unit1知识点整理 新课标人教版8(上)

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1、1.a little water一点:(表肯定) little water几乎没有 (表否定)都+不可数 a few 几个, 一些(肯定) =some; few 几乎没有(表否定) 都+复数 only a few 只有几个 (only few /only a little) ,quite a few :相当多+复数, quite a little相当多:+不可数2.many许多+复数3.much 许多+不可数名词 a lot of+2. 反代词:myself ourselves yourself yourselves itself herself himself themselves 反身代词

2、可充当主语的同位语、宾语、状语或表语 当主语和宾语是同一个人时 用反身代词。I teach myself English.我自学英语。=I learn English by myself. You must do your homework (by) yourself. 你必须独自完成作业。You yourself can go to ask the teacher.你自己可以去问老师。leave sb by oneself 将某人独自留下 leave me at home by myself help oneself to. 随便吃 Please help yourself to the a

3、pples, Mark./Please help yourselves to the apples, children. (all)by oneself=alone 独自,靠某人自己 teach oneself sth=learn sth by oneself 自学 3.表示人的心理活动(情绪变化):I am surprised(at) the surprising news.The news surprised me. I am surprised to hear the news.I am surprised that interest(in) excite(about) scare(by

4、) worry(about) bore(at) relax please(使某人高兴满意) 派生出1.ing 现在分词式的形容词 2.ed 过去分 词式的 形容词 表被动 4.interest 1.名词 兴趣、爱好、利益 2.使.感兴趣 I have/show an interest in math. =Math interests me.=I am interested in math .5.seem 系动词 似乎、好像 +adj./to do /that+从句 She seems ill(adj.). =She seems to be ill. (不定式)=(形主)It seems tha

5、t she is ill.(that从句真主) 她好像生病了. he is smart,he doesnt work hard. Although it isSunny,it isnt warm today.6.nothing/nobody.but. 除了.没有. nothing much to do but read 没有太多的事情可以做,除了阅读。7.decide (not)to do =make up ones mind to do 决定做8.try to do =try my best to do 努力做 try doing=want a go /=have a try 试一试 try

6、 ones best to do 尽某人最大的努力去做9.feel like doing /=would like(sb) to do sth. =want to do sth.10.wonder =want to know =dont know 疑惑 wonder后绝不接that, I wonder when to start 我不知道什么时候出发 what/where/how/who/which to do11.(不及物)wait for sb/sth at+地点 wait for sb to do sth. 等待某人做某事,cant wait to do迫不及待想干。12.if 1.如果

7、 2是否 I wonder if(是否) he will come 13.because of(介)+短语 because+句子 He didnt go to work because he was ill=because of his illness(疾病) ,ill 有病的不舒服的,illness 疾病14.below 1.介+宾below the desk 2.adv the words/above(以上)/below (以下的单词) 15.enough 1adj(形容词) enough money=money enough 2adv (副词):形容词+enough He is tall

8、 enough to reach the top of the blackboard.=He is so tall that he can reach the top of the blackboard.16.感叹句:1 what+(形容词)名+(主+谓)What a lovely boy (he is)! 2How+形容词/副词+(主+谓)How lovely the boy is! 17.begin =start to do/doing 开始做 start 启动、发动、出发18.as .(形容词/副词).as 与.一样 It was not as/so good as the first

9、day. the next day第二天 He is as good as me.他和我一样的好。19.this time这一次 an hour later(副词)=(介词)after an hour another two hours=two more hours 另外两个小时 another one=one another its time for sb to do sth 该某人做.的时候了 ,its time for bed/school 该上学了=Its time to go to bed.20.from the top of the hill 从山顶21.anything.anyo

10、ne.anybody. no one.nothing.everything.everyone . 不定代詞 定語/形容詞後置 由some.any.no.every 构成的复合不定代词作主语时 都看作单数 其谓语动词也用第三人称表示 anywhere.everywhere =here and there. nowhere/somewhere quiet 不定副词(地点):某个安静的地方e up升起.come out出来. found out(经过努力)查出/找出/核实 find发现(不经意)23. a bag with food and water一个有食物和水的口袋 I take/bring

11、an umbrella with me.24.on my trip to+地点 on my visit to. on my way to school.25.in excitement=excitedly 激动地 I was too excited to get to sleep.= I was so excited that I couldnt get to sleep.26.keep sb doing让某人坚持 keep sb from doing=stop sb (from)doing阻止某人做 Stop to do 停下来去做, stop doing 停止做27.go on继续. ke

12、ep/go on doing继续做(同一件事 )=go on with sth; go on to do继续做(另一件事) When I got home, I went on to cook. After getting up, he went on running.他爬起来之后继续跑。28.形容词/副词+enough to do 够做 so+形容词/副词+that从句 如此.以至于. / too+形容词/副词 to do 太.以至于不能做 结果状语从句 He is so tall that he can reach the top of the blackboard.=He is tall

13、 enough to reach the top of the blackboard.(肯定) She is not tall enough to reach the top of the blackboard.=She is too short to reach the top of the blackboard. I got up so late that I was late for school.=I didnt get up early enough to go to school on time.=I got up late so that I was late for schoo

14、l.29.make 制造;使;让 make/have/let sb +do (动原.省略to) Mom often makes me wash my socks. The movie made me bored. The little present/gift made me happy 30.take /have a trip/vacation to New York进行一次去New York 的度假31.We stopped and drank some tea.= stopped to drink32.most of the time =most time, most of the pe

15、ople =most people33.keep/write a diary 写日记,enjoy oneself=have fun=have a good time34.ride (bicycles) to the town 骑车去镇上35. last/next/this/that/yesterday/tomorrow Saturday morning 前无in/on /atOn Saturday morning 具体的morning/afternoon/evening/nightIn the morning/afternoon/evening/night , in the night =at

16、 night36. smile at微笑, laugh 大笑 laugh at 嘲笑。37. go to the mountain , visit the museum= pay a visit to the museum 参观博物馆38. the Smiths (复数): Smith 一家人,children under 12 :12岁以下的孩子39.Getting up early is good for our health.动名词做主语, rain hard/heavily 下大雨, A heavy rain 一场大雨, a hard rain 40.too many +复数:太多; too much


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