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1、The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Customer Relations Department P.O. Box No. 71169Kowloon Central Post OfficeBusiness Reply Service Licence No. 7495郵費由持 牌人支付 POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY LICENSEE由香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司刊發滙豐一向致力為您提供優質產品和服務,務求令您享受 到殷切貼心的服務體驗。如欲表揚為您提供優質服務的 職員,或對我們的服務有任何意見 投訴,請透過以下

2、途徑聯絡我們:電郵:.hk熱線:2233 3000(為確保服務質素,談話內容可能會被 錄音。)分行:請向分行經理或客戶服務經理表達您的意見、投訴 或讚許。函件:請填妥表格內頁或致函本行,郵寄往九龍中央郵政 局郵政信箱71169號,香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司客戶關 係部。傳真:3418 4739我們收到您的意見 投訴後,會於下一個工作天內確認收 訖,並務求在五個工作天內解決有關事宜。我們偶爾需要 更多時間處理,但我們定當給予您回覆。投訴資料將絕對 保密,並交由具有合適經驗和職權,但與投訴事項並無直 接關連的職員處理。至於經第三者轉來的投訴,我們只會 直接回覆有關客戶,以保障客戶私隱。如投訴成立,我

3、們 會作出適當補救,但補救不一定涉及金錢賠償。如仍有不 滿,您可要求將個案交由更高級的管理人員複核。我們致力確保所有投訴能圓滿解決,但如我們的回覆未 能令您滿意,您有權將個案轉交香港金融管理局(金管 局)法規部投訴處理中心(香港中環金融街8號國際金融 中心2期55樓)處理。有關金錢糾紛,您亦可將個案交予 金融糾紛調解中心(香港灣仔皇后大道東248號陽光中心 37樓3701-04室)處理。我們會全力與金管局及金融糾 紛調解中心合作。如有查詢或需要任何特別協助,請與我們聯絡,我們樂意 為您服務。We at HSBC are committed to providing you with a del

4、ightful customer experience by delivering excellent products and services. If you would like to recognise any of our employees who have provided excellent service or have any feedback/ complaint, please contact us through the following channels:Email : .hkTelephone hotline : 2233 3000 (Please note t

5、hat calls may be recorded to ensure service quality.)Branches : Share your feedback, complaint or commendation with our branch managers or branch service managers.Mail : Use the form overleaf or write to The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Customer Relations Department, P.O. Box N

6、o. 71169, Kowloon Central Post Office.Fax : 3418 4739 We will acknowledge receipt of your feedback/complaint within the next working day and aim to resolve most issues in five working days. Occasionally, we may need more time but we will keep you informed. Your complaint will be handled in total con

7、fidence by employees who are not directly involved in the matter but have the right experience and authority. If a complaint is lodged by a third party, we will only contact the customer to protect his/her privacy. Appropriate redress will be offered if the complaint is upheld but may not involve a

8、financial element. You can ask for your case to be reviewed by management at a higher level within the Bank if you are not satisfied. Our aim is to resolve all complaints internally. However, if you are not entirely satisfied with our handling of your case, you have the right to refer the matter to

9、the Complaint Processing Centre Enforcement Department of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) on the 55/F, Two International Finance Centre, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong. For monetary disputes, you may also refer your case to the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre (FDRC), Unit 3701-04,

10、37/F, Sunlight Tower, 248 Queens Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. HSBC fully co-operates with the HKMA and the FDRC in the handling of complaints.Please let us know if you have a question or require any special assistance. We would be happy to help.Issued by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporat

11、ion Limited2017OCT_Feedback_Form如在本港投寄 毌須貼上郵票 NO POSTAGE STAMP NECESSARY IF POSTED IN HONG KONG以您為先 力臻完善 You inspire us to strive for excellence客戶意見表格 Customer feedback form請在此處封口Please seal here請在此處封口Please seal here請在此處封口Please seal here請在右頁分享意見或敍述您的愉快體驗,助我們表揚有關同事。 To help us recognise employee(s)

12、 who has/have provided excellent services to you, please describe the service you have experienced or any other feedback on the right-hand page.我的意見是關於以下服務 My feedback relates to the following service(s):櫃位服務 Counter Service 開立戶口 Account Opening信用卡 Credit Card 投資 Investment貸款 Loan 保險 Insurance按揭 Mor

13、tgage 電話理財 Phone Banking網上 / 流動理財 一般查詢Internet / Mobile Banking General Enquiry其他 Others親切友善和有禮。is friendly and polite.主動協助我解決銀行服務的需要。supports me proactively to handle my needs. 明白我需要的銀行服務。understands my banking needs. 在適當的時間內致力及有效地處理我的查詢或交易。handles my enquiry / transaction in a timely and effective

14、 manner.擁有豐富的產品知識,為我提供專業服務及全面方案。is knowledgeable and professional in providing total solutions.清楚地向我解釋有關產品、流程及服務。 explains the products, process and services clearly.靈活變通,能夠根據我的情況提供合適建議。 is flexible, able to provide suitable advice based on my situation.我的意見 My Feedback客戶資料 Customer Information多謝您的寶

15、貴意見 Thank you for sharing your feedback with us服務提供日期 / 時間 Date / Time of Service所屬分行部門 Branch / Department職員姓名 Employee name(s)我要表揚該職員,因她 他 I want to praise the employee(s) above because she / heEmployee name Employee number TitleEmployee name Employee number TitleBranch / Department DivisionManage

16、r name Contact tel. Date此欄由銀行填寫 For Bank use onlyManager signature敬請填妥以上資料,以便我們聯絡閣下了解如何向閣下提供更佳的服 務和產品。請注意,閣下所提供的資料不會更新本行的紀錄。如欲了 解收集個人資料的原因、用途和查詢個人資料紀錄的途徑,請在分行 查閱關於個人資料(私隱)條例的通知或瀏覽滙豐銀行網站。 Please provide the above information so we may contact you to understand how we can provide you with better services and products. Please note that the information provided will not update the Banks record. For detail



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