外研版高中英语必修3《Module 2 Developing and Developed countries》word单元学案

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1、Module 2 Developing and Developed countries课标定位课标定位高效导学高效导学类别类别课程标准要求掌握的项目课程标准要求掌握的项目重点重点 单词单词hunger n.饥饿 income n.收入,所得 poverty n.贫穷,贫困 human n.人,人类;adj.人的,有人 性的; development n.发展,开发;成长 index n.索引 vt.编索引 measure vt.测量,估量;n.措施 position n.位置; educate vt.教育,培训;训练 figure n.数字,图形,轮廓 household n.一家人;adj.

2、家庭的 homeless adj.无家的 crowded adj.拥挤的 freeway n.高速公路 similarity n.类似,相似 unfortunate adj.不幸的,遗憾的 location n.位置,场所 tourism n.旅游业 transport vt.运输 industrial adj.工业的 polluted adj.被污染的 smart adj.灵巧的;聪明的;敏捷的 vast adj.巨大的,广阔的 entertainment n.娱乐,款待 exchange vt.交换,兑换;n.交换重点重点 短语短语up to 到达,至多 有 agree to do sth

3、. 同意做某事 make progress 取得进展,进步 at the top of 在的顶端,在 顶部(指在某物体的范围之内) on top of 在上面;(与某 物的表面接触,在它的外层) at the bottom of 在的底部 make sure 确保,确信 encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某 事 in the past ten years 在过去的十年里 move out of = get rid of 摆脱 make efforts to do sth. 努力做某事 receive education 接受教育be connected with 与有联

4、系,与 相关 allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人来做某事; in particular 尤其,特别 notat all 一点也不;(at all 根本,全然; not at all 别客气;) collect money for(=raise money for) 为集资,为筹钱 be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事 as many/much as 多达,与一样多 in ones opinion = as sb. see 就某人的观点 而言; be close to 接近,靠近 find out 查明,弄清楚 as a result 结果 make/take

5、notes of 做记录,做笔记功能功能 交际交际How do you find/like sth.? = What do you think of ? =What is your opinion about? 你认为怎么样?(用于对某人或某事的评价) Its totally fascinating. 它太迷人。/它太有吸引力了。 as you see = in your opinion 就你的观点而言,如你所说; I didnt get that. = I didnt hear what you said. 我没有听清楚。 Lets find some of action. =Lets do

6、 something interesting. 让我们来做些有趣的事。语法语法Link words but, however, although, while1.The report shows that we are making progress but that we need to make greater efforts. 2. However, the challenges are still great.Section Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary Function 知识整合知识整合能力聚焦能力聚焦 考点搜索考点搜索 1:especia

7、lly 的用法的用法 【例例 1】Crime is growing at a rapid rate, _ in urban areas. A. especially B. specially C. particular D. specific 解析:本题考查形容词和副词的辨析:especially 特别地,尤其;specially 特别地,专门地; particular 特别的,挑剔的;specific 特定的,明确的。句意:犯罪正迅速增多,尤其是在城 市里。 答案:A 【例例 2】(2010 浙江)Do you think shopping online will _ take the pl

8、ace of shopping in stores? A. especially B. frequently C. merely D. finally 解析:本题考查副词辨析:especially 尤其,特别;frequently 频繁地,经常;merely 仅仅, 只是;finally 最后,最终;句意:你认为网上购物最终会取代商店购物吗?依据句意理解, 可知答案为 D 选项。 答案:D 名师点金:名师点金:especially 的用法的用法especially 作副词,意为作副词,意为“尤其,格外,特别尤其,格外,特别” ;(通常用于强调某事物,或表示该事物 比其他被谈论的事物更值得一提或

9、更重要) I like Beijing, especially in spring. 我爱北京,尤其爱北京的春天。 I was feeling especially tired this evening. 今晚我感到特别累。specially 作副词,意为作副词,意为“特意地,专门地特意地,专门地” ;(;(通常用于表示所做之事因某种特殊目的而 异于平常,它常用于被动语态中) I had this dress made specially for the wedding. 我特地为这次婚礼做了这件连衣裙。specific 作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“具体的,特定的,明确的具体的,特定的,明确

10、的” ;(该词仅用于名词之前);(该词仅用于名词之前) Mary gave us very specific instructions. 玛丽给了我们非常明确的指示。particular 作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“特定的,特指的;特殊的,特别的;讲究的,挑剔的特定的,特指的;特殊的,特别的;讲究的,挑剔的” ; You should pay particular/special attention to spelling. 你应特别注意拼写。 Sharon is very particular about his food. 莎伦对吃东西特别挑剔。 It was a good concer

11、t-I enjoyed the last song in particular. 那是一场很好的音乐会,我尤其喜 欢最后的那首歌。 作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“特别的,格外的特别的,格外的”时,时,particular 与与 special 可以互换;可以互换; 原文对照:原文对照:When you dont have food, especially for a long period of time, you will feel very hunger. 考点搜索考点搜索 2:agree 的用法的用法 【例例 3】(2010 陕西)You look well. The air and t

12、he sea foods in Sanya must _ you, I suppose. A. agree with B. agree to C. agree on D. agree about 解析:本题考查动词词组辨析:agree with 适合某人;agree to 同意;agree on/about 就达成一致。句意:你气色很好。我想,三亚的空气和海鲜肯定会适合你。 答案:A 【例例 4】(2010 辽宁)The new movie _ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time . A. promises B. agrees C

13、. pretends D. declines 解析:本题考查动词辨析:promise to be 有希望成为;agree to do sth.同意做某事; pretend to do sth.假装做某事;decline to do sth. 拒绝做某事。句意:这部新电影有望成为有 史以来最赚钱的电影之一。 答案:A 名师点金:名师点金:agree 的用法的用法agree to do sth. 同意做某事; We agree to ask him to our party. 我们同意邀请他参加我们的聚会agree with 同意; In general, I agree with you. 总的

14、来说,我同意你的意见。适合某人; The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。 与一致 ; Your story doesnt agree with what the old man have told me. 你的叙述和那个老人告诉我的不 一样。agree on / about 就达成一致; We managed to agree on a date for the party. 我们勉强商定了聚会日期。I couldnt agree more. 我完全同意。agree a price / plan / strategy 商定价格; agree

15、 to sth. 同意某人的建议/计划/安排等;(此处的 to 为介词) 原文对照:原文对照:In the year 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or earlier. 考点搜索考点搜索 3:sure 的用法的用法 【例例 5】(2010 四川)-Im sorry. That wasnt of much help. -Oh, _. As a matter of fact, it was most helpful. A. sure it was B. it doesnt matter C. of course not D. thanks anyway 解析:本题考查交际用语:sure it was 当然了;it doesnt matter 没关系;of course not 当然 不;thanks anyway 不管怎么说还是要感谢你;句意:很抱歉,那对你没有多大帮助。 哦,当然有帮助了。实际上它很有帮助。依据语境判断,横线处是对上文的否定,故选 A 项。 答案:A 【例例 6】(2010 重庆)-You are confident about the job interview, arent you?


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