外研版高中英语选修7《Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year》(Period 5)word教案

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1、Module 2 Highlights of mey senior YearPeriodPeriod 5 5 SpeakingSpeaking - Role-playRole-play GoalsGoals To role- play a conversation of the highlights of your senior year. ProceduresProcedures StepStep 1:1: ReviewReview thethe readingsreadings StepStep 2:2: Role-playRole-playA: Havent seen you for a

2、 long time, Joanna. B: Yes, Ive just finished senior high school and am taking my vacation here. A: Really? Ill be in grade 3 after the vacation, the last year in senior high school. Senior year is hard for most students in China. How about it in America? B: As far as Im concerned, I greatly enjoyed

3、 it. I had a lot of successes during my senior year. A: Like.? B: Well, one of the best things was working as an arts editor for our school newspaper. I enjoyed it! I love writing, and working on the paper was my first step towards becoming a journalist, so it was a real success for me A: Anything e

4、lse? B: Something else I greatly enjoyed was working as a peer mediator. A: Peer mediator? B: Yeah, a peer mediator is someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students. A: I see. We dont have peer mediators in our school. B: At the start of the school year, we were gi

5、ven training in how to do this, and its clear that this kind of work can really help people. I think Ill continue to work as a mediator when I go to college. A: I hear you American students have great fun outside classroom lessons. B: You are right. During the Easter vacation, I went on a short scho

6、ol skiing trip to the Rocky Mountain. Id been skiing quite a few times but never with the school, and since two good friends came on the trip, we had great fun racing each other down the ski slopes. Its well-known that American is competitive, and I did enjoy it whenever I won our races! A: I would

7、also enjoy it if I won a race! B: Other things I was pleased about getting good grades on my final exams, and receiving the senior prize for English Literature. I was given a car by my parents so I was able to drive to school, which was brilliant. A: Wow, theyre so generous. I took the first place i

8、n my last exams, and my parents only treated me to dinner! B: Ill never forget being elected to the students council. I really enjoyed meeting the teachers and telling them how we, the students, felt about things, and what we thought should happen in the school! A: Its a good thing that you are rela

9、xed with your teachers.B: Sure. All these things were wonderful. But I have to say, the highlight of the year was the senior prom. A: Senior prom? I hear of it. Its said that for an American girl, its so important that you have a good time at the prom. B: Well, I did! Daniel, a boy in my English cla

10、ss, asked me to go to the prom with him, and I was so pleasedId been hoping he would ask me. I found a dress that suited me perfectly, and had my hair specially done on the day of the prom. It took two hours but it was worth it, as everyone told me I looked very elegant! A group of us rented a nice

11、car to take us to the prom. The food was delicious and I ate so much that I had to stop dancing for a while! We shared a table with some good friends, and laughed and told jokes all evening. A: A great time! B: Daniel and I danced most of the dances together. But the big surprise of the evening was

12、when I was elected prom queen. A: Congratulations! B: Thank you. This was so unexpected, and I cant tell you how good this made me feel! After the prom, a group of us drove down to the coast, and sat on the beach in our long dresses and dinner jackets. I shall never forget watching the sunrise over the seait was unforgettable! Afterwards, we went and had an enormous breakfast in a nearby hotelit was a perfect ending to a perfect school year. A: I really envy you!


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