北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 20《New Frontiers》(lesson4.2)word学案

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北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 20《New Frontiers》(lesson4.2)word学案_第1页
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北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 20《New Frontiers》(lesson4.2)word学案_第2页
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《北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 20《New Frontiers》(lesson4.2)word学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 20《New Frontiers》(lesson4.2)word学案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit20Unit20 Lesson4Lesson4 学习目标By the end of the class, the students will be able to: Internalizing and externalizing the knowledge Enhancing scientific knowledge and interest in space exploration Inspiring and motivating students学习过程 课堂活动 (一)预习交流QuickQuick responseresponse toto thethe eventsevents

2、 inin thethe timetime order.order. 1957_1957_ _ 1961_1961_ _ 1969_1969_ 1970_1970_ _ 1990_1990_ 2003_2003_(二)合作探究ImportantImportant ElementsElements inin NarrativeNarrative WritingWriting_1.1. WordWord Bank:Bank: CollectionCollection ofof thethe relevantrelevant vocabularyvocabulary inin thethe unun

3、it,it, whichwhich maymay helphelp youyou withwith youryour writingwritingWords:Words:Phrases:Phrases:(三)分层提高ChooseChoose thethe usefuluseful vocabularyvocabulary andand sentencessentences forfor youryour outline.outline.SpaceSpace ExplorationExplorationIntroduction:_Introduction:_WriteWrite aboutabout originsorigins:WriteWrite aboutabout thethe present:present: WriteWrite aboutabout thethe futurefuture : :_ WriteWrite aboutabout thethe conclusion:conclusion: _ _._. 5.5. SelfSelf evaluationevaluation ofof thethe writing.writing. _ _ . . (四)总结归纳(五)巩固反馈Finish the exercise


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