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1、Unit One This Is My Day基本词汇:基本词汇: Activities(活动) Time(时间)频率词 get up 起床do morning exercises 晨练have English class 上英语课 play sports 进行体育活动play the piano 弹钢琴climb mountains 爬山go shopping 购物go hiking 去远足visit grandparents 看望外/祖父母eat breakfast 吃早饭eat dinner 吃晚饭morning 早上 in the afternoon 下午evening 晚上noon

2、中午 at night 夜晚 6:00 具体时间on Sunday 在星期天when 什么时候always 总是 usually 通常 often 经常 sometimes 有时 seldom 很少 never 从不(频率程度依次 减低)基本句型:基本句型: 1. 询问生活规律: - When do you ? 你什么时候? - I usually at Sometimes I.我通常在(点钟)(做什么事) 。有时 E.g. - When do you go to school ? 你每天几点去上学?- I usually go to school at 7:00. Sometimes I g

3、o to school at 7:10. 2. 询问生活习惯:- What do you do on the weekend? 你周末做什么?- I usually / often . Sometimes I . E.g. - What do you do on the week?- I often play football. Sometimes I go shopping with my mom. 3. 介绍自己的生活习惯:Every weekend I go hiking. 我每个周末远足。Every day I do my homework at 8:00 in the evening

4、. 我每天晚上 8 点做作业。 4. 询问职业:- What do you do? 你是干什么的?- I am a doctor / nurse / policeman. 5. Thank you for telling me about your day! 谢谢你告诉我你的一天。 6. Lets . 让我们.( lets = let us ) Lets go hiking together next Sunday. 下周我们一起去远足吧。句型转换:句型转换: 1.肯定句一般疑问句:I usually get up at 6:00. Do you usually get up at 6:00?

5、肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:No, I dont. (第三人称时) He eats dinner at 6:00p.m. Does he eat dinner at 6:00p.m.?2.肯定句否定句:I like playing the piano. I dont like playing the piano.I can play the piano. I cant play the piano. 3.划线提问: I often go shopping on the weekend. When do you go shopping ? I often go shopping o

6、n the weekend. What do you do on the weekend? I am a student. What do you do? I go to school at 7:00. When do you go to school?知识延伸:知识延伸: 同义词:play sports = do sports eat breakfast/ lunch/ dinner = have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner 同义句: What do you do? = What are you? 你是干什么的? 一般将来时:(be going to) The weat

7、her report says it is going to rain tomorrow. 天气预报说明天将要下雨。作文:作文: My dayHello,my name is Sarah. I am a primary school student. I usually get up at 6:30 a.m. Then I eat breakfast and go to school at 7:00a.m. Every day I have lunch at 12:00 noon. At 5:10p.m, I go home, and then I do my homework. I eat

8、dinner with my parents and watch TV. I go to bed at 9:00p.m. This is my day. What about you?My name is Anna. Today is sunny. I get up at 6:00. Then I eat breakfast and go to school. I have four subjects. One Chinese class, one math class, one English class and one P.E. class. At noon we have lunch a

9、t school. Afternoon, we have two math lessons and one music lesson. Math is too difficult. Then I go home and do my homework, next I have dinner with my parents and watch TV. I go to bed at nine oclock.Unit Two My Favourite Season基本词汇:基本词汇: Season (季节)Month Festival (月份) (节日)Weather (天气)Activity (活动

10、)springMarch Tree-planting Day Womens day April April Fools Day May Labor Day Mother s Daywindy and warmplant treessummerJune Childrens Day Dragon boat FestivalFather s Day July Party building Day August Army Daysunnyand hotswimfallSeptember Teachers Day Mid-autumn Festival October National Day Hall

11、oweenwindy andcoolfly kites(autumn)November Thanksgiving Day HalloweenwinterDecember Christmas Day January New Years Day February Spring Festivalwindyandcoldskate make a snowman基本句型:基本句型: 1. 询问喜欢哪个季节:- Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?- I like +季节+ best. (例:I like springsummerfallwinter best)

12、- 或:I like summer, because I can swim in the sea.- What is your favourite season? 你最喜爱的季节是什么?- Springsummerfallwinter is my favourite season.2. 询问天气:- What is the weather like in fall in Beijing? 北京秋天的天气是怎么样的?- It is sunny and cool. 3. 询问理由:- Why do you like winter best? 为什么你最喜欢冬天?- Because I can pl

13、ay with snow and make a snowman. 4. 询问想要做什么 - What would you like to do?- Id like to climbplay sports ( Id = I would )5. 询问具体季节 - What season is it in March in Beijing? 北京的三月份是什么季节? - It is spring. 6. 询问能做什么- What can I do there? 我在那里能做什么?- You can go to the Great Wall. 你可以去长城。 7. 询问接下来打算去哪里?( be go

14、ing to 一般将来时)- Where are you going on vacation? 假期你打算去哪里?- I am going to Canada. 我将要去加拿大。 8. Summer is from June to August. 六月至八月是夏天。 9. How do I look? 我看起来怎么样? 10. Send me a postcard. 寄明信片给我。 11. How did THAT happen? 那是怎么发生的! 12. When is the best time to go to Beijing? Fall. 什么时候最适合去北京? 秋天。知识延伸:知识延

15、伸: 1. 特殊疑问句:which 引导的特殊疑问句,询问喜欢哪个季节: Which season do you like best?why 引导的特殊疑问句,询问喜欢某个季节的原因:Why do you like summer?when 引导的特殊疑问句,询问什么时候:When is the best time to go to Beijing?2. 第三人称单数形式: saysays (说) askasks (问) comecomes (来) 3. 单复数:treetrees (树) leafleaves (叶子) 4. 同义词:fallautumn 秋天 5. 同义句:Which season do you like best? - Whats your favourite season? 6. snowy 下雪的 cloudy 多云的 rainy 下雨的7. 相似短语: play with snow 玩雪 like to swim 游泳 ( like+ to do)play in the snow 在雪地玩


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