仁爱版英语八年级下册Unit 6 Topic 3《Bicycle riding is good exercise》(SectionD》word教案

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1、Unit6 Topic3 SectionD 参考教案参考教案. Material analysis本节课建议用 1 课时学完。主要活动为 Section D 的 1。本课通过谈论大型国际自行车比赛的话题,巩固本话题的语法,呼应本单元的标题,拓宽学生的视野,丰富他们的知识。要求学生通过本课的学习活动掌握黑体单词和短语 empty, Asia, among, France, mile, central 和 winner. 了解白体词汇 stream, altitude ,stage 和 cyclist,在综合复习 Sections A-C 的词汇、语法和功能句的基础上,帮助学生树立安全意识,培养学

2、生热爱运动、积极探索的态度。 . Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能正确拼读并运用黑体单词。2. 学生能熟练掌握条件状语从句的用法。3. 学生能了解两大国际自行车比赛的相关信息。Skill aims:1.能谈论自行车比赛。2.能使用英语简单陈述两大国际自行车比赛的相关信息。3.能读懂两大国际自行车比赛信息的短文。4.能用英语制定简单的交通规则。Emotional aims:1. 具有积极参与课堂上各种英语实践活动的兴趣。2. 培养学生热爱运动、积极探索的态度,树立安全意识。Key points:1. 学习有关叙述自行车比赛的词汇、短语和句式的表达。2. 掌握条

3、件状语从句的用法。Difficult points:用英语写作如何避免交通事故的发生。. Learning strategies1. 善于创设情景,在情景中提高语言交际能力,突显语言交际功能。2. 在日常学习中不断开阔视野,扩大知识面。. Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector,the video of a bicycle race, the maps of Asia and France, the picture and the stages. . Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent

4、 activityTeacher activityIntroduction (8 minutes)1. The whole class work. 2. The whole class work.3. The whole class work.4. The whole class work.5. The whole class work.6. The whole class work.1. Students focus their attention on the teacher. 2. Students read the passage about the bicycle safety. 3

5、. Students know about more information of the bicycle.4. Students report some information they collected about cycling races.5. Students watch the video and know about the cycling race.6. Students look at the pictures of 1 and introduce the events as much as possible.1. Greet the students and make t

6、hem ready for learning. 2. The teacher asks the students to report their homework. Let them read the passage about the bicycle safety. Let them build the sense of safety. 3. The teacher introduces more information about the bicycle: The bicycle can be used as an environmental vehicle of transport fo

7、r travel. More and more people use bicycles as fitness equipment for exercise, bike riding and traveling. The cycling race is a competitive sport which includes road cycling, mountain cycling and so on. Well know about something of the bicycle race today. 4. The teacher lets the students report some

8、 information they collected about cycling races. 5. The teacher shows the video of a cycling race to lead to the new lesson. 6. The teacher asks the students to look at the pictures of 1. Encourage the students who know something about the two events and introduce the events as much as possible.Pres

9、entation (10minutes)1. The whole class work.2. The whole class work.3. The whole class work.4. The whole class work.1. Students skim the passage of 1 and mark Q or F.2. Students check their answers with the teacher. 3. Students read the passage again and underline the new words. 4. Students learn an

10、d grasp the new words.1. The teacher asks the students to skim the passage of 1 and mark Q for the sentences that describe the Tour of Qinghai Lake and F for the Tour de France. (1) The race started in 2002. ( ) (2) Today the race covers 2,000 miles. ( ) (3) The race began in Paris. ( ) (4) It is th

11、e largest bicycle road race in Asia. ( ) (5) There are 21 timed stages over three weeks, with one or two days to rest. ( ) 2. The teacher asks two students to tell their answers.3. The teacher asks the students to read the passage again and underline the new words. 4. The teacher asks one student to

12、 tell the new words. Teach the new words: Asia and France by showing their maps. Teach the new word stage by showing a picture of a stage. Teach the new word winner by showing a picture of a champion. Teach the rest words by explaining them in Chinese. Consolidation (10 minutes)1. The whole class wo

13、rk.2.The whole class work.3. Group work. 4. The whole class work.5. The whole class work.6. Group work.7. The whole class work.8. The whole class work.1. Students read the passage after the recording sentence by sentence. 2. Students try to follow the speed, paying attention to the pronunciation and

14、 intonation. 3. Students work in groups and find out the difficult points.4. Students help each other to understand the passage. 5. Students underline the words, phrases and sentences and make a note.6. Students read and find out the key words in groups.7. Students retell the passage based on the ke

15、y words.8. Students evaluate the retelling. 1. The teacher plays the recording sentence by sentence. 2. The teacher plays the recording without stopping.3. The teacher asks the students to work in groups and find out the difficult points. 4. The teacher asks the students to tell the difficult points

16、. Ask other students to help them solve the problems. 5. The teacher makes a summary to explain the key points and difficult points to the students: (1) among all races among / between (2) 21 timed stages (3) The roads are very difficult to ride on. (4) without doing sth. 6. The teacher asks the students to read the passage carefully and find out the key words i


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