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1、初二英语初二英语 Unit10Unit10 SectionSection A A (1a-1c)(1a-1c) 执笔:樊洪霞 课型:新授 使用时间:2007-12-17 审核: 宋文波 I.I. 学习目标学习目标: 单词单词 arrive hallway fight rule break 语法语法1.祈使句 Dont. 2. 情态动词 can 表示许可的用法 II.学习重难点学习重难点 情态动词 can 表示许可的用法 III. 课前准备课前准备 一一. Please learn the important words by yourselves.1. rule“规则规则” ,可数名词,构成的

2、短语有:,可数名词,构成的短语有: obey the rules 遵守规章 break the rules 违反规章 school rules = the rules of the school 校纪 class rules = the rules of the class 班规rule“统治,支配统治,支配” ,动词。,动词。 e.g. The king ruled the country 500 years ago.500 年前,国王统治着这个国家。2. arrive “到达” ,是一个不及物动词,其后不能直接跟地点名词,必须加上必须加上 in 或或 at. 在 “大地方”前加“in”,

3、在“小地方”前加“at”: e.g. When did you arrive in Shanghai? When we arrive at the school, it was 7:50. 3.break “违反违反” You break the rules in our school. 你破坏了学校的制度。break “损坏损坏” My little daughter often breaks glasses.我的小女儿经常摔坏玻璃 杯。 break “破门而入破门而入” A thief broke into MrsGreens house and took her necklace awa

4、y.一个小偷闯进了格林夫人的家偷走了她的项链。 二二. Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1.Dont arrive late for class. 2. Dont run in the hallways. 3. Dont eat in the classrooms. 4. Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways. 5. Dont fight IV. 学习过程学习过程: 1.Check the exercise above: Let two students translate th

5、e sentences. 2. Please look at the picture in 1a, which rules are these students breaking? Write the number next to the student. Give them one minute, then ask them tell us the answer. 3. Please listen to the tape and finish 1b. Tapescript (听力原文): Ms Clark: Hey, Peter. You know the rules. _ Peter: S

6、orry, Ms Clark. Mr. Smith: Nick, _. Nick: Oh, sorry, Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith: Hey, Salina._, Salina. Boy 1: He cant hear you, Mr. Smith. 4 . Pairwork:a.练习 1a 中的规章制度:A: What are the rules? B:Well, we cant arrive late for class. b.讨论我们平时应遵循的规章制度,动动脑筋动动脑筋,试着编写 1 个小对话. V.当堂检测当堂检测 一 . 句型转换:Eat in class, ple

7、ase. (改为否定句) _ eat in class, please. 二 翻译句子: 1.上课不要迟到。 2.不要在楼道上跑。 2.禁止在楼道上或教室里听音乐。 4. 禁止打架斗殴。 5.我们不能在教室里吃东西。 初二英语初二英语 Unit10 SectionSection A A (2a-2c)(2a-2c)执笔人:樊洪霞 课型:新授 时间:2007-12-18 审核: 宋文波 I. 学习目标学习目标:1. 祈使句 2. 情态动词 can 表示许可的用法 II. 学习重难点学习重难点 1. 祈使句 2. 情态动词 can 表示许可的用法 III.学前准备学前准备 翻译短语翻译短语 在教室

8、里听音乐 _在外面听音乐 _ 在音乐室听音乐_在教室里吃东西_ 在餐厅吃东西 _在外面吃东西 _ 戴帽子 _和同学们打架 _ IV.学习过程学习过程: 1.Check the answer above. 2.Play the tape for the students to check, then play it again and circle “can” or “cant”. 3.Listen to it again and fill in the blanks. Tapescript (听力原文): Cindy: What are the rules, Alex? Alex: Well,

9、 we cant_. But we can _. Cindy: Uh-huh. Alex: And we cant _,but we can _. Cindy: Oh. And we can_? Alex: No, we cant _. What else? Oh, you cant _. That makes the teachers really _ Cindy: I see 4. Pair work: give you five minutes to recite the conversation, then act it out in front of the class. 5. 谈论一下自己学校的规章制度: In our school, we have a lot of rules. We cant.,but we can. _ _ _ _ _ V. 随堂练习随堂练习: 翻译句子:1.你校的规章制度是什么? 2.我们能在学校里吃吗?3.你能在学校里戴帽子吗? 4.你不得不在学校里穿校服吗?5.你还必须要去做哪些事情? 6.我们可以在餐厅里吃饭,但是不能在教室里吃饭。


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