外研版高中英语必修3《Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries》word教案

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1、Teaching plan Module Two Developing and Developed CountriesTeaching Aims: 1. Knowledge and Skill a.Improve students ability of analyzing the given data and expressing their own opinion. b.Train the skills of scanning, fast reading and careful reading. Guess the meanings of the new words according to

2、 the context. c.Learn how to use but, however and although, while. Write a short passage using these link words. d.Cultivate students logical thinking ability by making comparison. 2.Emotion and Values a.Make comparison between developing and developed countries. Analyze the data and have the studen

3、ts come to the conclusion that something must be done to help the poor. b.To encourage the Ss to be active and cooperative in the class 3. Cross-cultural awareness: a.Understand the difference between developing countries and the developed country, and carry on objective analysis to this kind of dif

4、ference. b.Know the development of the world as well as China, stimulate their strong desire to build their motherland a more powerful one. 4. Character-building: a.To help them know the problems some developing countries are facing and cultivate the emotion of loving and care b.To let them know the

5、 importance of giving their hand to the poor. Difficulties and Importance: a. How to use but, however and although, while. b. How to analyze the given data and express their own opinion. c.Improve the students ability of grasping the general idea of the passage. Teaching Method: a.Task-based methodo

6、logy b.Communicative Approach Teaching Time: Five periods: Period 1 vocabulary and speaking Speaking Everyday English Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary Period 3 Grammar Link wordsVocabulary and Listening Period 4 Function Making comparisons Vocabulary and Speaking Writing Period 5 Cultural cornerTask

7、writing an advertisement for your hometown Teaching Procedures: Period 1 Step 1. Warming up Look at the map of the world. And answer the following questions. 1. How many continents are there in the world? 2. Do you know the meaning of the following word? Australia France Germany Iceland Japan Norway

8、 Sweden the Netherlands the UK the US 3. Can you find the countries above on the map? 4. Match the countries with their continents?Continent Country North AmericaAsiaEuropeOceaniaSuggested Answers:Continent Country North AmericaThe UsAsiaJapanEuropeFrance, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Sweden The Nether

9、lands, The UKOceaniaAustraliaStep 2 Vocabulary Match the words with the definitions.developed country developing country disease education hunger income poverty1 the knowledge that you get at school or college 2 when people have very little money 3 an illness 4 when you do not have food, especially

10、for a long period of time 5 the money that you make 6. a country that has a lot of business and industry 7. a country that is poor and does not have much industry Suggested answers: 1. education 2. poverty 3. disease 4. hunger 5. income 6. developed country 7. developing country Step 3 Discussions.

11、Try your best to find the specific reasons to support your idea. 1) Which countries are developed countries and which are developing ones? 2) What are the differences between developing and developed countries? Income: ( larger / smaller)Industry and commerce: (flourishing / laggard) Education: (goo

12、d / little) Life expectancy: (live long/short) Environment: good/bad(terrible) 3) What are the problems that the developing countries face? How to solve them? Poverty Less education Disease Hunger Bad environment Suggested answers: 1) Developed countries are most of the western countries. Mainly inc

13、luded: America, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Canada and Japan. Developing countries are most of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. 2)3) Any suitable answers are available. Step 4 Everyday English Choose the correct answer. 1. How do you find it? Means_. a. What is your opinion about it?

14、 b. How did you get here? 2. Its totally fascinating means _. a. Its very, very interesting. b. Its very, very important. 3. as you see(them) means _. a. while you see them b. in your opinion 4. I didnt get that means_. a. I didnt take that b. I didnt hear what you said 5. (Lets) find some of the ac

15、tion means _. a. Let do something interesting b. Lets act. Suggested answers: 1.a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a Step 5 Speaking a.Work in pairs. Student A: You are collecting money for a charity that gives money to developing countries. explain to Student B why he/she should give money. Student B: Listen to S

16、tudent A and ask questions. Decide whether you want to give money. If you decide to give money, say how much you will give and why. b.Make the dialogue in the right order. 1 Hi, David. I am collecting money for a charity. Can you give some money? 2 what about 5 dollars? 3How much should I give? 4 God. I do think I should give some mone


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