外研版高中英语必修4 Module 4《Great Scientists》讲义

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1、年级 :高一 科目 :英语 教师 :陈景花天津一中天津一中 2015-2016 年第二学期高一英语讲义年第二学期高一英语讲义 13Book 4 Module 4 Great scientists课时课时 1:词汇、表达与语法;课型:词汇、表达与语法;课型 B(小综合)(小综合) ;课长;课长 45 分钟分钟 一、词汇互译 1. bring up _ 2. bring in _ 3. be converted to _ 4. cash crop _ 5. transform into_ 6. a form of _ 7. best-seller_ 8. well done _ 9. by acc

2、ident_ 10. be at war (with ) _be at peace (with ) _ 11. be attached to _ 12. in the direction_ 13. as a result of _ 14. be known for_ 15. come to power _ 16. earn ones living _二、 翻译句子1.这个城市的人口已经增加到了 5 千万。_2. 这个沙发可以变为床。_3. 他不得不靠卖报纸为生。_4. 爱因斯坦可能是 20 世纪最杰出的科学家。_5. 他们的车遇上交通阻塞,因而耽误了。_三、语法 1. English (广泛应

3、用)all over the world. 2. The criminal (被捕)last month and sentenced into prison for 3 years. 3. We cant drive across the river. A bridge (在修建)over it now. 4. When I called him yesterday, a meeting (开), so he didnt answer. 5. As everyone knows, the 31th Olympic Games (举办) in the year 2016. 6. They set

4、 off early in the morning and most of the journey (完成)by 4 p.m. 7. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where (未定)_yet. 8. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement (达成) 9.Water (可用来发电) 10. With so much work (去做), he has no time to go for a

5、holiday. 11. The maths problem is hard (解出)in five minutes. 12. The boss has lots of letters (打印) because of his busy business. 13. Time (一定得充分利用) 14. Though over 70 percent of the surface of the earth (覆盖)with water, we have no enough fresh water to drink. 15. (看)from the moon, our earth appears as

6、 a “blue ball.” 16. The truck was stopped by a big (倒下)tree just on the road. 17. No one likes (受到讥笑)in public. 18. I heard him sing a song just now. (变为被动) 19. We saw him sitting there without doing anything . (变为被动)课时课时 2:能力训练;课型:能力训练;课型 C(大综合)(大综合) ;课长;课长 30 分钟分钟 一、单项选择 1. The vegetables didnt ta

7、ste very good because they _for too long. A. cookedB. were cookedC. had cookedD. had been cooked 2. The mayor says that all construction work for the performance _by the end of this year. A. has been completedB. has completed C. will have been completedD. will have completed 3. His parents died when

8、 he was very young, so he was _by his grandmother. A. brought upB. grown upC. taken upD. picked up 4. The dog _the cage without being seen. A. escaped fromB. ran awayC. ran outD. escaped by 5. Defoe had been earning a living _writing since he was thirsty. A. byB. inC. toD. with 6. It will make no di

9、fference whether our pay will be _5% this year. A. risen byB. raised byC. raised toD. risen to 7. Mr Green, who is a member of Labor Party, has _Mr Brown as President. A. taken placeB. taken the placeC. in place ofD. replaced 8. The old man was taking a walk, _by his grandson. A. supportingB. suppor

10、tedC. being supported D. having supported9. Patience is an important _of a happy and rewarding life. After all, some things are worth waiting for. A. lessonB. experienceC. purposeD. quality 10. -What is the language _ in Australia?-Why! Everyone knows that Australia is _country. A. talked; an Englis

11、h-spokenB. speaking; a speaking-English C. spoken; a speaking EnglishD. spoken; an English-speaking 11. _worries me the way he keeps changing his mind. A. ThisB. ThatC. WhatD. It 12. When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what _. A. have markedB. has been markedC. had markedD. had bee

12、n marked 13. He thought the jar made of earth _little value and let me have it _only one dollar. A. with; forB. of; forC. of; byD. with; by 14. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _yet. A. hasnt been decidedB. havent decided C. isnt being decidedD. aren t decided 15. Scientists have made a major _in cancer research. A. break-inB. breakthroughC. breakupD. breakdown 二、完型: I do a lot of manag


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