外研版高考英语选修6 Module 1《Small Talk》(Vocabulay key points)word学案

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《外研版高考英语选修6 Module 1《Small Talk》(Vocabulay key points)word学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高考英语选修6 Module 1《Small Talk》(Vocabulay key points)word学案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语黑龙江省宁安市东京城林业局第三中学高中英语 ModuleModule 1 1 SmallSmall TalkTalk VocabulayVocabulay keykey pointspoints 学案学案 外研版选修外研版选修 6 6【使用准备与要求】 1. 本流程提前 2 天下发,正式上课前全体学生必须独立完成所设题目。 2. 通过朗读阅读文章内容,用红笔标出重点单词、短语、句型(翻译并理解其运用) ,必 须朗读。 3. 遇到疑惑用红色笔或特殊符号标出;遇到生词查字典将其用法查出。 4. 完成任务过程中一定要精力集中,并且随时将重点、好词、好句整理在

2、笔记上。 【目标一】Be able to write the words (P1-3)fluently and remember their Chinese meanings according to the passage. ( 10)单词拼写 1.They promised _(自信地)that they would restore the fallen bridge. 2.Students and teachers shared a taste of wearing _ (非正式的)dress. 3.The airline said the two flights to St. Pete

3、rburg were cancelled due to a _ _ (缺少) of passengers. 4.He had done a lot of _(预先的) planning before he went to apply for the job. 5.Id like to take this_(机会)to express my thanks to you for your timely help. 【目标二】Find out the following phrases in the passage and try to remember them.(5) (注:上课重点检查内容)

4、1)交朋友;建立友谊_2)缺乏自信 _ 3) 对.焦虑不安 _4)有备无患_ 5)想起;回忆起 _6) 把目光从.移开_ 7)社交规则_ 8)除此之外;另外_ 9)身体语言 _10)了解到;找到 _ 【目标三】导练互动, (15) 重点单词 1.lack n.lacking B.having been surveyed;to lack C.surveyed;lacked D.to have been surveyed;lack 2.advance adj.预先的;事先的;n. that B ahead which C of which D before what 4.It is importa

5、nt that we should remember to bring in _ technology all th e time.A advancing B advanced C developing D decreased 5. The story tells us to _ reward when we help others.A look out for B look back at C look up to D look away from 6.- Its no use having ideas only. -Dont worry. Peter can show you _ to t

6、urn an idea into an act . A how B who C what D where 7. You have to bring your books along with you. _, you should take your pi cture. A In other word B In short C In addition D In need 8.- Are you _ the exam? - No, i need two more hours. I havent remembered all the words. A prepared B preparing C prepared for D preparing for 【目标五】整理归纳,构建网络(根据所学知识,结合自己的理解,画出知识网络图,并 说出自己在知识和思想方面的收获) (5 分钟) 1.学生的收获: 2.学生的疑惑 3.教师精讲



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