八年级英语下册 module8 unit2 教案 外研版

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1、用心 爱心 专心 1第 11教学周 总第 43 课时Module 8 Around townUnit 2 The London Eye is on your right教 学 设 计课型 Reading教学内容 Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right教材本模块以出行旅游为话题,模块中的听、说、读、写活动都围绕问路、指路、地点方位等展开,为学生提供了充足的体验和运用语言的机会。Unit 2 是 Module 8的第二部分,向学生介绍了一些英国的著名建筑。通过填图练习、图与单词搭配、观看图片等活动提高学生对阅读课的兴趣从而提高阅读理解水平。教学分析 学情 根据

2、我校学生的学习水平及能力,对于学生来说一些英国地名不太容易掌握,用英语指路问路有些困难。知识目标通过一些关于伦敦名胜的阅读材料得到一些信息。在指路上学到更多的经验学习新的词汇。.知识技能听: 能够听懂文章大意,做出单词与图片连接,填图。说:能够说出本课知识点,路线。读:能够读懂地图,读懂对某一地方的描述。写:能够根据课文完成句子,程度好的同学完成写作。教学目标 情感目标通过本节课学生可以理解英国首都伦敦的一些情况。乐于参加英语的实践活动,乐于了解别国文化。教学重难点1. Key points: opposite; go along; the best way to; take the boat

3、 back; get off the boat; 2. Difficult points:Say out the line clearly, To describe the location of a place.教具 Multimedia用心 爱心 专心 2教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动复习Check the words and phrases of unit 1Listening and writing 导入1. To show the video to students“What are they talking about?”Watch the videoSay out “London

4、 Eye”1. Do you know which city well talk about ?(PPT)2. Can you tell us the other famous places in London?3. Say the places you see in the photos. 4.match the words with the pictures(PPT)1.look at the PPT say out their answer2.look at the PPT3.the National Gallery, Buckingham Palace, the Houses of P

5、arliament ,Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London4. Students do this exercise.1. Ask one to read the passage. Show the PPT to students, 2. Show the picture, 3. Read and fill in the map4. Play the tape1.Look at the screen,Read the passage 2. Say out the lines.3. Fill in the map, and check.4. Stud

6、ents listen to the tape and answer the question. 1.write the key points on the blackboard,and explain them to the students.2.exercise:complete the sentences 1.Sum up the key points. Then write them on the note books.2.Fill in the blanks. Write the answers on the blackboard. 新知Writing:teacher gives t

7、he example(时间允许进行此练习)One student read it.教学过程小结Sum up this lesson1. the names of the interesting places.2. According to the phrases can understand the passage.作业布置1. Finish the writing.2. Finish Exx 1, 2 on page 140.3. Retell the tour of London用心 爱心 专心 3板书设计学生总结的重点(预想答案)1. in the middle of = in the

8、centre of 在中间(中心) 2.Oppsite:对面 3.Go / walk along 沿着 4. Turn left/ right.向左/右拐 5. As you go along the river the London Eye is on your right. as = when 当时候 on your right 在你的右边 6. It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames.它能把你带到离泰晤士河面 135米的高空。take: 带、携带、带走 above:在之上、高于、超过 7. You can see most of London on a clear day.most of :大部分的 on a clear day : 在晴朗的日子里 8. Take the boat back along the river. 乘船沿河返回 Get off the boat and go past the station下(车、船)走过 练习答案welcome togo alongas, on your righttake alongget offpastwak along


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