外研版九上《Module 5 Museums Unit 3 Language in use》word导学案

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1、Module 5 Museums Unit 3 Language in use课型:复习课【学习目标学习目标】1、熟练掌握学过的词汇。2、复习掌握禁止干某事表达方式。3、通过听力练习,复习有关第一二单元的内容。【课前准备课前准备】1、朗读学过的单词、短语、对话、课文等。2、.四人小组内听写检查本模块词汇掌握情况。3、运用词典,两人小组预习 Around the world 部分。【复习内容复习内容】1、 重点词汇:entry familiar upstairs attention either unusual wheel position travel wheel obey guard sig

2、n downstairs sculpture either experiment exhibit physics falling sand truck rocket human speed communication court store cloakroom toliet inventor cafe2、 重点短语:(1)pay attention to 集中注意力于(2)as well 也 (3)work out 设法弄懂 计算出 (4)try out 试用 实验 检验 (5)above all 首先 (6)drop in 顺便走访(7)as as 同一样 (8)come on 赶快 (9)

3、hurry up 赶快 (10)look forward to 渴望,盼望 (11)no wonder 难怪 (12)on ones own 独自 (13)compare with 和比较3、重点句型:(1) No shouting ! 禁止大喊大叫! (2) Dont touch ! 禁止触摸!(3) You mustnt go up there ! 你们禁止去那儿! (4) Its closed until January . 它一直关到二月份。(5) And the Nature History room as well .还有历史自然展室也是如此。(6)I wasnt paying a

4、ttention to what you were saying .我没注意刚才你在说什么(7)Theres no shouting and no running . 禁止奔跑和喧哗。(8)Theyre looking forward to the museum . 他们盼望着去博物馆。4、主要语言点1)Hang on a minute .2) The museum is very familiar to Bettys mum .3)No wonder it looks real .4) You arent allowed to touch the echibits .5) Visiting

5、the Science Museum is fun and its a great way to learn about science because.6) Above all , the Science Museum is free .5、本单元的对话和短文。复习过程:【学习过程学习过程】1、小组互查学过的词汇,并及时改正错误。2、学生根据复习任务,自主复习,并记录疑难问题。_3、Do Activities 1-4,then check the answers in groups.4、检查“Around the world”部分的预习情况小组内进行英汉互译。小组讨论并回答:Where ca

6、n you find out about the history of communication ? What outdoor activities can you do ?5、学习成果展示:(1) “禁止干某事”,你会说 什么呢?看谁说的又多又好!(2)你会按照 Activity 34 说出哪些合成词?练习题:练习题:1、翻译下列单词与短语发明家 厕所 查明 查出 多年来 游泳池 2、 选词填空(1)Edison is a great .(2) Have you why he was late ?(3) Great changes have taken place in our hometown .(4) Can you tell me where the is ?(5)Its hot today . Lets , shall we ?


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