used. explanation n. 解释, 解说, 说明29. mess n. 混乱, 脏乱 v. 将.弄糟,使.紊乱 Your room is in a mess(乱七八糟.) Who messed up my papers?谁把我的文件搞得乱七八糟 Get cleaned up! Youre a mess!收拾一下吧! 你多邋遢呀! 9.sink n. 水槽, 水池 vi. 沉下, (使)下沉 sink or swim 成败靠自己. The ship is sinking. 10. leave n. 请假, 休假 ask for leave 请假 vt. vi

8、离开, 动身, 剩下, 使处于某种状态,听任Leave that work for another day.把那件事留到改天再做吧。 Youd better leave the window _(开着). At the age of three his mother died, leaving him _ _ (丢下他成了孤儿). Dont leave her _ outside in the rain (等着). Dont leave your work _(只做一半). He left the lights _(亮着). 11. charge n. 主管, 掌管 vt., vi. 索价,指

9、控,使负责 in charge 负责 掌管 (常作定语或表语)in charge of 由负责 in the charge of .在.的支配下 take charge of 掌管, 负责Whos in charge here?Our English teacher is in charge of our class. Our class is in the charge of our English teacher. How much do you charge for making a suit? 12. reason n. 理由, 原因 The reason why she did it

10、 is still a mystery. The reason for her absence was that she was ill. 比较 the cause of There was no obvious reason for the accident. The heavy rain was the cause of the flood. 13. trust n.信任, 信赖( in) vt. 信任, 信赖 Dont put your trust in that man; he may trick you. Dont trust him hes not telling the trut

11、h. 14. behavior n.举止, 行为 good behavior 好行为 behave v. behave oneself 守规矩 15. unpunished adj.未受惩罚的 Such a serious crime must not go unpunished. punish vt.惩罚,.punishment n.惩罚, 处罚, 惩处 16. fault n. 过错, 缺点, 故障, 毛病 Your only fault is carelessness. It be ones fault that .是某人的过错. It was his fault that we wer

12、e late. 17. mistake n.错误, 过失 a spelling mistake 一个拼写错误The letter was sent to you by mistake. 18. slam n.砰, 猛击, 撞击 v. 砰地关上, 砰地放下 He threw his books down with a slam.。 She slammed the box down on the table. 19. go out 出去, 熄灭, 过完 v. 砰地关上, 砰地放下3His cigarette has gone out. The year went out slowly. put o

13、ut the fire 20. scene n. 现场, 场面, 情景, 景色, 发生地点, 戏剧一场 Act 1, Scene 2 第一幕第二场 the scene of the crime. 犯罪现场 a beautiful scene 一幅美丽的景象 21. mad n. 狂怒 adj. 疯狂的, 愚蠢的, 生气的;愤怒的(常与 about, on 连用) be/go mad 发疯 drive/send sb mad 把某人逼疯 They were mad about missing the train.他们为误了火车而生气。 She was mad with me for losing

14、 my keys.她为我丢了钥匙而生我的气。 22not.any more 不再 not.any longer no more no longer She told me she wouldnt go there any more. = She told me she would go there no more.(指次数不再增多或机会不再出现) He doesnt live here any longer. = He no longer lives here. (指时间不再延长) 23. hard adj. 硬的, 坚固的, 困难的, 艰苦的 be hard on 对.苛刻(使.极为难堪)

15、24. now (that) 既然,由于Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents. Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your parents help. 25. boring adj. tiresome; dull 令人厌烦的 bored adj. 感到厌倦的,乏味的 26. mark n. 分数,标志,记号 v. 打分,作记号 dirty marks 污迹 get a good/poor mar

16、k in maths give sb high/low marks .He marked the floor with chalk. 27.stay up v. 熬夜,不去睡觉;留在原地,原地不动She stayed up reading until midnight.I am going to stay up late to finish my paper. 28. upset adj.心烦的,苦恼的 (+about/at/over) vt. (upsetupset-upset) Vt.扰乱, 使不适, 使心烦 He was horribly upset over her illness. The news quite upset him. 29. after all ad



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