外研版高中英语必修4 Module 6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》word学案1

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外研版高中英语必修4 Module 6《Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World》word学案1_第1页
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1、Book4 Module6 Unexplained Mysteries of the natural World Learning Paper1 Words and Phrases Learning aims: To master the new words and phrases来源:学#科#网 Importance and difficulty: Memory of the words and phrases I.Words and Phrases1. attack (v/n.)_;攻击者_;make an attack on ._ 2. frightening_;frightened_

2、3. exist (v.)_ ;( n.)_;4. calm (v.)_(adj.)_;保持冷静_5. disappear (v.)_;反义词_6. adapt (v.)_;adapt to_eg:适应当地环境_7. generous (adj.) _; be gegerous with sth_be generous in doing sth_eg:他花钱大方_;他慷慨助人_8. indicate (v.)_ ;( n.)_9.fortune(可数名词)_;(不可数)_(adj.)_; (adv.) _ (反义词) _来源:Zxxk.Com10.神话_;神秘的_11. claim (v/n)

3、 _ _;来源:Z+xx+k.Com12. die out_e straight to the point_14.因为/由于_;_;_15. get a clear look at sth_16.stick out_ 17. throw light on_; 18.according to_ 19. be related to_; 20.close to_ II. Fill the blanks with the words in the correct forms.fierce frightening mysterious sceptical exist diveclaim generous

4、claim1. A local photographer_ that he saw a monster.2. It is a very_experience to find yourself face to face with a tiger. 3. Tigers are very_animals and they can be extremely dangerous.4. Most scientists are_about the existence of sea monsters in cold lakes.来源:学|科|网 Z|X|X|K5.There are many_creature

5、s which people claim to see around the world. 6. This plant_only in Australia.7. He_from the bridge to rescue the drowning child.来源:学。科。网8. As a Party Member, he is always_in giving help. III. Complete the sentences.1. 那小孩以惊恐的眼神看着那个令人害怕的男人。The child stared at the _man with_eyes.2. 当你靠近一头老虎时,你会感到既紧张又

6、激动。When you_ _ _a tiger, you will fell nervous and excited.3. Recent research_ _ _ _ (已使了解)the cause of the disease.4. He talked and talked but never_ _ _ _ _ (谈到正题)5. 没有人看清这个人是谁。(get a clear look at)_ IV.Best choice 1. In my opinion, it is important to keep_in an emergency. A. quiet B.calm C. still

7、 D.silent 2. Many of the earths plants and animals have already_and several other species are endangered. A. died away B.died out C.died off D.died up3. To cut steak(牛肉), you need a knife with a_edge. A. narrow B.small C.sharp D.clear 4. They run to the pool, _in and swam to the other side.A. dived

8、B.dropped C.dipped D.fell 5. The_winds knocked over many telephone lines.A. fierce B. large C. huge D. noble 6. That ring must be worth a _.A. fortune B. money C. wealth D. property 7. He is just trying his_because it is impossible for him to work with brilliant directors.A.favour B.fortune C.life D.way 8. This company has a very bad_ in that province.A. repetition B.reputation C.famous D. name


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