外研版高中英语选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(Section 2)素材

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《外研版高中英语选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(Section 2)素材》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语选修7 Module 5《Ethnic Culture》(Section 2)素材(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ModuleModule 5 5 EthnicEthnic CultureSectionCultureSection 2 2 TheThe AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe DifficultDifficult SentencesSentences 素材素材SectionSection 2 2 TheThe AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe DifficultDifficult SentencesSentences fromfrom ModuleModule 5 5 EthnicEthnic CultureCulture 1.The1.The o

2、ldold towntown isis onon thethe sideside ofof a a mountainmountain andand oppositeopposite itit isis thethe 5500-metre5500-metre YulongYulong XueshanXueshan Mountain,Mountain, itsits peakpeak coveredcovered withwith snow.snow.古城依山而建,对面是海拔古城依山而建,对面是海拔 55005500 米的玉龙雪山,山峰被积雪覆盖。米的玉龙雪山,山峰被积雪覆盖。 its peak

3、covered with snow 独立主格结构作伴随状语。可以看作是省略了 with 的独立 主格结构。以下就这一结构举些例子来说明。1) (with)+n.+n. The workforce is made up of 400 workers, (with) most of them women. 2) (with)+n.+adj. The street wet and slippery, we had to ride our bikes slowly and carefully. 3) (with)+n.+adv. The meeting over, we returned to the

4、 classroom. 4) (with)+n.+prep.-phrase The old man sat on the chair, with a pipe in his mouth/pipe in mouth. (当介词后的名词表示身体的某个部位时,可省略修饰成分) 5) (with)+n.+to do/to be done (表示将来动作) The sports meeting to be held next week, we must get ready for it. 6) (with)+n.+doing/being done(表示正在进行)/having done(强调动作已经完成

5、) It being sunny, the children went to the park. Time permitting, well visit the park. The guests having left, she began to clean the room. 7) (with)+n.+done/having been done(被动关系,强调动作完成后的状态) Her glasses broken, she couldnt see the words on the blackboard. 对比选择: 1_little time left, youd better walk

6、as fast as possible.A. Being B. There being C. It being D. There is 2. As _ no time left, youd better walk as fast as possible.A. Being B. There being C. It being D. There is Keys:Keys: 1-2 BD 2 2Today,Today, AboriginesAborigines makemake upup justjust overover 1.5%1.5% ofof AustraliasAustralias pop

7、ulation.population. 今天土今天土 著居民仅占澳大利亚人口总数的著居民仅占澳大利亚人口总数的 1.5%1.5%多一点。多一点。 make up “组成,构成”make room for 为. 让地方, make sentences with 用造句, make a face or make faces 做鬼脸, make tea 沏茶, make friends with 与交朋友, make up 编出,组成,构成, make a mistake 出差错, make sure 确保,确信, make a noise 吵闹, make over 转让, be made into 被制成, be made by 被制成, be made in (在某年某 地)制造, be made of 由制成, be made from 由制成 (看不出原材料),


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