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1、改性聚丙烯流变行为研究改性聚丙烯流变行为研究姚臻姚臻2,李彦,李彦2,邱少龙,邱少龙2,陈振华,陈振华3,4,曾长春,曾长春3,4,曹堃,曹堃1,2*1化学工程国家重点实验室(浙江大学) ,杭州,310027;2浙江大学化工系聚合与聚合物工程研究所,杭州,310027;3美国佛罗里达州立大学高性能材料研究所,塔拉哈希,FL 32310;4美国 FAMU-FSU 工程学 院工业和制造工程系,塔拉哈希,FL 32310. * Email: 采用马来酸酐接枝聚丙烯(PP-g-MAH)和偶联剂乙二胺(EDA)的基团缩合反应,合成一系列含有 长支链(LCB)及/或胺基的改性聚丙烯。通过剪切和拉伸流变测试

2、,考察了线性粘弹区和非线性粘弹区的 流变行为。研究结果表明,存在着极性官能团致使的相分离及氢键所导致的物理交联,且多点长支链、相 分离和氢键的协同效应对产物流变性能有着显著影响。在线性区域,长支链和相分离是产物弹性明显增加 的主要原因,而氢键的影响可以忽略。在非线性区域,长支链、相分离和氢键均起到重要的作用。另外, 还通过基团反应以PP-g-MAH为前驱体制备了羧酸型聚丙烯离聚体,并对其分子结构和熔体流变行为进行 了剖析。结果表明,改性产物均为线性结构。对于离聚体改性产物,不同胺基的存在会产生位阻效应,增 加胺基的尺寸会降低离聚体分子链间相互作用,其大小可作如下排序:Zn Salt AM-Zn

3、 salt MAM-Zn salt DMAM-Zn salt。Fig. 1 On the Melt Dynamics of Polypropylene: Long Chain Branching and Physical Cross-links关键词:聚丙烯;相分离;氢键;离子键;流变参考文献1 Li, Y.; Yao, Z.; Chen, Z.;Cao, K.;Qiu, S.; Zhu, F.; Zeng, C.; Huang, Z.; Chem. Eng. Sci. 2011, 26: 3656. 2 Cao, K.; Shen, Z.; Qu, B.; Pang, X.; Lu, Z.;

4、 Li, Y.; Chen, Z.; Yao, Z.; Chem. Eng. Sci. 2010, 65: 1621.Rheological behavior of Modified PolypropyleneYao Z 2, Li Y 2, Qiu S 2, Chen Z 3,4, Zeng C 3,4, Cao K 1,2*1State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027. 2Institute of Polymerization and Polymer Engineer

5、ing, Zhejiang university, Hangzhou, 310027. 3High Performance materials Institute, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL32310. 4Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Tallahassee, FL32310We report our investigation on the possible presence of phy

6、sical cross-links in long chain branched polypropylene (LCBPP) or polypropylene containing amine moiety (PP-g-NH2), The materials were prepared via reaction between maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (PP-g-MAH) and ethylene diamine (EDA). Through shear and extensional rheometry, we investigated

7、the materials behavior in both linear and nonlinear viscoelastic regimes. In addition, four kinds of PP ionmers were prepared by grafted special function group onto the backbone of the PP chain. The relative degree of ionic interaction in these products can be summarized in the following order: Zn Salt AM-Zn salt MAM-Zn salt DMAM-Zn salt. The result indicated that the strength of the ionic interactions can be varied simply by varying the substituent.



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