北师大版高中英语选修六Unit 16《Stories》word导学案7

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1、 Unit16 STORIES 导学案导学案(7)编写人:王素仙 审核:高二英语组A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善终Learning aims(学习目标)1)Review the important words,phrases and sentences in Lesson1,2,3;Unit16 2)Review Grammar:the past perfect(过去完成时).Important and difficult point: Keep the the important words,phrases and (学习重点、难点) se

2、ntences in mind.Learning procedures(学习过程):StepImportant words in this part.(A 级级)1._ vt 保存,保护 2._ v.目击 3._vi 发生4._adj.令人敬畏的 5._vt.放弃,遗弃 6._n.悲伤7._adj.反常的,不正常的 8._adj.生动的,逼真的9._ adj.引起麻烦的 10._adj.直接的;坦率的11._adj.渴望的,热衷的 12._adj.复杂的StepPrepositions in expressions.(B 级级)(在下列的短语中填写适当的介词在下列的短语中填写适当的介词)int

3、o, at, upon, in, on, to, of1._the way_ school this morning,we saw a huge frog.2.As we turned the corner,a large castle came_ view.3._present,there is no cure for AIDS but doctors hope to find one in the future.4.When we visited my uncle in the hospital,he was lying _his side and reading a book.5.Onc

4、e_a time,there was a beautiful princess.6.There was nothing_paticular that Helen wanted to see or do today.7._my surprise, there were no snacks at the party.8._a way,I understand why my mother is so angry.(C 级级)9._average, the museum has about 5,000 visitors a day.10.I am not _favour_letting the stu

5、dents wear jewellery to school. StepGrammar review.(C 级级) Choose the best answer.1.I_Chinese food until I met Lanlan.( )A never ate B.had never eaten C.ate D.had eaten2._I got home,the others had eaten all the food.( )A.Because B.After C.By the time D.The time3.Why didnt you play us a song at the pa

6、rty?( )A.I left my guitar at home. B.Because I left my guitar at home.C.I had had left my guitar at home.D.Because I had left my guitar at home4.My group didnt enjoy our talk in front of the class.We had never given a talk_.( )A. ago B.before C.later D.late5.When I _ home and_ around,I saw that a bu

7、rglar_ myCD player.( )A. arrived;looked; stolen B.had arrived;had looked; had stolenC. had arrived;had looked;stolen D. arrived;looked; had stolenStep当堂检测当堂检测.1.Past perfect or Past simple(一般过去时一般过去时)?Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.(D 级级)Tina,16,brings her sister in

8、to the world.When the sixteen-year-old schoolgirl Tina Blake_(come)home from school she was expecting to have her lunch.But she_(find) her 38-year-old mother,Louise,on the floor in the hall,having a baby.She could see the babys head.With her father out at work,Tina phoned the emergency services and

9、told them what she_(just see).Phil Bastin of Kent Ambulance Service_(tell)Tina that he_(send)an ambulance but Tina would probably have to deliver the baby herself.He_(never tell)anyone how to deliver a baby on the phone before.But he told what to do and she did it.“After I_(get) some towel,Mr Bastin

10、 told me to wipe the babys mouth and nose. ”said Tina.Then,because she_(do)everything she could and the ambulance_(arrive),she went back to school for the afternoon. “At first,she_(not tell) us what_(happen)”said Tinas teacher,Chris Hislop. “It seems that until the next day she_(not even tell)her be

11、st friends in the class.And after school she _(stay)behind to play basketball.Now,thats what I call cool!”2.Phrasal verbs.Use the correct form of the phrasal verbs below to complete the story.(D 级级)come across; name after; count on; figure out; end up; put up with; konck sb. over; block out; split u

12、pWillam and Daniel are my friends.Theyre twins and theyre(1)_their grandfathers.Sometimes its hard to(2)_who is who.Onetime Daniel was running and accidentally(3)_,but everyone thought it was William.Daniel isnt very careful.Sometimes I dont know how William(4)_him.Then again,one time,William put a

13、blanket over their bedroom window that(5)_the sunlight.Usually,when you(6)_one of the twins,the other isnt far away,but at school,the teachers like to(7)_the pair.Last year, William(8)_in my class and thats how I got to know them.Hes a good friend and you can always(9)_him-as long as hes not being s

14、illy.3.Phrasal verbs.(C 级级)(选择并用下列短语的适当形式填空选择并用下列短语的适当形式填空,不会的短不会的短语请自己查字典标出语请自己查字典标出)get down to; get together; get to; get with; get round to;get up; get in; get on; get by; get at; get over. eg.1.Ronald is a student and he gets by on every little money for food.2.Im sorry.I wanted to write to you yesterday but I didnt_it.3.Julie is always saying unkind things to Margent but Margent never_it.4.The exam is next month.We must_work soon.5.Laurn caught a bad cold but shes_it.Shes almost better.StepFinish the exercises on P56,E1;P57,E6;.(C 级级) 学后反思学后反思:_


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