北师大版高中英语选修八Unit 22《Environmental Protection》(The Eighth Period)教案

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1、安徽省滁州市第二中学高中英语安徽省滁州市第二中学高中英语 Unit22Unit22 EnvironmentalEnvironmental ProtectionProtection TheThe EighthEighth PeriodPeriod CommunicationCommunication WorkshopWorkshop (I)(I)教案教案 北师大版选修北师大版选修 8 8TeachingTeaching goalsgoals 教学目标教学目标1.1. TargetTarget languagelanguage 目标语言目标语言 重点词汇和短语重点词汇和短语 plug, quilt

2、, cushion, skyscraper, adopt, rail, warehouse, considerate, plug ones ears, all the best2.2. AbilityAbility goalsgoals 能力目标能力目标 Help students learn more about noise pollution by doing listening exercises.3.3. LearningLearning abilityability goalsgoals 学能目标学能目标Help students to predict missing informa

3、tion and take notes using listening strategies. Giving opinions.TeachingTeaching importantimportant pointspoints 教学重点教学重点Listening strategies.Noise pollution and noise control measures in China.TeachingTeaching difficultdifficult pointspoints 教学难点教学难点Noise control measures and individual noise contr

4、ol efforts.TeachingTeaching methodsmethods 教学方法教学方法 Speaking, discussing and listening.TeachingTeaching aidsaids 教具准备教具准备Multi-computer.TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures once the pollution stops, the environment is free of it. This is not the case for chemicals, sewage, and other pollutants intr

5、oduced into the air, soil, or water. The definition of noise itself is highly subjective. To some people the roar of an engine is satisfying or thrilling; to others it is an annoyance. Loud music may be enjoyable or a torment, depending on the listener and the circumstances. Broadly speaking, any fo

6、rm of unwelcome sound is noise pollution, whether it is the roar of a jet plane overhead or the sound of a barking dog a block away.Deal with Ex 3.Ask students to read the 10 statements. Try to predict the information that is missing. Then listen to the radio programme and complete the notes with on

7、e or two words. Students are asked to do the exercises individually. Play the recording again if necessary. Then check the answers with the whole class.T: Using the listening strategies try to predict the missing information in the statements in Ex 3. Then we will listen to the radio programme and c

8、omplete the notes with one or two words. I will play the recording again if necessary. .T: Which statement is the definition of noise pollution?S1: The second. Noise pollution can be defined as any sound that interrupts our daily lives or makes us feel uncomfortable.T: What are the sources of noise

9、pollution?S2: Television sets, stereo system, air-conditioners and pets can all be sources of noise pollution.T: What statements tell noise negatively affects human health and well-being? S3: The last five statements.T: Right! Now lets read the bad effects caused by noise.Deal with Ex4.T: Now that n

10、oise has so many negative effects on us, it is necessary to control noise. Now lets listen to the second part of the radio programme. While listening, please focus on the three topics:Necessity for noise controlNoise control measuresIndividual noise control effortsI will play the recording twice for

11、 you. Then you may work in pairs and compare your notes with your partner to check if you miss any important information. After you compare your notes with each others, I will play the recording again and draw your attention to the important information. At last you will be asked to present your not

12、es on the three topics to the class.StepStep IIIIII SpeakingSpeakingBefore you startDeal with Ex1 on Page 14.T: After we talk about noise pollution, lets listen to two people discussing an article from a newspaper. First read through the opinions. Then I will play the recording for you.If necessary,

13、 play the recording again for students to check the answers.Chatroom:Chatroom: GivingGiving opinionsopinionsDeal with Ex2 on Page 14.Ask students to read the expressions in Ex2 and decide which are used to give you time to think, which are used to express an opinion.ImpersonalImpersonal “You”“You”De

14、al with Ex3 on Page 14.Ask students to read the five sentences in Ex3 and decide which of the examples refer to a particular person, which refer to people in general.DiDiscussscuss thethe photosphotosAsk students to discuss the photos and think aboutThe global issue each photo representsThe causes o

15、f the problemYour opinions and possible solutionsWhile giving their opinions, remind students that they should use the expressions to justify their arguments and the expressions to give their opinions.StepStep V V GuidedGuided writing:writing: reportreportDeal with Ex4 in Language Power on Page 61.Ask students to put the given nine sentences in the correct order in the report plan. Students may refer to Reading strategies in Lesson 3 on Page 10.StepStep VIVI HomeworkHomeworkLearn more about noise pollution and noise control measures in China.


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