外研版九上《Module 3 Unit 3 Language in use》word导学案

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1、Module 3 Sporting lifeUnit 3 Language in use课型:复习课一、一、 课前读词课前读词二、二、 【学习目标学习目标】1.掌握本模块的单词及短2.掌握一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态3熟悉本模块对话及文章内容。三、教学过程三、教学过程1、向学生说明本节课的复习内容,复习方法及达到的要求,使学生明确复习任务。2、让学生自主复习,并记录疑难问题。3、检测效果基基础演练础演练(一)单词关(一)单词关1、小组听写检查本模块的单词、短语。2、根据聚义和首字母提示写出单词。1)My father a me to play basketball with my frie

2、nds yesterday2) The PRC s f or the Peoples Republic of China3) For him, this is a t journey.4) There are four s in a year.5) It was e at first to train as a higher jumper.6) It was (建立) in 2001 to help young sportsmen a nd sportswomen7) Dont let them (影响) you.8)I wont be (反对) you. I agree with you .9) Liu Xiang will also be asked to appear in (广告) andfilms,and even to record music.10) After a (讨论),they decided to stay at home .3、课本 P23 EX .4 练习册 P121 EX。5(二二) 重点突破重点突破让学生讨论复习一般过去时被动语态和一般将来时被动语态


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