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1、八年级(上)期中测试题(一) 单选 16.The underlined part in the word “vacation” is pronounced as_. A./ei/B./e/C./a/D./ 17.-What do you think of _film The Amazing Spider Man?-Its_ action movie.I like it very much. A.the;anB.a;anC.the;theD.a;the 18.-Do you enjoy yourself here?-Yes.I feel like_ to walk slowly along th

2、e rover. A.boredB.comfortableC.seriousD.terrible 19.-Can you underlined the_ “Its better to give than to receive.?-Yes.It tells us we should do more to help others. A.newsB.cultureC.sayingD.information 20._the workers were very tried,they still kept working. A.IfB.BecauseC.AlthoughD.As 21.-Do the pi

3、ctures have something_?-Yes.They are_ each other. A.in fact;different fromB.in common; different from C.in fact; similar toD.in common;similar to 22.-Mum,Bill is coming for dinner this evening.-OK.Lets give him_to eat. A.anything differentB.different anything C.something differentD.different somethi

4、ng 23.-Jack,can you help me _ the latest(最新的)news on the Internet?-Im sorry.My computer doesnt work. A.look atB.find outC.take outD.look out 24.-I hate this bird.It doesnt look as nice as pthers.-Maybe.But dont you think it can sing_ of all the birds? A.beautifullyB.more beautifully B.C.much beautif

5、ullyD.the most beautifully 25.-What do you think of the soap opera,Sally?-_Its long and boring. A.I dont careB.I cant say C.I dont mind itD.I cant stand it! 26.-Why do you often go to the Town Cinema?-Because it has_service than any other cinema in our city. A.goodB.betterC.bestD.the best 27.-What d

6、o you want to do tomorrow morning? -I want to climb the mountains_ the weather is fine. A.even thoughB.as long asC. As much asD.as though 28.-Would you like_ volleyball after school?- Sorry.I feel like_ swimming. A.play;goB.to play;to goC.to play;goingD.playing;going 29.-No one would like to talk wi

7、th Sam.Why?-Because he always_ stories to cheat(欺骗)us. A.makes upB.talks aboutC.finds outD.brings out 30.-Do you mind turning down the radio?Its too noisy. -_.Ill do it right away. A.Youd better not. B.It doesnt matter C.I hope notD.O f course not 选词填空 try; heavy; sleep; spend; cant catch; n however

8、; something; plan; hardlyThere was a little cat.He thought his life was boring.He was very lazy, and he(61)_ most of the time eating,sleeping and snoring(打呼噜).He ate once a day, and then went back to the bed and slept.And he(62)_ took exercise.So he couldnt find(63)_ interesting in his life.(64)_,hi

9、s snoring sound was veru loud for other animals.They were angry,because they couldnt(65)_ well at night.One day,a big cat(66)_ to reach the little cat a lesson. And he asked a few animals to help him. They wanted to( 67)_ the little cat and beat(打) him with a baseball bat.Because the poor cat never

10、exercised,he was too(68) _to move.When other animals ran after him,he(69)_ run away quickly.He knew the importance of doing exercise when he was caught.After that,he(70_)_ to do sports as much as he could.Then he found his life was not boring anymore.If you start to do something healthy,your life wo

11、nt be boring.单词拼写 71.Mum,Im h_.I want to have something to eat. 72.I think junk food is very delicious.H_,Its bad for our health. 73.Mr Wang bought a train t_ this morning.He wants to go to BeiJing tomorrow. 74.The two skirts look nice.I dont know which one to c_. 75.Uncle Wangs j_ are very funny.They make us laugh. 76.I was glad that Frank was the w_ of the English competition. 77.Alice spent at l_ two hours doing her homework. 78.The child isnt old e_ to dress himself. 79.Who did b_ in math,Tony or Tina? 80.Miss Smith is very kind to her students.She t_ loves them.


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