外研版八上《Module 12 Traditional life》word全模块教案

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1、外研英语八年级上外研英语八年级上 ModuleModule 1212 TraditionalTraditional lifelife 全模块教案全模块教案I. Teaching objectives 教学目标教学目标听Listen for what you must and mustnt do说Ask and answer about customs Say what you must and mustnt do读Read the passage to know what you must and mustnt do技技 能能 目目 标标写Write advice about customs

2、and rules in China Write advice for foreign guests to a Chinese family功 能 句 式Talk about customs and what you must and mustnt do You cant be serious. You mustnt do any cleaning on the first day of the Chinese New Year. And you cant cut your hair. No, in China, you must wait and open it later. What mu

3、st I do at Spring Festival? Must I use both hands? You must say Mr. and Mrs. when you speak to older people. You can use first names with your friends. You mustnt talk too loudly. In some trains you cant even use your mobile phone.词汇词汇1. 重点词汇重点词汇 chess, chopsticks, purse, soap, hang, immediately, ac

4、cept, lucky, break, anything, receive, noise, stay, shout, throw, shoulder, catch, smoke, passport, litter 2.认读词汇认读词汇 set, chat, move, wrap, custom, greet, wedding, light, around, pour, mobile, body, pavement 3短语 do some cleaning, wash up, hang on, waste bin语语 言言 目目 标标语法语法Must/mustnt and can/cant. T

5、eaching materials analyzing 教材分析教材分析 本单元以 Traditional life 为话题,设计了三个单元的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学 会谈论不同国家和地区的风俗习惯;了解英国的风俗;学会表达“应该与不应该做的事情” ; 能就中国的风俗习惯进行写作;能给外宾提供一些建议,使他们了解中国的风俗习惯。 Unit 1 听录音,对照图片学习一些物品的名称,听录音并读对话,从送礼物引出不同 国家的不同的风俗习惯,初步了解 must, mustnt, can, cant 的用法。 Listening and vocabulary 中活动 1、2 通过图片标号、配对的形

6、式学习单元词汇。3 是 关于不同国家风俗习惯的对话。4、5 根据对话内容完成判断、填空等任务。Pronunciation and speaking 中 6 学习含有 must 句型的赌法。7、8 根据所给情景列举自己必须做或不允许 做的事并讲给小组内伙伴听。 Unit 2 学习关于英国的一些风俗习惯的课文,结合图画更好地理解课文;学习本单元 重点词汇;用 must, mustnt, can, cant 来描述不同国家的不同的风俗习惯。写一篇介绍中国 风俗的文章。Reading and vocabulary 中 1 要求观察两幅(就餐与婚礼)描述生活习俗的图片。2 俩 俩合作,就所供话题进行讨论

7、。3 阅读介绍英国传统习俗和习惯的短文并找出相关图片。 4、5、6 根据短文内容完成填表、讨论、答问等任务。Writing 列举在中国自己可以做或不 允许做的事,并写一篇短文给来华旅游者提出建议。 Unit 3 在练习中复现本单元重点词汇、句型和语法;读关于 Signs around the world 的 文章;为到中国的家庭做客的外国宾客提出一些建议。 1、2 要求听一个小朋友谈论自己日常生活的录音并完成判断、答问任务。3、4、5 要 求列举并谈论自己在家必须做和不允许做的事。6、7、8、10 要求用所给词汇填空完成句 子或短文。9 利用猜物游戏学习新词。11 猜测所给标志含义。 Arou

8、nd the world 介绍了几种路标的含义。 Module task 写短文给来中国做客的外国人提出建议。IIIClass types and periods 课型设计与课时分配课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1) Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2) Period 3 Language in use (Unit 3) .Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案分课时教案 Period 1 Listening and speaking Target lang

9、uage 目标语言目标语言 1. Words wait, however, for your Chinese counterpart to initiate the gesture.If you visit a school, theater, or other workplace, it is likely that you will be greeted with applause as a sign of welcome. In turn, you should respond by applauding back.The Chinese do not use their hands w

10、hen speaking, and will only become annoyed with a speaker who does.To summon attention, turn your palm down, waving your fingers toward yourself.Use your whole hand rather than your index finger to point.The Chinese, especially those who are older and in positions of authority, dislike being touched

11、 by strangers.Acknowledge the most senior person in a group first.Smiling is not as noticeable in China, since there is a heavy emphasis on repressing emotion.Members of the same sex may hold hands in public.Public displays of affection, such as kissing, between the sexes are frowned upon.Do not put

12、 your hands in your mouth, as it is considered vulgar. When in public, avoid biting your nails, removing food from your teeth, and similar practices.Blowing your nose with a handkerchief is also acceptable.Step IV HomeworkAsk students to 1. read the passage repeatedly. 2. finish activities 911 on pa

13、ges 158-159 in the workbook. Period 3 Language in useTarget language 目标语言目标语言 1. Words wait, however, for your Chinese counterpart to initiate the gesture.If you visit a school, theater, or other workplace, it is likely that you will be greeted with applause as a sign of welcome. In turn, you should

14、 respond by applauding back.Avoid making expansive gestures and using unusual facial expressions.The Chinese do not use their hands when speaking, and will only become annoyed with a speaker who does.Some hand gestures, however, are necessary. They are outlined in the next two points.To summon atten

15、tion, turn your palm down, waving your fingers toward yourself.Use your whole hand rather than your index finger to point.The Chinese, especially those who are older and in positions of authority, dislike being touched by strangers.Acknowledge the most senior person in a group first.Smiling is not a

16、s noticeable in China, since there is a heavy emphasis on repressing emotion.Members of the same sex may hold hands in public.Public displays of affection, such as kissing, between the sexes are frowned upon.Do not put your hands in your mouth, as it is considered vulgar. Consequently, when in public, avoid biting your nails, removing food from your teeth, and similar practices.Pushing is common in lineups.Spitting in public is acceptable.Blow


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