冀教版英语九下《Unit 2 DNA》word教案

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1、冀教九年级第二学期第二单元综合测试卷冀教九年级第二学期第二单元综合测试卷一.根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词的正确形式。1The twins have the same_(高度).2. This game is for_(成年人), not for children.3. He _(分) an apple into two halves.4. Andy has got some_(有用的) ideas for our new plan.5. I want to tell you a _(秘密).二.选择题6. Everybody wants to go to Mount Hu

2、ang,_ Lisa, who has gone there before.( )A. besides B. without C. except D. as for 7. I think Miss Yang wasnt_to the accident happening in your office.A. used B. related C. considered D.said8. Scientists_DNA form one kind of plant and_it into another kind of plant to make a pretty new one.A. take, g

3、ive B. make, put C.make, give D. take, put9. _room is very clean and tidy.A. Jims and Davids B.Jim and Davids C. Jims and David D. Jim and David10. Lets find out the answer_the question.A. to B. in C. on D. of11. Both my father and I_in the country.A. enjoys living B. enjoy to live C. enjoys to live

4、 D. enjoy living12. They left the twon on the morning_June 22nd.A. to B. in C. of D. at 13. Have you washed the dishes_?A.ever B. yet C. already D. ago14.Could you tell the differences_these two words?-OK, let me have a try.A. behind B. between C. across D. beside.15. Jack not only enjoys playing_fo

5、otball but also enjoys playing_flute.A./; the B. the; the C. the;/ D. /;/三. 完型填空A generation gap(代沟) has become a serious problem. I read a _16_ about it in the newspaper. Some children killed themselves after quarrelling with 17 . I think this is because they dont often have a talk with each other.

6、 Parents now 18 more time in the office, 19 they dont have much time to stay with their children. As time passes, they both feel that they dont have the 20 topics(话题)to talk about. I want to tell parents to be more with your 21 , get to know them and 22 them. And for children, show your 23 to your p

7、arents. They are the people who love you. So 24 them your thoughts ( 想法). In this way, you 25 have a better understanding of each other.16A.messageB.reportC.letterD. call17A.friendsB.classmatesC.parentsD. teachers18A.stayB.workC.haveD. spend19A.ifB.becauseC.soD. but20A.sameB.trueC.goodD. interesting

8、21A.childrenB.officeC.workD. business22A.understandB.loveC.get on withD. look after23A.secretB.interestC.troubleD. feeling24A.sayB.answerC.askD. tell25A.shouldB.mustC.canD. would四. 阅读理解A.Once there were two brothers who were twins. They looked the same. They both had the same dark brown hair, blue e

9、yes and beautiful teeth. They were both 5 feet 10 inches tall and both weighed 150 pouds.They not only looked alike but also sounded alike on the telephone. Not even their family could tell the difference. They dressed alike, listened to the same music, and read the asme books.When they were twenty-

10、tree, they both got married and a year later both had sons. The years went by and as they began to grow old, they both wore glasses and they both became. bald.Then one day, one of the brothers got sick and died. A few days later a man stopped the other twin on the street.“Excuse me for asking,” he s

11、aid, “but was it you or your brother who died?”26. It was not easy to tell the two men from each other because_.A. they were brothers B. they were handsomeC. they were the same age D. they were twins27. The twin brothers_.A. had different coloured hair B. were not so tall as each otherC. looked very

12、 much alike D.wore different clothes28. “They both became bald” means_.A. they became old B. they had sonsC.they had little hair D. they got sick29. The only difference between the twins was_.A. one got sick and died first B. one was shorter than the otherC. one got married and had a son D. one was

13、bald and the other wasnt30. The man stopped the other twin on the street because_.A. he wanted to talk with him B. he didnt know which of them diedC. he wanted to make friends with him D. he was surprised to see him on the street.五.书面表达学了关于克隆的文章后,李明很有感触,他在日记中写道:孩子的 DNA 来自父母。妈妈的嘴小,所以我的嘴也小,爸爸的眼睛大,所以我的

14、眼睛也大,妈妈的个子矮,所以我的个子也矮;他们的头发都很黑,所以我的头发也很黑。我非常想克隆一个我。那样的话,我就不用上学,天天玩耍,而让他替我上学!请帮李明用英语写写这段话。参考答案及范文一根据下列句子的意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词的正确形式1height 2. adults 3. divided 4. useful 5. secret二.选择题6-10 CBDBA 11-15 DCBBA三完型填空16-20 BCDCA 21-25 AADDC四阅读理解26-30 DCCAB五写作Childrens DNA comes from their parents. Mothers mouth is small, so is mine. Fathers eyes are big, so are mine. Mother is short, so am I. Both of them have black hair, so do I. I want to clone myself. Then I dont need to go to school. I would play all the day. And let him go to school instead. That would be fun!


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