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1、英语必修英语必修 5 外研版外研版 Module4 方案一精品教案(方案一精品教案(1)Module Four Book 5 CarnivalTeaching Plan:The First Period: Words The Second Period: Introduction 喜爱(have a taste for 喜爱)-tasteful adj. 有鉴赏力的,雅致的-tasteless adj.没有味道的,难吃的8. import v.引进,进口 n.进口-export v. hiding) hidden adj. 隐藏着的1) be in a secret place; put so

2、mething in a secret place 躲藏,掩藏;2) not tell someone about something 隐瞒Useful expressions:hiding place 隐藏处/藏身地hide sth. from sb. 向某人隐瞒某事have nothing to hide 没什么可隐瞒的,光明磊落Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 卧虎藏龙1)Hidden/ Hiding themselves in some machines on the network, some computer viruses often attack o

3、ther computers in secret/by surprise.一些病毒匿藏于网络上的一些机器中,经常出其不意的攻击其他机器。2)He attempted to hide the fact from the police that he had broken into a house to steal.他试图向警察隐瞒他曾经入室行窃的事实。Super translator:Hidden/ Hiding himself in a secret room, he wasnt found by his enemies.藏在一个秘密的房间里,他没有被敌人发现。2. extend v.1) l

4、engthen, make sth. longer 延长,延伸2) make larger, to increase 扩大,3) stretch out a part of your body 伸展,舒展4) offer 给予,提供Useful expressions:extend as far as 延伸到extend ones body/arms/legs 伸展身体/双臂/双腿 extend sb. sth =extend sth to sb. 提供/给予某人某物extend thanks/best wishes/ a warm welcome to sb.向某人表达感谢/美好的祝愿/热烈

5、的欢迎3) They live in a villa with a garden extending as far as the river.他们住在一幢带花园的别墅里,花园一直延伸到河边。4) He fell asleep with his arms and legs extended on the grass.他四张八仰躺在草地上睡着了。Super translator:On behalf of the Chinese Government, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to people who helped us in Wenchu

6、an Earthquake.我代表中国政府向那些在汶川地震中帮助我们的人们表示诚挚的谢意。区别:区别:extend, expand, stretch , spreadextend 伸出,延伸,指空间范围的扩大,及长度,宽度的朝外延伸,也可指时间的延长expand 展开,扩大,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。stretch 伸展,拉长,一般指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,不是加长spread 伸开,传播,一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病) ,散布(信息)等Have a try:Our English teacher has agreed to _ the time limit

7、for our paper.A. spread B. stretch C. expand D. extend Having finished his homework, Tony stood up behind the desk, _ himself.A. expanding B. extending C. stretching D. spreading The population of Africa is _ so rapidly as to cause great concern of the whole world.A. expanding B. stretching C. exten

8、ding D. spreading In order to prevent the disease _ to other districts, the authorized organization killed thousands of cows.A. extending B. spreading C. expanding D. stretching 3. markv. 1)put a sign on something by writing on it, etc. 作记号,标出2) give a mark 打分3)to be a sign that sth. new is going to

9、 happen 是的迹象; 标志着c.n. 4)a sign, spot or line on a clean surface 痕迹,斑点,瘢疤5) spot, shape, etc. on something or someone 符号,记号;6) number of points 分数Useful phrases:mark A with B 用 B 标出 Amark on 在上做记号mark the exam papers 给试卷打分get full marks 得满分a question mark 问号5) He used to mark the places that he had v

10、isited with a red line on the map.他常常把他参观过的地方用红线在地图上标出来。6) Then fireworks were set off, marking the beginning of the opening ceremony.然后开始放焰火,标志着开幕式的开始。7) It must be Tom who made these dirty marks on my new book. 肯定是 Tom 弄脏了我的新书(强调结构)。Super translator:Is it right for the students to mark their names

11、 on their school uniforms?学生把他们的名字标在校服上对吗?4. pretend v.1) put on or show a false appearance of 假装2) claim falsely to have 佯称,自称to do sth. 假装要做某事to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事pretend to have done sth. 假装已经做完某事that 宾语从句n.8) He pretended that he had passed/gone through the examination the moment his mother a

12、sked him.= He pretended to have passed/gone through the examination the moment his mother asked him. 当他的妈妈问他的时候,他佯装通过了考试。9) Hearing his words, she pretended to be angry. 听了他的话,她假装很生气。10) Pretending to be doing his homework, the boy with the earphones on was notscolded by his mother. (分词做状语) 假装正在做作业,

13、那个戴着耳机的孩子没有受到妈妈的责备。11)I dont pretend that I know much about the subject, but I really dont agree with you.我不敢说自己对这个主题有多了解,但是我确实不同意你的观点。12)He pretended a headache so he wouldnt have to go to school.他假装头疼,这样他就不需要去上学了。Super translator:We mustnt pretend to know what we dont know.我们千万不要不懂装懂。Step 3: Exerc

14、ises:1. While she tried to _her disappointment at losing the game, it was obvious that she had hoped to win.A. throw away B. hide C. find D. hold2. -Mum, Ive been admitted into the university.-_!A. Good idea B. Celebrations C. Congratulations D. You must be pleasant3. The work in the office was _by

15、a constant stream of visitors.A. confused B. interrupted C. prepared D. prevented 4. The medical team _of six groups are setting off on their journey to the flooded area next week. Which one is wrong?A. composed B. consisting C. made up D. consisted5. Isnt it time you got down to _the papers? (2006 重庆)A. mark B. be marked C. being marked D. marking6. She pretended _the work in order to go home earlier.A. to finish B. to have finished C. to be finishing D. finishing7. He always pretends _at the very moment his father comes home.A. to be studying B. to study C. to h


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