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1、Unit 1 Cultural relics Part Writing 一、佳作展示与背诵来源: 本单元学完后,英语老师就“琥珀屋是否应该归还俄国”在班内组织了一次辩论,下面 是同学们的两种不同的观点: 支持归还反对归还来源:1它本身就属于俄国 2德国人没有理由再拿回去 3纳粹军队应为此受到责备来源:1现在谁拥有就应归谁来源: 2琥珀屋被弄到德国不是他们的错,是历 史原因造成的 3德国有权保留它 假定你是班上的一名学生,请以“Whether the Amber Room Should Be Returned to Russia or Not”为题,写一篇短文。来源: Whether the A

2、mber Room Should来源来源:数理化网数理化网Be Returned to Russia or Not Recently,a debate about whether the Amber Room should be returned to Russia or not has been held in our class.来源: Students who are for the idea think that the Amber Room should be returned to Russia immediately.The King of Prussia,Frederick W

3、illiam ,gave it to Peter the Great;then it belonged to the Russian people.There is no reason for the Germans to take it back again and the Nazi army are to blame for what they have done. However students who are against the idea think it shouldnt be returned to Russia,because Germany is the original

4、 home of the Amber Room and people who own it nowadays have the right to keep it.All this is caused by history,not the Germans. As far as Im concerned,Russia is the very place it should go to.And the result of the vote also shows that most students are for the idea that it should be returned to Russ

5、ia. 二、思路点拨 写此类持有正反两个观点的文章,重在如何把两者有机地结合起来。首先要把问题摆 明,紧接其后写出一方的观点。然后用连接词转到另外一个观点。最后用 in my opinion/as far as Im concerned 等转到自己的观点上来。这样段落分明,层次清晰,所写文章浑然一体。 其结构如下: Whether the Amber Room Should Be Returned to Russia or Not(话题) 一方的观点 另一方的观点 自己的观点/看法来源: 三、经典句式来源: 1Students who are for the idea think that the Amber Room should be returned to Russia im medi ately. 本句使用了 who 引导的定语从句和 that 引导的宾语从句。 2As far as Im concerned,Russia is the very place it should go to.来源: 本句运用了As far as Im concerned(依我之见).这一句型,place 后面为省略了 that 的 定语从句。提示:提示:用最精炼的语言把你当堂掌握的核心知识的精华部分和基本技能的要领部分 写下来并进行识记。


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