外研版九上《Module 3 Sporting life》word同步教案

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1、11-12 学年英语:学年英语:Module 3 同步教案(外研版九年级上)同步教案(外研版九年级上)一、学习目标:一、学习目标:知识目标:能正确使用 Module 3 中的单词和词组;能力目标:能够谈论自己喜欢的运动队或体育明星;情感目标:学习运动员不畏艰难、刻苦训练的精神。二、重点、难点二、重点、难点重点:重点:1. 应用本模块交际用语,如:What do you reckon?; Dont let them get to you!等;2. 掌握表达观点的句式,如 I agree/ I dont agree with/ I think you are right/ Its true. /

2、So do I.难点:难点:1. 辨析 win 和 defeat, comparewith 和 compareto 的区别;2. 一般过去时和一般将来时的被动语态。三、三、知能提升知能提升(一)重点单词(一)重点单词 单词学习 1. allow【用法】v. 允许allow (doing) sth. 允许(做)某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事【例句】(1) They dont allow smoking. 不许他们抽烟。(2) My father wont allow me to drive a car. 爸爸不

3、允许我开车。【考查点】allow 后跟含不定式的复合宾语结构及其被动形式。【易错点】易混淆 allow sb. to do sth. 与 be allowed to do sth. 的使用。【考题链接】You _ football in the street.A. allow to playB. arent allowed to playC. arent allowed playing答案:答案:B解题思路:解题思路:此题考查 allow 的用法,由于 allow 后不能直接跟动词不定式,所以先排除A;而“被允许做某事”的表达是“be allowed to do sth.”,所以选 B. 2.

4、 against【用法】prep. 与相对,相反,反对,依靠be against 反对,不同意play against 与对抗【例句】No one is against the proposal. 没人反对这项提议。Our football team will play against theirs this afternoon. 今天下午我们的足球队将和他们的足球队进行比赛。【考查点】词义理解。【易错点】against 的拼写及误将 against 作动词用。【考题链接】Some people were for the idea and others _ it.有些人赞成这个观点,另外一些人

5、则反对。 答案:答案:were against。解题思路:解题思路:首先根据题目所给出的信息知道所填内容的意思是“反对”,由于 against 是介词,作谓语时要与 be 动词连用,而前面的时态用了一般过去时,所以 be 动词也要用一般过去时,others 是复数,故应填 were against.3. encourage【用法】v. 鼓励;encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事; be encouraged to do sth. 被鼓励做某事【例句】(1) Mother always encourages me to study hard. 妈妈总是鼓励我要努力学习

6、。(2) I am encouraged to try again by the teacher. 老师鼓励我再试一次。【考查点】encourage 后跟含不定式的复合宾语结构及其被动形式。【易错点】encourage sb. to do sth. 及 be encouraged to do sth. 在使用时易混淆。【考题链接】英语老师经常鼓励学生大声说英语。English teacher often _English aloud.答案:答案:encourages the students to speak 解题思路:解题思路:这道题要我们翻译的是“鼓励学生说”,考查的是 encourage

7、 sb. to do sth.这个短语的使用,题目所给出的时间是 often, 所以填 encourages the students to speak。4. defeat【用法】v. 打败,击败【考查点】defeat 和 win 的辨析。defeat 和 win 的区别:defeat:“打败,击败”,后面的宾语通常是人或队(team),而且 defeat 一般用在被动句中。如:His team was defeated again. 他的队伍又被打败了。win:“赢,获胜”,常接的宾语有 game, match, race, prize 等.如:We won the football mat

8、ch just now. 我们刚才赢了足球比赛。【易错点】defeat 和 win 的用法混淆。【考题链接】Did you _ the first prize of the league match? Of course we did. We _ all the other teams.A. defeat, beat B. win, win C. win, beat 答案:答案:C.解题思路:解题思路:解此题要注意所给出的宾语,问句给出的宾语是 the first prize,所以先排除A,因为 defeat 后不能跟 prize; 答语给出的宾语是 all the other teams,所

9、以排除 B,因为win 后不能跟 team, 而beat 和 defeat 后都可以跟人或 team, 故选 C。即学即练I dont allow _ only in my bedroom.But I dont allow my family _ anywhere.A. smoking, smoking B. to smoke, smoking C. smoking, to smokeHe _ me at chess yesterday.A. defeated B. won C. was beatenHis parents often encourage him _ hard.A. work

10、B. working C. to workWe lost the game, we were d_ by No. 1 Middle School.We will play a _ a team from Shanghai in next season.My teacher often e_ us to study hard for the future.(二)重点短语(二)重点短语 短语学习1. stand for【用法】 “代表,象征,意味着”【例句】The letter PRC stands for the Peoples Republic of China.【考查点】词组本意。 【易错点

11、】错用被动语态。【考题链接】The Olympic Rings _ the five parts of the world.A. are stand for B. are stood for C. stand for答案:答案:C 解题思路:解题思路:此题考查 stand for 的用法,由于 stand for 没有被动语态,所以排除 B;而 A 的表达是错误的,故选 C。2. first of all【用法】 “首先,第一”【例句】First of all, I want to thank you all for coming.【考查点】first of all 与 at first 的辨

12、析。first of all 与与 at first 的区别:的区别:first of all:用于说明事物排列顺序时的“首先,第一”,多用于开场白。如:First of all, I have good news to tell you .at first 意思是“起初,最初”,没有排列顺序之分。如:At first I thought he was a good person, but later I found out he was a jerk(混蛋).【易错点】first of all 与 at first 的意思混淆不清。【考题链接】_ I was nervous, but soo

13、n I started to relax.A. First of all B. At first C. After all答案:答案:B。解题思路:解题思路:此题考查学生对 first of all , at first, after all 意思的掌握。句意是说“起初我很紧张,但是我很快就开始放松下来”,这里没有排列顺序的关系,所以排除 A;after all的意思是“毕竟,终究”,所以排除 C 而选 B。3. be mad with sb.【用法】 “对某人很生气” ;be mad about sth. 对某事很生气【例句】He is mad with me for being late.

14、He is mad about my being late.【考查点】词组本意。【易错点】错用介词。【考题链接】She is mad _ me for telling lies.A. with B. about C. to答案:答案:A。解题思路:解题思路:解此题要注意题目所给出的宾语,由于题目给出的宾语是 me,指人,所以先排除 B,而“对某人很生气”是“be mad with sb”,故选 A。4.be compared with【用法】被(拿来)与相比较(是 comparewith的被动结构)【例句】My writing is compared with his 我的作文被拿来和他的作比

15、较。【考查点】comparewith与 compareto的辨析及其被动结构。comparewith与与 compareto的区别:的区别:comparewith:“把和作比较”,表示同类事物之间具体的比较或对照。Parents often compare their children with others. 父母常把自己的孩子同别人的作比较。compareto: “把和作比较”,可和 comparewith替换使用;“把比作”,表示一种比喻或相似,没有绝对的好坏之分。 People often compare a teacher to a candle. 人们常把老师比作蜡烛。【易错点】错用介词以及对过去分词作状语的用法不明确。【考题链接】_ his homework, Kates is much better.和他的作业相比较,凯特的作业更好。答案:答案:Compared with/ to。解题思路:解题思路:此题考查的是 compared with/to 作状语的情况,过去分词作状语,它和主语的关系一般是被动关系。此句的主语是“凯特的作业”,说明是凯特的作业被拿来和他的作业相比较,是被动的关系,而


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